
Are There Good Candidates for Next Conclave? Gloria.tv Interview with Henry Sire

Henry Sire, 72, is a Spanish-born historian, author, and a former Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Among others, he has published about Catholic Higher Education, The Knights of Malta,…More
Henry Sire, 72, is a Spanish-born historian, author, and a former Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Among others, he has published about Catholic Higher Education, The Knights of Malta, Father Martin D'Arcy, and the failed Second Vatican Council. Sire became known to a wider public with The Dictator Pope: The Inside Story of the Francis Papacy, Regnery Publishing (Revised and updated edition), 2018. The following interview was given exclusively to Gloria.tv.
Fra’ Matthew Festing, the former Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta died on 12 November. What memories do you have of him?
Fra’ Matthew was an exact contemporary of mine and in fact a distant relation, but I did not meet him until 1999, when he was Grand Prior of England. He was a man of great bonhomie, and everybody liked him, and he was, of course, a faithful traditional Catholic.
Why was Fra’ Matthew elected Grand Master?
When he was elected Grand Master in 2008 it was with a large majority, because he …More
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Sara Enini
Surprised why he did not mentioned Burke for Pope?!
May God grant us to have Butke, the suffering servant during Francis Papacy, for Pope.
Our Lady said in the End My Immaculate Heart will triumph
Dr Bobus
He didn't mention Cardinal Burke because, despite the Cardinal being a very good man, it is not likely that he elected pope.
DefendTruth shares this
Among the Jesuits in Argentina, Bergoglio was considered a “conservative”. He owed his career to “conservatives.” He had no support from his order. What went wrong?
You touch on the great mystery of Bergoglio's career, his transition from the right-hand man of the “reactionary” Cardinal Quarracino in Buenos Aires to the favourite of the St Gallen Group. The only explanation I can see is that, in …More
Among the Jesuits in Argentina, Bergoglio was considered a “conservative”. He owed his career to “conservatives.” He had no support from his order. What went wrong?

You touch on the great mystery of Bergoglio's career, his transition from the right-hand man of the “reactionary” Cardinal Quarracino in Buenos Aires to the favourite of the St Gallen Group. The only explanation I can see is that, in the declining years of Pope John Paul II, it was expected that a more liberal pope would succeed him, and Bergoglio wanted to be on the winning side. I don't think he seriously expected to be the papal candidate himself before 2005. But essentially the problem is that Bergoglio has no real principles, like the typical Peronist that he is.
"from the standards of Anglo-Saxon or Germanic decency..." Mr. Sire may be a respected historian but he's forgotten a lot about German history.
Dr Bobus
Germanic refers here to the Anglo Saxons who founded the English culture
That would explain why the author saw fit to draw a distinction between the two. One OR the other, yes? ;-)
Angelo Santelli
Yet the intreviewee does not say what needs to be done with Bergoglio.
I have.More
Yet the intreviewee does not say what needs to be done with Bergoglio.

I have.
The same should be done with people like you. Be grateful it isn't.
De Profundis
Well said, However, the future might be far more surprising than that.
“Germanic decency”???…..are you kidding me? This clown is a monumental joke, and all of his unfounded jibber jabber that he clearly pulls out of his butt, is about as useful as crow droppings, and just as messy.
Paolo F
I doubt that a 'SonoftheChuch' would use such vulgar language. In any case, your abusiveness isn't any better Sir.
Definitely son of the Bergoglian Church. Like master, like lackey.
atreverse pensar
All the talk of what is going to happen has not been fulfilled. They have announced several times the resignation, and it didn't happen. There is no time to waste on this.
"Essentially, those who try to understand Bergoglio from the standards of Anglo-Saxon or Germanic decency and correct conduct find themselves struggling to grasp the culture of unprincipled selfishness which for an Argentinian is just part of the climate."
"And the timing of Benedict’s abdication?
Where Benedict fell down was in the timing of his abdication. If he had delayed it even six or twelve months, several of the key players, including Bergoglio himself, would have been retired."
A good point of Mr. Sire. The question remains: why Benedict made his decision of February 2013.
Earlier or later checkmating his opponent and anti- church would backfire on his maneuver. One who studied by engaging reason and willingness may always be enlightened with God's grace and be invited to pray for true Successor of Peter , that is living pope Bendict XVI. Then over time all the pieces of the puzzle fit showing clear and logical picture of a simple situation which sinful and modern …More
Earlier or later checkmating his opponent and anti- church would backfire on his maneuver. One who studied by engaging reason and willingness may always be enlightened with God's grace and be invited to pray for true Successor of Peter , that is living pope Bendict XVI. Then over time all the pieces of the puzzle fit showing clear and logical picture of a simple situation which sinful and modern man has tendency to complicate, in contrary to God's simplicity.

ps I reccomend reading fromrome.info/2019/09/11/how-benedict-has-defeated-francis/
Also consider (from God's perspective) there nay have been no better candidate than Bergoglio to lead the antichurch into exposing and destroying itself...
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Dear @Rafał_Ovile , You mean Que sera sera whatever will be will be ?
(The Third Secret of Fatima is that Satan would enter into the Church ?)
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A priest said, there should have been a black pope before a black U.S. president.
I'll take any Pope, black, white, Asian, or even Jewish that is Catholic and will defend with their life what they have received, which is the Apostolic Faith that has always and everywhere been believed by the Universal Church, without compromise, dissolution, and novelty.