Children of war hiding in a cellar in Donbass, 2014, is the quintessential image of the region’s suffering that the western establishment would rather ignore. A conflict longer than WWII.
172 Tsd.
“Unique expression of the Roman Rite”
pensano che Cristo non basti ai fedeli e che debbano stupirli con effetti speciali, chissà se un bravo esorcista può aiutarli.
"Nella chiesa conciliare/ tutti gli uomini verranno / se divertimento e gioia / dentro essa troveranno!".
6 weitere Kommentare
Karl Lauterbach faselt von der höchsten Inzidenz, die Deutschland im weltweiten Vergleich habe. Käse. Die Zahlen, die ihn widerlegen, liefert er selber. Was ist los mit dem Mann? „Der Minister macht …Mehr
Karl Lauterbach faselt von der höchsten Inzidenz, die Deutschland im weltweiten Vergleich habe. Käse. Die Zahlen, die ihn widerlegen, liefert er selber. Was ist los mit dem Mann? „Der Minister macht sich mit diesem Tweet erneut völlig unglaubwürdig. Dass er damit weiterhin durchkommt, ist ein Indiz dafür, wie sehr sich längst die Corona-Politik vom Ziel der Bekämpfung einer Pandemie entfernt hat und zum wirklichkeitsentkoppelten Projekt einer verrannten Politischen Klasse geworden ist.“

Karl Lauterbach sagt Unwahrheit über Deutschlands Inzidenz im europäischen Vergleich

Der Bundesgesundheitsminister fantasiert, Deutschland habe „jetzt höchste Corona Inzidenz in Europa“. Dabei ist schon …
Anna Brees - Why are they calling themselves social/alternative media? @joerogan @rustyrockets. Why are they calling themselves social/alternative media? @joerogan @rustyrockets
Anna Brees - Why are they calling themselves social/alternative media? @joerogan @rustyrockets.
Why are they calling themselves social/alternative media? @joerogan @rustyrockets
I like calling them fake news media
Hound of Heaven
The terms 'old' and 'new' have been so distorted by our politicians, corporations, and, dare I say it, even some of our religious leaders, they have …Mehr
The terms 'old' and 'new' have been so distorted by our politicians, corporations, and, dare I say it, even some of our religious leaders, they have been drained of any real substance or meaning. The MSM is increasingly becoming 'irrelevant' and mere tools of the propagandists. We live in an age in which 'science' (the genuine stuff) has become 'The Science' (the 'what we want you to hear and believe'/bogus stuff). There is only Truth, which brings Life, and non-truth, which brings death. Follow the Truth - wherever/whoever it comes from; reject all pretenders to it.
Soviel zu: die Impfung ist so gut wie nebenwirkungsfrei, das Gesundheitssystem drohte/droht zu überlasten
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32,1 Tsd.
Remember the fashion show in Puerto Rico church? Nobody was removed there.

Fashion Show In Novus Ordo Church (Video)

