
Cardinal: Tobin, Cupich Should Represent the Church - Not the Biden Party

What is known: On May 7, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, the feckless Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote a letter to the US bishops pushing for abortion communion.

What is not know: A few days earlier, on April 30, the Cardinals Cupich (Chicago) and Tobin (Newark) - the leading proponents of abortion communion - had met with Ladaria.

Cardinal Gerhard Müller commented on EWTN.com (May 13) that they came to Rome as “members or representatives of the Democratic [Abortion] Party” - but Müller said they should be “representatives of Jesus Christ”.

He added that it is not legitimate for a bishop to play power games in the background, and that it has always been “very wrong” when bishops got too close to the political establishment.


Dante is no more authentic Scripture than Milton, Jeff. Just sayin'.
Jeffrey Ade
The Hottest Places in Hell Are Reserved for Those Who in a Period of Moral Crisis Maintain Their Neutrality. Dante
Dont blame him he is a good man ,it is never too late ,Look at arcbishop Vigano he is now fight the good fight for truth and this Cardinal iam sure he will do the same for the german catholics and the church he just have to be more outspoken and forcefull about it ,stay firm in the faith
Why didn't he do something when he was prefect?