Funeral of the Big Whore: Responsible Now Claim that They Didn't Know Anything..

Following the outrage over the scandalous funeral of the big prostitute at St Patrick's Cathedral in New York on 15 February, the rector claimed that he too shared the outrage over the "scandalous …More
Following the outrage over the scandalous funeral of the big prostitute at St Patrick's Cathedral in New York on 15 February, the rector claimed that he too shared the outrage over the "scandalous behaviour" of those present.
Reverend Enrique Salvo assured in a statement on 17 February that he had already presided an "appropriate" Eucharist of Reparation at the direction of the (opportunistic) Cardinal Timothy Dolan. The priest failed to provide any further information, such as why this alleged Eucharist was presided over in secret.
Salvo claimed that he was "unaware" of the funeral plans.
But as rector it is his duty to know what's going on in his cathedral. "I knew nothing" is the usual phrase used by clerics to evade responsibility.
Rev. Salvo's statement was released by Joseph Zwilling, director of communications for the Archdiocese of New York, who protested: "We don't do background checks on people who come to us for funerals."
This explanation is highly implausible, as the person …More
Actually A Catholic
NY Archdiocese spokesperson Joseph Zwilling has OUTTED himself as being involved in this horrific offense against GOD.
See his statement in the Guardian's Feb 18th article.
So the following three NY Archdiocese staff have been CLEARLY identified as involved:
Mr. Joseph Zwilling
Fr. Edward Dougherty, M.M.
Fr. Andrew King

Those that can honestly claim ignorance are JUST as guilty though as they had …More
NY Archdiocese spokesperson Joseph Zwilling has OUTTED himself as being involved in this horrific offense against GOD.

See his statement in the Guardian's Feb 18th article.

So the following three NY Archdiocese staff have been CLEARLY identified as involved:

Mr. Joseph Zwilling
Fr. Edward Dougherty, M.M.
Fr. Andrew King

Those that can honestly claim ignorance are JUST as guilty though as they had a DUTY to GOD to prevent and/or stop this grave ASSAULT upon God.

The Cathedral Must Be Re-Consecrated.
Katja Metzger
Ideological colonization happens more through the imagination than through argumentation. "It's just art" surrenders the fight.
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
When others talk about “dialogue”, remember that this is how the other side actually behaves and exactly how much respect they have.
Louis IX
A great reminder to be vigilant in every sense of the word.
Someday, any place that had a Novus Ordo celebration will have to be re-consecrated. I hope I live to see it!!🥳
Actually A Catholic
The response has been wildly inadequate.
The cathedral must be re-consecrated.
Nothing less is sufficient.

It has been desecrated beyond words.
They are now trying to sweep the filthy mess under the carpet.
They have no faith.
They are all a pack of demon addled degenerates -- including those that can claim ignorance because they have NO RIGHT to have been ignorant.
It was their DUTY to protect …
The response has been wildly inadequate.

The cathedral must be re-consecrated.

Nothing less is sufficient.

It has been desecrated beyond words.

They are now trying to sweep the filthy mess under the carpet.

They have no faith.

They are all a pack of demon addled degenerates -- including those that can claim ignorance because they have NO RIGHT to have been ignorant.

It was their DUTY to protect CHRIST'S CHURCH.
Actually A Catholic
There was full knowledge and participation among a significant number of St. Pat's clerical and other staff.
We have proof as you and SonOfTheChurch point out.
AND Matt Gaspers of CFN has IDENTIFIED two of the priests ASSIGNED to ST PAT'S by name: Fr. Edward Dougherty, M.M., & Fr. Andrew King (see Gasper's twitter)
A large segment clearly knew.
AND those that did not know HAD A DUTY TO …More

There was full knowledge and participation among a significant number of St. Pat's clerical and other staff.

We have proof as you and SonOfTheChurch point out.

AND Matt Gaspers of CFN has IDENTIFIED two of the priests ASSIGNED to ST PAT'S by name: Fr. Edward Dougherty, M.M., & Fr. Andrew King (see Gasper's twitter)

A large segment clearly knew.

AND those that did not know HAD A DUTY TO KNOW and are JUST as guilty.


