
Benedictines: Guess Where Success Looms

How healthy is the Benedictine Congregation of Solesmes, ReligionEnLibertad.com (May 27) asked Dom Santiago Cantera, the prior of the Spanish Valle de los Caídos Monastery. In December 2019 ReligionDigital.org falsely claimed that Cantera was leaving the priesthood.

Solesmes Congregation gathers around 600 monks and 175 nuns in 31 monasteries and priories in nine countries. Some of them use the Roman Rite. Unlike most of the others, the monks of Solesmes Congregation didn’t go crazy after the failed Vatican II.

According to Cantera, some of the monasteries are “very buoyant in terms of vocations.” Not surprisingly these are the Roman Rite monasteries of the Congregation such as Fontgombault (France) and Clear Creek (USA). Cantera calls them “very traditional monasteries with many vocations.”

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsByaayqddgb

Ja het Universele Tridentijnse, Romeinse, Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie groeit zeer snel.
De Profundis
"I have to say that Pope Francis has single-handedly taken from me all of the fun of being a Catholic -- not that fun is the point, of course, but it's still a loss. I used to be confident that the Holy See had my back (on doctrine, liturgy, discipline ...), now I never know whether Francis might ordain a woman a deacon on his lunch break or celebrate Mass in a sport-shirt in order to rebuke the "…More
"I have to say that Pope Francis has single-handedly taken from me all of the fun of being a Catholic -- not that fun is the point, of course, but it's still a loss. I used to be confident that the Holy See had my back (on doctrine, liturgy, discipline ...), now I never know whether Francis might ordain a woman a deacon on his lunch break or celebrate Mass in a sport-shirt in order to rebuke the "Doctors of the Law." He has too much experience, alas, as a Jesuit superior."
--Fr. Paul Mankowski SJ