
Cardinal About Francis' Mass Bann: "It Was Night!"

Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen, 88, expressed “pain” and “indignation” over Francis’ anti-Mass-decree which forbids celebrating Mass in St Peter’s, allowing only passive concelebrations. In an Open …More
Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen, 88, expressed “pain” and “indignation” over Francis’ anti-Mass-decree which forbids celebrating Mass in St Peter’s, allowing only passive concelebrations.
In an Open March 30 Letter to Cardinal Sarah, Zen writes that if it weren’t for the coronavirus restrictions, he would take the first flight to Rome and "kneel" in front of Francis’ residence until he withdraws his ukase. However, Francis has no use for kneeling.
Zen recalled the times when he celebrated Mass in St Peter’s. “I think these were the Masses that, in my life, I celebrated with greatest fervour and emotion, sometimes with tears, praying for our living martyrs in China.”
For Zen it is time to reduce the excessive power of the Secretariat of State, that issued the anti-Mass-decree, "Let them content themselves with playing worldly diplomacy with the father of lies."
The Cardinal quotes the John 13:30 reference to Judas’ betrayal, “It was night!”
"Away with the sacrilegious hands from [St. Peter's Basilica]! Let them be content to play worldly diplomacy with the father of lies. Let them make the Secretariat of State 'a den of thieves' but leave God’s devout people in peace!"