
Cardinal Gambetti: Nepotism Is Flourishing in the Vatican

The blog SilereNonPossum.it (May 28) published a long article about what is going on in the Fabric of Saint Peter which is responsible for the maintenance of Saint Peter’s Basilica. Highlights.

• Francis put Cardinal Mauro Gambetti in charge of the Fabric to increase the cashflow because Francis’ pauperistic choices have gotten the Vatican into financial troubles.

• Gambetti moved his office from the ground floor where he was easily accessible, to the third floor with a nice living room, new bathrooms, a coffee room, new furniture. All paid by the Fabric.

• Gabetti promised that a new management would be built and said that the 35 employees of the Fabric were too many, but nobody would be fired.

• Gambetti ordered big cuts for which the simple employees must pay – not the managers.

• Gambetti’s allies are Monsignor Orazio Pepe and Archbishop Mario Giordana, a former commissioner of the Fabric who is still around.

• Like in a family business, Gambetti has brought with him six friends (“a colony of ‘nephews’”) from Assisi where they lost their position when Gambetti was promoted to Rome.

• The friends receive a €2,400 per month base + reimbursements for travel, board, and lodging, and luxurious flats. Some of them have Italian pensions.

• Among the new positions are a Human Resources Manager (68 years old, pensioner); an Administration, Budget, Control and Finance Manager (Gambetti’s childhood friend and wife of the IT manager; hiring relatives is prohibited in the Vatican); an IT Manager; a Security and Liturgical Celebrations Manager (drives a €50’000 Audi); a Sales, Marketing and External Relations Manager.

• Gambetti can disregard the law because he is a friend of Francis.

Picture: Mauro Gambetti © Wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsJgyufvzodd

Jeffrey Ade
In het Vaticaan komen we de maffia tegen.
Lisi Sterndorfer
“I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” -Jesus