
Astana: Rigid Francis Is Still Obsessed with Rigidity

Francis who is a nostalgic of the failed Vatican II, delivered another rigidity rant on September 15 when telling the local clergy at Astana Cathedral, not to be "nostalgic," not "to be stuck in the …More
Francis who is a nostalgic of the failed Vatican II, delivered another rigidity rant on September 15 when telling the local clergy at Astana Cathedral, not to be "nostalgic," not "to be stuck in the past” and not to be "paralysed and immobile.”
In a complaining, rigid, ideological and moralising attitude, Francis insisted on a Church that is “uncomplaining, rejecting rigidity, dogmatism and moralising.”
He insisted on giving more room to the laity “lest our communities become rigid or clerical” - but did not say where the money should come from to pay their salaries.
He preached that seminaries should not be “places of rigidity and formality” although this danger is low as most Novus Ordo seminaries are empty.
In a speech at the VII Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions whose declaration was secretly changed, Francis said that “rigid and suffocating forms of religion belong not to the future but to the past."
These words aptly characterise Francis' dying Vatican II …More
Ursula Sankt
Don't be "enforcers of religious rules", Francis told Kazakh bishops. Unless they're rules he actually cares about.
Our Lord didn’t say thou art a floppy jellyfish and upon this jellyfish I will build your church!
Instead Christ would build His Church upon a ridged Rock. St Matt 16:18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
St Matt 16:18 is part of the job description if you don’t like it, move on.
Jeffrey Ade
No He didn't say say a floppy jelly fish! But there he is!
Rand Miller
Francis often engages in projection.
la verdad prevalece
Don't be "enforcers of religious rules", Bergoglio tells Kazakh bishops
On the final day of his visit to Kazakhstan, Francis urged the country's Catholic leaders to be careful "lest our communities become rigid or clerical"
Read more at: Don’t be enforcers of religious rules, pope tells Kazakh bishopsMore
Don't be "enforcers of religious rules", Bergoglio tells Kazakh bishops
On the final day of his visit to Kazakhstan, Francis urged the country's Catholic leaders to be careful "lest our communities become rigid or clerical"

Read more at: Don’t be enforcers of religious rules, pope tells Kazakh bishops
communism is rigid ,ask the people from china ,cuba venezuela