
Double Standards: Francis Took Care of His Friend Rupnik

Father Marko Rupnik has been accepted in the Koper Diocese, Slovenia, writes SilereNonPossum.it (October 25). Koper Bishop Jurij Bizjak met with Nuncio Jean-Marie Speich, who basically told Bizjak that …More
Father Marko Rupnik has been accepted in the Koper Diocese, Slovenia, writes SilereNonPossum.it (October 25).
Koper Bishop Jurij Bizjak met with Nuncio Jean-Marie Speich, who basically told Bizjak that it was an excellent solution to incardinate Rupnik because there were no convictions anyway.
Rupnik’s request to join the diocese was already granted in June. He is now free to exercise his priestly ministry, including confession, spiritual direction, and preaching retreats.
If Rupnik had politely criticised Francis' positions instead of engaging in fornication, Francis would have removed him for good.
For Francis, the fight against abuse is an excuse to get rid of clerics he dislikes. This is the kind of hypocrisy for which Christ never felt any pity, writes SilereNonPossum.it.
Picture: Marko Rupnik © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsLzpwrkirem
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is going to backfire on anti-Pope Francis big time! He's gotten away with all his heresies and homosexual appointees so far, but I think this is the end. I read that many "conservative or good" Cardinals, and even many "more progressive" ones, are horrified not only at Francis growing heretical acts, but also this affair. They tolerate him because they have to, but don't look for a Francis II …More
This is going to backfire on anti-Pope Francis big time! He's gotten away with all his heresies and homosexual appointees so far, but I think this is the end. I read that many "conservative or good" Cardinals, and even many "more progressive" ones, are horrified not only at Francis growing heretical acts, but also this affair. They tolerate him because they have to, but don't look for a Francis II in the soon coming papal conclave. I just wish it would hurry up and get here. We want a true Catholic, orthodox Pope.
(Not to mention that the whole process and news coverage of electing a new Pope is fascinating tv watching. I was born in 1995, so I was really too young to appreciate the election of Benedict XVI...........but I'm looking forward to this coming time, and pray we get a new Pope who will cause people like Tucho Fernandez to quit the Church🤪🤪
Sandy Barrett shares this
Fr Marko Rupnik incardinated in Slovenian diocese - he was expellled from the Jesuit order in July.
Sally Dorman shares this
With his scandalous rehabilitation of Marko Rupnik, Francis lost again any credibility
Paul F
Pharisean zero tolerance. Disgusting.
Denis Efimov
There have been Popes throughout history who were horribly and disgustingly sinful on a personal level. They all had credibility because their teaching was orthodox. In other words, vile vices are nothing compared to a situation where the Pope continuously spreads false teachings like a fountain of heresies. In this sense, Francis never had credibility among faithful and reality-conscious Catholics.
Malki Tzedek
When one considers all the good, orthodox priests who have been silenced for being orthodox, the treatment Bergoglio has given his wayward buddies is nothing short of scandalous and outrageous.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
What a sick "church" The Catholic Church has become in 10 years.
Yeas, it's like a nightmare. If someone would have told me in 2012 that many of our leaders would go down the path of heresy & apostasy I would have thought them CRAZY. Guess I'm more sympathetic to what good folks felt after Vatican II. I myself was too young - just saw the fallout when I was in seminary in the 90s.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Orthocat -I'm even younger (28 🤪 ). I never knew the Catholic traditions until I went to an SSPX chapel with my Aunt, who is 53, and also didn't know anything except Vatican II and found the SSPX by accident. thinking it was a regular parish. I went with her 3x, and now when I do go to Mass, its only to the TLM. The Novus Ordo is garbage.
Ten years ago, I went with my counsin who was considering …More
@Orthocat -I'm even younger (28 🤪 ). I never knew the Catholic traditions until I went to an SSPX chapel with my Aunt, who is 53, and also didn't know anything except Vatican II and found the SSPX by accident. thinking it was a regular parish. I went with her 3x, and now when I do go to Mass, its only to the TLM. The Novus Ordo is garbage.
Ten years ago, I went with my counsin who was considering a vocation to the Trappists in Gethsemani Abbey in Ky. I didn't have a vocation...I just went for the trip. But I was totally disappointed, and so was he. The abbey Church looked like a basement (they had wreckovated it in the early 1970's), alot of the disipline was gone, and even though they wore their habits, the place didn't have a very spiritual feel. Their guitar Mass with piano brought it all home that it was no surprise that the average age of those monks was late 50's-60's. That was 2012. There were about 55-60 monks there then, but I read only about 30 now.😭
Not surprised.
Nauseating. He should at least be barred from hearing confessions with his disgusting sins against that sacrament.
Padre Benedetto Pagnotto
Fr. Marko Rupnik's restrictions ended when he left the Jesuits and thus he can operate freely. It seems the favor Rupnik enjoys from Francis has paid off.
Simple: Garabandal revealed it years ago