
Schneider: Novus Ordo Creates Protestant Style Confusion

The Protestant shaping of the liturgy is a wound in the Church, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told the Confraternity of Fatima (May 13, video sequence below). Presiding the Novus Ordo towards the people …More
The Protestant shaping of the liturgy is a wound in the Church, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told the Confraternity of Fatima (May 13, video sequence below).
Presiding the Novus Ordo towards the people makes it look "like a protestant meeting, like a meal, like a conference,” Schneider analyses saying that this is contrary to Catholic tradition where priests and faithful have been facing the same direction since the apostolic times.
A Protestant style confusion has been created by liturgical reductionism and removing the distinction between sanctuary and nave, Schneider noticed.
He calls grabbing Communion "not in itself sacrilegious" but stresses that it implies exposing the consecrated host to desacralisation, "because particles are [inevitably] falling down on the floor and are trampled by feet.”
De Profundis
“If a person has a way of life which is against the major Commandments, and makes a boast of it, then the person is in a state which is publicly sinful. He should not go to Communion, until his life should be in line with the Gospel”. - Cardinal Francis Arinze
According to the late Fr Malachi Martin, who had read the authentic Third Secret of Fatima, its essential contents were made known in the Holy Virgins second formal message to the world in 1965.
"Fr. Martin: the secret was meant for the people, not for the popes, not for the bishops, not for the holy office. It was meant to be published in 1960, by explicit order, by the mandate of heaven. …More
According to the late Fr Malachi Martin, who had read the authentic Third Secret of Fatima, its essential contents were made known in the Holy Virgins second formal message to the world in 1965.
"Fr. Martin: the secret was meant for the people, not for the popes, not for the bishops, not for the holy office. It was meant to be published in 1960, by explicit order, by the mandate of heaven. John XXIII, God bless him and rest him, but he's with God now in whatever form that is, he decided not to. He had his own reasons. We think, with all due respect and veneration, etc, etc...that he made a very bad mistake. And indeed...in 1961 there was a second appearance, this time in Spain, in Garabandal. And the opening words of that revelation were: 'Because my sons have not listened to my orders, my mandate, here is what is going to happen...'

and the message was very dire,a repetition of the Third Secret in brief form.

October18, 1961: We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives, If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us.
June 18, 1965: As my message of October 18 has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over.
Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation. Pray to us with sincerity and we will grant your requests. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the passion of Jesus." ….. [End quotes]

Unsurprisingly the appearances began on June 18,1961 quickly followed by the release of the first message on October 18.. Both messages were given formal approval by the local Bishop in July,1965. Their promotion was encouraged by Pope John Paul II in a letter to German author Albrecht Weber. Full documentation is with Pope Benedict XVI.
Sancte Teotónio
Garabandal was not approved by the church, not even by local bishop. If anything, its satanic.
Statement by Bishop Aldazabal of Santander (Spain) who, in a nota dated July 8, 1965, had to admit:
"We would like to say, however, that we have found no grounds for an ecclesiastical condemnation, either in the doctrine or in the spiritual recommendations that have been divulged in the events and addressed to the Christian faithful; furthermore, these recommendations contain exhortations to prayer …More
Statement by Bishop Aldazabal of Santander (Spain) who, in a nota dated July 8, 1965, had to admit:
"We would like to say, however, that we have found no grounds for an ecclesiastical condemnation, either in the doctrine or in the spiritual recommendations that have been divulged in the events and addressed to the Christian faithful; furthermore, these recommendations contain exhortations to prayer, sacrifice, devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and devotion to the Blessed Virgin under traditional praiseworthy forms; these are also exhortations to a holy fear of the Lord, offended by our sins..."
You would have a hard time convincing me the Bishops declaration was conceived under demonic influence.
I respectfully suggest you review your erroneous conclusion and live, the Holy Virgins Messages before its too late. That was the advice given by Pope John Paul II. I endorse it completely.
Sancte Teotónio
Where is the approval for public peregrinations and public worship?
Is that a document or just a an interview?
The satanic part is the behaviour of the alleged seers.
Walking with the head backwards or looking up, floating and levitation is not a thing good spirits do.More
Where is the approval for public peregrinations and public worship?
Is that a document or just a an interview?

The satanic part is the behaviour of the alleged seers.
Walking with the head backwards or looking up, floating and levitation is not a thing good spirits do.
In 1991, Cardinal Ratzinger examined all the evidence from Garabandal, and he judged the case as "uncertain" (non constat). So why are you so certain that Garabandal is "satanic?" youtu.be/lUYuO7M4k_s?t=4514
Sancte Teotónio
So where is the approval?
@Sancte Teotónio
Accept the fact that the essential part [Apostasy] of the Fatima Third Secret is embedded in the Holy Virgins second message for the world as confirmed by Fr Malachi Martin.
Bad Spirits do not promote the Holy Rosary.
Sancte Teotónio
If you want to have a private devotion, no one can forbid you not even the church, but what is forbidden is to promote something publicly which is not approved by a local bishop atleast.
That's the spirit of disobedience to the Holy Mother Church, which 99% of those fake apparitions have. They ignore the church's authority and encourage the followers to disobey also, forming a sect. And people don't …More
If you want to have a private devotion, no one can forbid you not even the church, but what is forbidden is to promote something publicly which is not approved by a local bishop atleast.
That's the spirit of disobedience to the Holy Mother Church, which 99% of those fake apparitions have. They ignore the church's authority and encourage the followers to disobey also, forming a sect. And people don't even realise that.
Credo .
Our lady of Fatima "Ora Pro Nobis"
Live Mike
@Sancte Teotónio wrote,
"The satanic part is the behaviour of the alleged seers.
Walking with the head backwards or looking up, floating and levitation is not a thing good spirits do."

