
Archbishop Georg Gänswein Will Be Transferred

A Motu Proprio eliminating the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household is imminent, reports Marco Tosatti citing “excellent sources” (January 9). The Prefecture, headed by Archbishop Georg Gänswein, …More
A Motu Proprio eliminating the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household is imminent, reports Marco Tosatti citing “excellent sources” (January 9).
The Prefecture, headed by Archbishop Georg Gänswein, is among other things in charge of the pope's General Audiences. In future it should lose its autonomy and be integrated into the Secretariat of State.
According to Tosatti, Gänswein will become the secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Its current Secretary, Archbishop Marcello Bartolucci, turns 75 in April.
Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsQusqznrnsg
Gänswein is a lickspittle. He will curry favour with any master!
De Profundis
It would be actually a blessing for Archbishop Gaenswein to be relieved from his duties at the Pontifical Household.
Ganswein is also the personal assistant of Benedict. What's the status on THAT situation if he is 'transferred'?