
Too Much Hypocrisy: Francis Preaches "Church With Open Doors"

“The Church must be a large room, not a small enclosed circle, but a community with arms thrown wide open, welcoming to all,” Francis feigned at the June 6 Corpus Christi Mass in St Peter’s basilica.

He warmed up his mantra that a “Church of the pure and perfect” is a room with no place for anyone. But a Church of the "pure and perfect" is at best preached by Francis, for whom everyone seems to be "pure and perfect" except those who pollute the environment or take the faith seriously.

Francis went to far in his hypocrisy when he spoke of a "Church with open doors, that gathers and celebrates around Christ, is a large room, where everyone can enter. Everyone!” This was said by Francis, the very man who persecutes Catholic Communities, fires bishops because they are Catholic, forbids Masses in Saint Peter, refuses to meet his own cardinals, and has just started a war against the Roman Rite.

At the end of Mass, when he was supposed to kneel in front of his Lord and Master in the monstrance, an obese Francis again stood for a short time and then sat down because he bows his knees only for transvestites, convicted felons, politicians, and Anglican relics.


He suffers from "Eucharistic knee failure"
It’s funny how Francis keeps saying how his church must not be “closed in on itself” and yet it is Novus Ordo churches that are typically laid out in a circle
Truly a brilliant observation. That's the kind of home-run G.K. Chesterton would hit.
And yet
"Pope Francis haz back problemz. It's why he can't kneel durin' Mass."
Super Genius
Of course all are invited, but to a conversion of life; to the way of the cross.
So what are you saying? The Church should have closed doors where only the few are invited? Don’t be silly. The pope is simply echoing the gospel. The problem is that people are spending too much time reading the Internet and not enough time reading the Bible. Today, the big deception of the devil is to slander the pope, divide Catholics and destroy the faith and the trust of many. Satan is always …More
So what are you saying? The Church should have closed doors where only the few are invited? Don’t be silly. The pope is simply echoing the gospel. The problem is that people are spending too much time reading the Internet and not enough time reading the Bible. Today, the big deception of the devil is to slander the pope, divide Catholics and destroy the faith and the trust of many. Satan is always the accuser, and uses the naive, the wicked and the dumb to spread his work. It is a terrible thing for a Catholic to be persecuting the pope; the result is a scattering of the flock.
James Brady
Presume the good but, actual errors must be called out in charity and is the duty of all Christians.
@thomasvalle No one is suggesting the Church close her doors. The problem with Francis, however -- or at least one of the many problems -- is that he constantly uses straw man arguments like the one cited in the article above. Precisely *no one* is promoting an arrogant, self-satisfied "Church of the pure and perfect." Francis is attacking bogeymen who simply don't exist. We are quite aware of our …More
@thomasvalle No one is suggesting the Church close her doors. The problem with Francis, however -- or at least one of the many problems -- is that he constantly uses straw man arguments like the one cited in the article above. Precisely *no one* is promoting an arrogant, self-satisfied "Church of the pure and perfect." Francis is attacking bogeymen who simply don't exist. We are quite aware of our own frailty and sinfulness, and we don't presume any kind of moral superiority to anyone else. What we do desire, though, is a Church that takes seriously Christ and the deposit of faith handed down to us. Francis manifestly does not do this, and neither do the bishops and cardinals with whom he's surrounded himself. Francis routinely draws a false dichotomy between the Church's teachings and "mercy" -- a mercy whose definition (to the extent it can be defined at all) has been drawn up by Francis himself. He's a bewilderingly arrogant man who see himself as a modern Moses sent to liberate Catholics from 2000 years of Church bondage.
The problem is the Internet and people reacting to all the sensational headlines, gossip and false narratives; and there are those who twist the words of this pope with the same skill that people twist the Sacred Scriptures to mean whatever they want them to mean. I think this pope is annoyed by those who seem to reduce the gospel to attending a beautiful traditional Latin Mass and obeying rules, …More
The problem is the Internet and people reacting to all the sensational headlines, gossip and false narratives; and there are those who twist the words of this pope with the same skill that people twist the Sacred Scriptures to mean whatever they want them to mean. I think this pope is annoyed by those who seem to reduce the gospel to attending a beautiful traditional Latin Mass and obeying rules, rather than having a transformation of heart and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, reaching out as Christ reached out to sinners. Notice in the gospel that the only people Jesus excoriated were the people who meticulously followed all the rules, talked a lot about God and spent all their time in the temple; likewise, one can go to the most beautiful Latin liturgies and obey all the laws and rules, yet be rotten, unforgiving, selfish, self-righteous human beings, completely missing the point of the gospel. This is a common theme coming from this pope, which simply echoes the gospels..
@Ghostwriter It seems to me that most of the attacks against Pope Francis coming from traditionalist groups are coming from people reacting to false narratives and to intentions that people have injected into the words of the pope, often out of context, and ending up as sensational headlines. In other words, people reacting to a “straw man” Pope Francis, and not the real Pope Francis..
To receive the Eucharist, we mustn’t be conscious of any unconfessed mortal sin, the constant teaching of the Church. It doesn’t mean we must be perfect.
“Our task is not one of producing persuasive propaganda; Christianity shows its greatness when it is hated by the world.” (From a letter to the Romans by Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr)
Mary Patricia Schwarz
St. Ignatius of Antioch pray for us.
"Church with open doors, that gathers and celebrates around Christ..." This isn't a statue of Christ, and yet there you all are celebrating around it. Ironically, you and your Vatican stooges literally turned your backs on Christ.
De Profundis
Where & when did anyone ever say that the Church is for the "pure & perfect"? Never in Church history in fact. The idea that prior to Vatican 2 (or now apparently prior to Francis) the Church was closed in on herself & reserved for the "perfect" is narrative framing revisionism.