
June Meeting: Why Are the Anti-Catholic American Bishops Afraid of Dialogue?

More than sixty U.S. bishops wrote to presiding Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez in May, pressing him in view of the June meeting of the bishops' conference.

They want to prevent dialogue on how to stop abortion politicians from receiving sacrilegious Communion, PillarCatholic.com (May 25) writes.

The letter was signed by the usual anti-Catholic prelates, including the Cardinals Gregory (Washington), Cupich (Chicago), and O’Malley (Boston). Dolan (New York) withdrew his name after first signing the letter, likely in order to play both sides.

They refer to Curia Cardinal Ladaria's May 7 letter that was instigated by Cupich and Tobin.

Picture: Blase Cupich, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsWbnxtulivr

Ultimately there wouldn't be any "dialogue". The Vatican has already signalled its support of Biden/ Pelosi which is enough for politically astute bishops to avoid career-destroying defiance.
Is it possible to find a list of the 60?
Roberto 55
Dialogue with whom?