Have you ever studied the culture of Medieval Spain? What physical orientation would a peasant take before royalty?
Would a peasant ever turn their back to the King or Queen?
What do we find in the case of Garabandal …More
@Sancte Teotónio wrote,
"The satanic part is the behaviour of the alleged seers.
Walking with the head backwards or looking up, floating and levitation is not a thing good spirits do."

Have you ever studied the culture of Medieval Spain? What physical orientation would a peasant take before royalty?
Would a peasant ever turn their back to the King or Queen?
What do we find in the case of Garabandal with the Queen of Heaven?
Were St. Teresa of Ávila, St. Joseph of Cupertino and St. Martin de Porres (all who levitated) being affected or manipulated by demonic forces? "Levitation is a very concrete miracle that serves as a sign of union with God, and calls the witnesses to seek the same." - Adam Blai, The Catholic Guide to Miracles
@Credo .
Live Mike
Norms regarding the manner of proceedings in the discernment of presumed apparitions or revelations
"Pope Paul VI deleted certain canons of the 1917 Code of Canon Law on 14 August 1970. These canons regulated de jure the publication of all books or pamphlets which speak about new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies, miracles, or which introduce new devotions, even though justified as …More
Norms regarding the manner of proceedings in the discernment of presumed apparitions or revelations

"Pope Paul VI deleted certain canons of the 1917 Code of Canon Law on 14 August 1970. These canons regulated de jure the publication of all books or pamphlets which speak about new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies, miracles, or which introduce new devotions, even though justified as private. The restrictions were especially stringent and numerous, so that it was practically impossible to publicize any presumed apparitions or private revelations. Such prohibitions have not been part of the 1983 Code of Canon Law."

Perhaps @Sancte Teotónio was unaware of the changes.
One more comment from Live Mike
Live Mike
@Sancte Teotónio wrote, "Garabandal was not approved by the church, not even by local bishop. If anything, its satanic."
Apparently, Sancte Teotónio knows more than the bishops of Santander empowered with the official authority of the Catholic Church to decide such matters.
What is the Catholic Church's Official Position on Garabandal? Bishop Juan Antonio del Val Gallo, … @Credo .
Sancte Teotónio
@LiveMike, Thank you for the vid, it just confirms what i said. The first bishops placed restrictions, and this bishop of the video is carelessly removing them but he only allowed visits, even tough the process is in the congregation of the Fatih and it did not approved anything yet.
If you want to needlessly follow something who is not approved is up to you, but this is similar to the medjugorie …More
@LiveMike, Thank you for the vid, it just confirms what i said. The first bishops placed restrictions, and this bishop of the video is carelessly removing them but he only allowed visits, even tough the process is in the congregation of the Fatih and it did not approved anything yet.

If you want to needlessly follow something who is not approved is up to you, but this is similar to the medjugorie deception, has the same fruits and the same disobedient behaviour to the Church.
Live Mike
@Sancte Teotónio wrote, "this is similar to the medjugorie deception, has the same fruits and the same disobedient behaviour to the Church." Shame on you for writing such an outrageous lie. Sadly, you are woefully uninformed and don't have the faintest idea of what you're talking about. To what disobedient behavior by the girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal are you referring? Please be specify …More
@Sancte Teotónio wrote, "this is similar to the medjugorie deception, has the same fruits and the same disobedient behaviour to the Church." Shame on you for writing such an outrageous lie. Sadly, you are woefully uninformed and don't have the faintest idea of what you're talking about. To what disobedient behavior by the girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal are you referring? Please be specify in your answer (eg. names, dates, content) or withdraw your statement.
Live Mike
@Credo . Garabandal - An Arrow Pointing Towards The Great Secret of Fatima Garabandal - An Arrow Pointing Towards The Great Secret of Fatima.pptx
Thank you for your clarity, Bishop Schneider. Vatican II was the revolution bringing the "new world order" into the Catholic Church. The change in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which resulted from Vatican II, was/is the instrument of change - "praying shapes believing" - lex orandi, lex credendi. From what we can glean about the true contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima, Our Lady warned therein …More
Thank you for your clarity, Bishop Schneider. Vatican II was the revolution bringing the "new world order" into the Catholic Church. The change in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which resulted from Vatican II, was/is the instrument of change - "praying shapes believing" - lex orandi, lex credendi. From what we can glean about the true contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima, Our Lady warned therein about an "evil council and changes in the Mass." This is why Our Lady wanted the secret revealed no later than 1960. The current confusion and apostasy in the Church are the consequence of the conciliar popes having ignored Our Lady's warning and failing to reveal the authentic 3rd secret of Fatima. Let us pray that the true contents of the 3rd secret are revealed by Pope Benedict XVI before he passes from this world.