
Coup de Théâtre: French Old Rite Institutes Ask For Mediator

In an August 31 letter to the French bishops the superiors of nine male and three female Old Rite institutes express their “great suffering,” as they feel “suspected, sidelined, banished” by Traditionis Custodes.

Using Francis speak, they protest their “adherence” to the "magisterium" since Vatican II, ask for “a human, personal dialogue, full of trust, far from ideologies or the coldness of administrative decrees,” and suggest “that a mediator be designated who will be for us the human face of this dialogue.”

They even quote Amoris Laetitia that encourages the pastors to listen with sensitivity and serenity.

The result of a recent informal meeting, the letter was delivered to three bishops, among them presiding Reims Bishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, a fan of female Cardinals.


De Profundis
Augustyn z Hippony
Catholics were always lonley. From Vaticanum II heresy is inside the Church, Heresy of modernism.
Vaticanum II return to Church 1st christianity... church with heresy of Arius and church ortodoksy of st. Atanasy (in our time it was bishop M. Lefevbre)
The traiditional insitituts run from Francis tobishops and ask about... execly, about what? Mercy?
The lions which want our catholics blood are inside …More
Catholics were always lonley. From Vaticanum II heresy is inside the Church, Heresy of modernism.
Vaticanum II return to Church 1st christianity... church with heresy of Arius and church ortodoksy of st. Atanasy (in our time it was bishop M. Lefevbre)
The traiditional insitituts run from Francis tobishops and ask about... execly, about what? Mercy?
The lions which want our catholics blood are inside the church... Thay name are MODERNISTS.
""[The Church] must never become a body in conflict, with winners and losers," Once agiain Francis forgets his history @Werte JPII was forced to guide The Church as a body in conflict with schismatics. As for winners and losers, it's kinda tough to lose worse than getting excommunicated.
Excommunicated from VII. Could the Church have survived without VII?
Francis in 2014: "[The Church] must never become a body in conflict, with winners and losers, for in this way she would spread apprehension become rigid and less synodal, imposing a uniformity far removed from the rich plurality that the Spirit has bestowed on His Church"
De Profundis
"We are eager to entrust the tragedies we are living to a father's heart. We need listening and goodwill, not condemnation without prior dialogue."
Angelo Santelli
Just ignore Bergoglio. Why any Roman Catholic takes him seriously is mind boggling. He is, as anyone who prays kows, a tool of Satan. Pure and simple.
He's the head of the Church. It's very revealing that you find Roman-Catholics taking The Pope serious as "mind-boggling".
"as anyone who prays kows,"
As anyone who reasons "kows" (sic) that' s a No True Scotsman fallacy.More
He's the head of the Church. It's very revealing that you find Roman-Catholics taking The Pope serious as "mind-boggling".

"as anyone who prays kows,"

As anyone who reasons "kows" (sic) that' s a No True Scotsman fallacy.