Salt Lake City’s bishop denies Communion on the tongue. Livestream on July 5, Bishop Oscar Solis in his Cathedral, Salt Lake CityMore
Salt Lake City’s bishop denies Communion on the tongue.
Livestream on July 5, Bishop Oscar Solis in his Cathedral, Salt Lake City
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Wow... astounding!
F M Shyanguya
When the Churches reopened, by the prompting of Mother, I started attending daily Mass at Madonna Del Sasso in Salinas, CA.
There is a gentleman, Spanish speaking, who will receive only on the tongue and kneeling with his hands in a pious posture at his breast - will look up for the exact description for this. He also stands or kneels where we ought to stand and kneel [in many English …More

When the Churches reopened, by the prompting of Mother, I started attending daily Mass at Madonna Del Sasso in Salinas, CA.

There is a gentleman, Spanish speaking, who will receive only on the tongue and kneeling with his hands in a pious posture at his breast - will look up for the exact description for this. He also stands or kneels where we ought to stand and kneel [in many English Masses, people continue to sit through ‘pray brethren’.]

The Parish priest and another priest accommodate him. Why, there is even sanitizers next to those distributing holy communion.

There is one other elderly priest that accommodated him once but denied all other times. The priest comes across as stern and harsh but those are just initial impressions. There is one other person, a lady, who also will receive only on the tongue but doesn’t ‘fight’ this priest and just receives on the hand.

The videos for these Masses are on YouTube and initially I felt like making a clip and posting it here. I was inspired otherwise. I prayed for and was given courage to approach the priest after Mass.


Long story short, the priest himself felt bad that he had to deny this fellow holy communion, he said he had told the gentleman to come to Mass but that he would give communion to him afterwards in private. We both came to realize that something had been lost in translation because I related to the priest that the gentleman man makes his responses only in Spanish.

Shortly after this I noticed that the man didn’t go up to receive. It appears a compromise had been reached.

In the last two Masses before we were closed again, I didn’t see again the gentleman at Mass. Been wondering about him.

A number of lessons here. Perhaps I will make this into a larger post here.
My recommendation, is to get to a Traditional Latin Mass, forget the Nervous Order, it's a lost cause. Head over to Hollister, CA, you are not far.
F M Shyanguya
@LatinRiteMass Thank you!
Been there. Church not clean nor did the priest come across as pious ... clanging cymbal ...
It isn’t about any of the valid forms of the Roman Rie.
St Michael Livermore, CA, pointed out to me by Mighty Prince Michael himself, is my go-to Church during the current crisis. Was there last Saturday. Both ways of receiving communion are used. Amazing thing is that as I approached …More
@LatinRiteMass Thank you!

Been there. Church not clean nor did the priest come across as pious ... clanging cymbal ...

It isn’t about any of the valid forms of the Roman Rie.

St Michael Livermore, CA, pointed out to me by Mighty Prince Michael himself, is my go-to Church during the current crisis. Was there last Saturday. Both ways of receiving communion are used. Amazing thing is that as I approached the priest, he started sanitizing his hands. That was my cue to kneel and receive on the tongue. To me, that told me in the coming age, that’s what Heaven through the Holy Pontiff will reestablish throughout the universal Church.

In the meantime I will receive the LORD as worthily as I can, please God. whichever way he comes to me as allowed by the Church in her God-given authority.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not dependent on the piety of the Priest or the Congregation. The Novus Ordo is , as long as it is said as it is written in Latin, valid, but not licit (allowed). Go to www.latinritemass.org and watch the video on front page. Then go to the www.latinritemass.com/audio/mass
F M Shyanguya
See my comment above. I have amended it.
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