Little known fashion designer Bea Rodríguez presented her collection Trazos del Corazón (Traces of the Heart) in the Catholic Stella Maris parish church, Condado, Puerto Rico, on October 22. Rodríguez …Mehr
Little known fashion designer Bea Rodríguez presented her collection Trazos del Corazón (Traces of the Heart) in the Catholic Stella Maris parish church, Condado, Puerto Rico, on October 22.
Rodríguez' eldest son died a violent death four years ago, and she searched for consolation in philanthropy expressed through fashion designing.
Her church show was inspired by Dubai-based Filipino designer Michael Cinco who presented his collection at the October 2 Paris Fashion in the Anglican American Cathedral.
Not in the church please
Fauci Fact: Fashion models are biologically immune to Covid. That's why only the audience needs masks.
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Brisante zahlen zu auslastung, krankschreibungstagen und nebenwirkungen
De Profundis
Kinder psychisch am Ende
222,6 Tsd.
A woman burst onto Russia’s main live evening newscast today with a sign that says: “Stop the war Don’t believe propaganda They’re lying to you” And chanting: “Stop the war! No to war!”
Davide Romano teilt das
Durante il programma di notizie "Vremya" sul principale canale televisivo russo, Maria Ovsyannikova, una dipendente di Channel One, si è precipitata …Mehr
Durante il programma di notizie "Vremya" sul principale canale televisivo russo, Maria Ovsyannikova, una dipendente di Channel One, si è precipitata davanti alla telecamera con un poster che diceva "fermate la guerra, non credete alla propaganda".
De Profundis teilt das
Die russische Polizei hat Marina Ovsyannikova, die Redakteurin von Channel One, die mit einem Anti-Kriegs-Transparent auf Sendung ging, festgenommen. …Mehr
Die russische Polizei hat Marina Ovsyannikova, die Redakteurin von Channel One, die mit einem Anti-Kriegs-Transparent auf Sendung ging, festgenommen. Der Anwalt Pawel Tschikow sagte, dass gegen sie ein Protokoll gemäß Artikel 20.3.3 über Militärzensur wegen Verunglimpfung der russischen Streitkräfte erstellt wurde.
2 weitere Kommentare
Director of NIAID: "This wouldn't be the first time that a V actually made people worse." Outcomes for people who took it worse compared to deferral. No doubt this is what is happening with the current …Mehr
Director of NIAID: "This wouldn't be the first time that a V actually made people worse." Outcomes for people who took it worse compared to deferral. No doubt this is what is happening with the current failed program. Should stop now before there is more damage to society.
How to be civilised
Jan Fleischhauer: „Ach schau mal, die Frau, deren größte Sorge in der Flutkatastrophe nicht die Warnung der Bevölkerung, sondern das richtige „Wording“ war, am Tag des Untersuchungsausschusses mit …Mehr
Jan Fleischhauer: „Ach schau mal, die Frau, deren größte Sorge in der Flutkatastrophe nicht die Warnung der Bevölkerung, sondern das richtige „Wording“ war, am Tag des Untersuchungsausschusses mit Fotostrecke im SZ Magazin . Eine Frage zum Ahrtal? Gott bewahre! So geht grüner People-Journalismus.“
FAZ mit FAKE news: Falschbehauptung von Karl Lauterbach ("höchste Inzidenz in Europa"). Fakt ist: Aktuell haben z.B. Österreich, Schweiz und NL höhere Inzidenz als wir. Und auch Liechtenstein.
111,2 Tsd.
This is why those that have not been anointed with priestly consecration should not receive Holy Communion in the hand (This was an unconsecrated host)
가입을 원합니다
Hand Communion began in Holland shortly before V2 ? If so, by whom ?
@chris griffin "No Bible in the world ever said “receive” or that Jesus put the bread on their tongues." No bible in the world ever said Jesus put the …Mehr
@chris griffin "No Bible in the world ever said “receive” or that Jesus put the bread on their tongues." No bible in the world ever said Jesus put the bread in their hands, either.
9 weitere Kommentare
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1,7 Tsd.
Kardinal Enrico Feroci, 81, der im Heiligtum lebt, näherte sich dem am Boden liegenden Mann mit den Worten "Guten Morgen, Bruder", als er feststellte, dass er tot war.

"Guten Morgen, Bruder": Römischer Kardinal findet toten Mann

Ein 40-jähriger Mann wurde tot in den Gärten des Heiligtums Divino Amore am südlichen Stadtrand von Rom aufgefunden, wie lokale Medien schreiben. Der Afrikaner war mit Jeans und Turnschuhen bekleidet …Mehr
Ein 40-jähriger Mann wurde tot in den Gärten des Heiligtums Divino Amore am südlichen Stadtrand von Rom aufgefunden, wie lokale Medien schreiben.
Der Afrikaner war mit Jeans und Turnschuhen bekleidet, hatte keine Papiere, aber ein Mobiltelefon bei sich.
Kardinal Enrico Feroci, 81, der im Heiligtum lebt, näherte sich dem am Boden liegenden Mann mit den Worten "Guten Morgen, Bruder", als er feststellte, dass er tot war.
Seit Januar wurden neun Obdachlose auf den römischen Straßen tot aufgefunden. Aufgrund der illegalen Masseneinwanderung nach Italien sterben diese Menschen auf der Straße, während sie in ihren Heimatländern überlebt hätten.
Bild: Enrico Feroci © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsTsjwugdrxv

MondayVatican – Vatican » Pope Francis, what promises have been kept? | MondayVatican

Last March 13 was the ninth anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. The moment Pope Francis came out of the …
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11,3 Tsd.
Toward the end, Cathedral guards asked participants to leave the Cathedral steps, including a mother attempting to shield her child from the biting cold wind. The undeterred rally participants continued …Mehr
Toward the end, Cathedral guards asked participants to leave the Cathedral steps, including a mother attempting to shield her child from the biting cold wind. The undeterred rally participants continued praying the rosary on the sidewalk.