NO decent Catholic can tolerate anything less as we will all answer to God for our response on a sin this GRAVE.
It is a LIE…a bald-faced diabolical LIE excreted from the bowels of Satan himself that they “did not know.” They knew…they ALL knew. They had to know who this mutilated man was and the type of unclean lifestyle he very openly, publicly and notoriously led, a circus-clown life of “in-your-face” profanities that would be sure to fuel and ignite the type of monstrous debauchery and sacrilege that …More
It is a LIE…a bald-faced diabolical LIE excreted from the bowels of Satan himself that they “did not know.” They knew…they ALL knew. They had to know who this mutilated man was and the type of unclean lifestyle he very openly, publicly and notoriously led, a circus-clown life of “in-your-face” profanities that would be sure to fuel and ignite the type of monstrous debauchery and sacrilege that those who share his depravities would be most eager to rush into the Cathedral and commit. Both the Rector and the authorities at the Archdiocese KNEW with certainty that in view of this guy’s longtime activism and leadership among New York’s society of sodomites and castrates, there would assuredly be hordes of degenerates overrunning St. Patrick’s for his funeral, raving and ranting and cavorting about like rabid beasts, putting on an egregious display of filth and engaging openly in vile, vulgar, vomitus abomination before the whole world — and for no other reason than to cause public outrage and to scandalize and grievously offend the pious sensibilities of the Catholic Faithful.

His comrades who share his sick, delusional madness carefully and strategically planned this entire debacle, and were only too glad for the open door of opportunity given to them officially by Cathedral leadership to come into our sacred place, the Lord’s Temple, a place sanctified and made holy by the Presence of Christ and the sacrifice of His Blood and Body, and smear their excrement all over its consecrated spaces, rubbing their filth in our collective face with mocking and gleeful derision, all while Holy Mother Church and her true adherents are forced to stand by impotently. The Church’s foolhardy decision makers fell right into the malicious, malodorous hands of the deviants who organized and sponsored all of this, and were cheaply played like an out-of-tune piano.

Thus, the GREATER abomination committed heinously here is that the competent ecclesial authorities allowed and gave approval for such sick obscenities to be brought into the House of God in the first place. For it to have even been considered as a legitimate possibility by any Priest in charge, that a very well-known, widely recognized, nationally acclaimed, publicly acknowledged and unrepentant atheist, who lived arrogantly and remorselessly in open rebellion against God and His laws as a castrated sodomite falsely posing in the depth of satanic delusion as a "woman," would be given a full Catholic funeral mass in the Archbishop’s own Cathedral, is the REAL atrocity perpetrated in all of this. Because there can be NO DOUBT whatsoever….they knew.
Credo .
Abomination of desolation set up in the holy place! 😭 Rosary Reparation for all the blasphemous conduct occurring in this cathedral.
angela malek
The pastor who so cleverly wrote the apology letter forgets that he was seen in the funeral introduction praising the large crowd. Anyone wearing a collar at that event should be publicly outed and defrocked.
Fr Dan
Who allowed all the pics of her in, all the flowers at the altar,? try doing that for old Mary who went to church every Sunday. This is a HUGE scandal to simple faithful Catholics who support those who failed to stop this.
I stopped a funeral mid way because the demeanor and speeches were becaming a scandal. I finished from the offertory on with grave solemnity. This could have been nipped in the bud.
@Fr Dan I’m certain you meant to write “who allowed all the pics of him in” — not “her” — since he was, and had always been, a man. An innocent mistake on your part Father, I’m sure, but one we all must guard most diligently against.
Opera 369
@English Catholic I would just add to your comment, that all those 'prelates" clearly visible should be ...un-vested, exorcised, purified if they are to remain in 'clerics'...or just have them sent to the ...end of the earth, where Pachamama waits for Bergoglio too.
Gosh not only are they responsible for the big whores funeral but to makes matters worse they insult our intelligence by denying they were aware about the big whores funeral plans. 😡
Sandy Barrett
St John Chrysostom on the duty of stopping public blasphemies:
"Should you hear any one in the public thoroughfare, or in the midst of the forum, blaspheming God; go up to him and rebuke him; and should it be necessary to inflict blows, spare not to do so. Smite him on the face; strike his mouth; sanctify your hand with the blow, and if any should accuse you, and drag you to the place of justice, …More
St John Chrysostom on the duty of stopping public blasphemies:
"Should you hear any one in the public thoroughfare, or in the midst of the forum, blaspheming God; go up to him and rebuke him; and should it be necessary to inflict blows, spare not to do so. Smite him on the face; strike his mouth; sanctify your hand with the blow, and if any should accuse you, and drag you to the place of justice, follow them there; and when the judge on the bench calls you to account, say boldly that the man blasphemed the King of angels! For if it be necessary to punish those who blaspheme an earthly king, much more so those who insult God" ('On the Statues', 1).
Sally Dorman
TIME, NyTimes, and James Martin SJ all knew about this abominable "service" in advance. Yet Cardinal Dolan/ New York Archdiocese expects us to believe that the rector Fr. Enrique Salvo knew nothing about it?
Cornelio Nino Morales
"Cecilia" Gentili said last November that she identified "as an atheist," so why was she given a Catholic funeral?
Patricia McKeever
Either he - "Cecilia" - or his advisers were stupid enough to think that they could make a difference to this person's eternal destination just by having a Catholic funeral rite. Now we know the meaning of that modern saying "Stupid is, as stupid does"...