
Benedict XVI – A Victim of Desinformation?

During a 2016 book presentation in Turin, the Italian author Vittorio Messori, mentioned a meeting with the former Benedict XVI who has been his friend for decades. LiberoQuotidiano.it (December 9) …More
During a 2016 book presentation in Turin, the Italian author Vittorio Messori, mentioned a meeting with the former Benedict XVI who has been his friend for decades.
LiberoQuotidiano.it (December 9) received the audio recording of the book presentation. During the visit, Messori observed that Ratzinger feeds himself exclusively with oligarch propaganda from the Corriere della Sera and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
From this, he concluded that Ratzinger “only gets the news that [allegedly] others decide” and that he is therefore “totally disinformed” about Francis – as if it were not Ratzinger’s own decision to rely on such propaganda.
Messori further reveals that the information he received from Ratzinger would have filled the news for weeks, but he had been invited under the strict condition not to publish anything of the conversation.
LiberoQuotidiano.it notices the fact that friendly journalists visiting Ratzinger are forbidden to publish anything, while oligarch journalists and …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Benedict is no longer Pope, so it doesn't matter if he knows or not. Worse, as at least one writer noted, if Benedict XVI had waited a couple of years before resigning, Cardinal Bergoglio himself would have retired and there wouldn't even BE a "Pope Francis".
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Ultraviolet- You are right. Would that not have been great!! Who knows what good things Benedict XVI would have done in a few extra years before deciding to quit. If he had waited 4 more years, not only would Bergoglio have been retired, but he would have been past 80 and could not vote for a new pope. No one would have ever heard of him!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I do wonder if Pope Benedict XVI has ever been told what Bergoglio is doing to his Summorum Pontificum and to the Tridentine Latin Mass and faithful Catholics? I think not. Somehow I think it is being hidden from him. I would hope that if he did in fact know, he would strongly speak out in protest to cancel Francis' demonic efforts. If he has been kept in the dark, that's terrible. But if Benedict …More
I do wonder if Pope Benedict XVI has ever been told what Bergoglio is doing to his Summorum Pontificum and to the Tridentine Latin Mass and faithful Catholics? I think not. Somehow I think it is being hidden from him. I would hope that if he did in fact know, he would strongly speak out in protest to cancel Francis' demonic efforts. If he has been kept in the dark, that's terrible. But if Benedict XVI knows and says nothing about his own document and agenda which did so much to restore the Church in 7 years, then he's more of a wimp and coward that I thought (for resigning in the first place).
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" Earlier or later checkmating his opponent and anti- church would backfire on his maneuver. One who studied by engaging reason and willingness may always be enlightened with God's grace and be invited to pray for true Successor of Peter , that is living pope Bendict XVI. Then over time all the pieces of the puzzle fit showing clear and logical picture of a simple situation which sinful and modern …More
" Earlier or later checkmating his opponent and anti- church would backfire on his maneuver. One who studied by engaging reason and willingness may always be enlightened with God's grace and be invited to pray for true Successor of Peter , that is living pope Bendict XVI. Then over time all the pieces of the puzzle fit showing clear and logical picture of a simple situation which sinful and modern man has tendency to complicate, in contrary to God's simplicity."
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In reality, Pope Francis is merely reiterating and implementing what JPII and Benedict XVI had been teaching. The problem is the media which distorts their message. Here is Pope Benedict slamming the media for distorting the Vatican II Council: youtu.be/CfTWC5lPshM