Cardinal Cupich Sends Guards Against Praying Faithful

Over 100 Catholics held on March 6 another public rosary in support of the Roman Rite on the doorsteps of Chicago Cathedral. reports that people in cars honked and expressed their …Mehr
Over 100 Catholics held on March 6 another public rosary in support of the Roman Rite on the doorsteps of Chicago Cathedral. reports that people in cars honked and expressed their support as they passed by. After the 10.30 am Mass, a young man, leaving the cathedral, identified as a parishioner expressing support for the rally. He explained that Cupich’s interdictions made him interested in the Roman Mass.
Toward the end, Cathedral guards asked participants to leave the Cathedral steps, including a mother attempting to shield her child from the biting cold wind. The undeterred rally participants continued praying the rosary on the sidewalk.
Their message on the banner was respectful: “Cardinal Cupich, why are you persecuting faithful Catholics?” Cupich continues to forbid celebrating the Roman Mass on every first Sunday of the month.
Rent a billboard on local highway saying...Look what C. Cupich does to Catholic Families. etc
Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland hat zugegeben, dass es in der Ukraine Biolabore gibt, die mithilfe der Ukrainern gerade in Sicherheit gebracht werden. Vor einer Woche hat der Tagesschau-Faktenfinder dies …Mehr
Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland hat zugegeben, dass es in der Ukraine Biolabore gibt, die mithilfe der Ukrainern gerade in Sicherheit gebracht werden. Vor einer Woche hat der Tagesschau-Faktenfinder dies als Fake News abgetan.
Klaus Elmar Müller
Sicher in russischen Händen? Und Wuhan/China?
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1,2 Tsd.
Nordic Catholic bishops: German ‘Synodal Way’ fills us with worry

Nordic Bishops Rebuke the Germans

The Nordic Bishops’ Conference is concerned about the German Synodal Way, the bishops write in a letter to presiding German Bishop Bätzing (, March 9). Signed by prelates …Mehr
The Nordic Bishops’ Conference is concerned about the German Synodal Way, the bishops write in a letter to presiding German Bishop Bätzing (, March 9).
Signed by prelates such as Kozon (Copenhagen), Arborelius (Stockholm), Eidsvig (Trondheim), Tencer (Reykjavik), Grgic, (Tromsø), most of the letter is soft-spoken, acknowledges the German missionaries, and thanks for the cash, the Scandinavian dioceses received from Germany.
Nevertheless, the letter says that the Church's Faith must be preserved intact and that “we must stop short” of issues challenging “unchangeable parts of the Church's teaching” like priesthood, female ordination and immoral concepts of sexuality.
“True reform of the Church has always consisted in defending, explaining and putting into credible practice Catholic doctrine founded on divine revelation and authentic Tradition - not in following the spirit of the times“, they write.
Already the Polish bishops had to explain to the Germans that …Mehr
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2,2 Tsd.
Head of German Novus Ordo bishops says sodomy and adultery not sinful, don’t impact relationship with God

For the Swimsuit Presiding Bishop, Homosex Is “No Sin"

"No one adheres to your morals that only allow sex in marriage," said the trash magazine in an interview (March 4) with Presiding Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg, Germany. Bätzing took a deep …Mehr
"No one adheres to your morals that only allow sex in marriage," said the trash magazine in an interview (March 4) with Presiding Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg, Germany.
Bätzing took a deep breath and replied: "That's true and we have to change the catechism in part." And: "Sexuality is a gift of God. And not a sin."
For Bätzing, homosexual liaisons "do not touch on the relationship with God" if they are lived out in "fidelity" and "responsibility." He believes that the former German health minister Jens Spahn, a pharmaceutical lobbyist, and luxury lover known for his anti-Catholic outbursts who lives with another homosexual, is "a good Catholic."
Bätzing ensures that a homosexual [priests?] will not be fired "if he lives his personal intimacy." Because, "It's none of my business." Bätzing also yearns for married priests and the [invalid] ordination of women.
He then chatted about his favourite holiday, best "with friends" for example in Liguria or South Tyrol: "There I also …Mehr
Hunde retten Leben (oder gut gestellt)
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Jindo dogs are brave, intelligent, and fiercely loyal to their masters.