
McCarrick: Strickland Points to Francis' Double Standard

US nuncio Pierre read to him “several pages of issues” as to why he was removed (“relieved”), Strickland told EWTN.com (November 16). Pierre didn't mention a single administrative concern. The excuses …More
US nuncio Pierre read to him “several pages of issues” as to why he was removed (“relieved”), Strickland told EWTN.com (November 16).
Pierre didn't mention a single administrative concern. The excuses given were, for example, a "lack of fraternity" with the other bishops which amounts to "I’m speaking up and they are not”, Strickland said, adding that his relationship with the other bishops was cordial.
Another “issue” was the fact that Strickland didn't implement (“didn't respond”) to Traditionis Custodes - even though the majority of diocesan bishops did the same.
Strickland's social media presence was an issue where he spoke freely - following Francis' hypocritical encouragement to "parrhesia" - as a successor of the apostles, “I'm not attacking anyone. I love the Church, Francis, all the bishops. We should be working together", Strickland declared.
He noted that there are still "many bishops" in office who are "corrupt and closely connected to the McCarrick scandal" but "we've …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
Despite reports that issues of “governance … financial matters, [and] basic prudence” prompted the investigation into Strickland, no administrative concerns were mentioned in a Nov. 9 conversation between the bishop and Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Cardinal Christophe Pierre. Instead, the Nuncio cited as areas of concern Strickland’s “fraternity with [his] brother bishops,” his so-called …More
Despite reports that issues of “governance … financial matters, [and] basic prudence” prompted the investigation into Strickland, no administrative concerns were mentioned in a Nov. 9 conversation between the bishop and Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Cardinal Christophe Pierre. Instead, the Nuncio cited as areas of concern Strickland’s “fraternity with [his] brother bishops,” his so-called failure to implement “Traditionis Custodes” — the Vatican’s restrictions on the celebration of the pre-1969 Latin form of the Mass, his outspoken social media presence, and a lack of support for the Synod on Synodality.
Our Lady of Fatima warned of this.
John A Cassani
There is so much talk amongst priests of “priestly fraternity,” but I’d never heard of concerns about “episcopal fraternity” before now. Of course, bishops become concerned when young, conservative priests are not progressing towards being “pastoral” at the right pace. It’s the same thing with bishops now. They obviously don’t want anyone to try any approach besides the ones that have been …More
There is so much talk amongst priests of “priestly fraternity,” but I’d never heard of concerns about “episcopal fraternity” before now. Of course, bishops become concerned when young, conservative priests are not progressing towards being “pastoral” at the right pace. It’s the same thing with bishops now. They obviously don’t want anyone to try any approach besides the ones that have been failing for 60 years. The next failure on the docket: The Eucharistic Revival.
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
Trying to pretend Strickland was removed for administrative failings was always idiotic spin, but this idea removed Bishops are owed procedural fairness or natural justice is equally fantasy.
we catholics should be more upset about what its going on in vatican ,we shall not accept a water down catholic church ,we have to be faithfull to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ ,and resist woke and modernism
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio himself, with his apostate declaration that he is nobody to judge a gay priest, recognized that he has no spiritual power. Bergoglio is like a corrupt judge who violates the law to set the guilty free and punish the innocent and the Word of God says that those are the two things that are abominable by God.
Sandy Barrett
ARROYO: “Did Cardinal Pierre offer any reason for the request for you to retire, or resign from your office, rather?”
+STRICKLAND: “Yes. He read several pages of issues of concerns. And really, he made it clear that the decision is made. He was just sort of giving me information about what the decision was based on. And it was, let me say — because there's a lot out there — because of some comments …More
ARROYO: “Did Cardinal Pierre offer any reason for the request for you to retire, or resign from your office, rather?”

+STRICKLAND: “Yes. He read several pages of issues of concerns. And really, he made it clear that the decision is made. He was just sort of giving me information about what the decision was based on. And it was, let me say — because there's a lot out there — because of some comments, even from a priest in the diocese. Oh, ‘administrative concerns’ — he didn't mention a single administrative concern that I heard. He did mention a lack of fraternity with my brother bishops, which I think basically comes down to […]: ‘I'm speaking up and they're not.’ So that's been a bit uncomfortable. But they've been very cordial, and I've been at various meetings and at various events. So that was one thing. The fact that I didn't implement Traditiones Custodes, I basically didn't not implement, I just didn't respond. We have a few Latin Masses, and as I said, I felt like I couldn't deprive that portion of the flock of the nourishment they were receiving — great young families packed to the gills, these churches where we have one FSSP church, so that's accurate. I didn't implement that. I think other bishops have not responded to that, as maybe the Vatican wishes. So that was one of the issues. Certainly my Internet, social media presence. I'd already been told to cool it on that, but I feel it's important. I'm a successor of the apostles, and that's a huge responsibility, and I feel the responsibility of speaking the truth as I understand it. I've tried to do so respectfully. I'm not about attacking anyone. I love the Church. I love Christ, his Church, Pope Francis. We're all bishops. We're all successors of the apostles. We should be working together.”
Confirmation that Nuncio Pierre has been threatening bishops with removal if they won't destroy parishes by cancelling Latin Masses.
Jan Joseph
Keurig, blijf u verdedigen Mgr. Strickland.