Unlock the power of sprouting and enjoy the benefits of growing your own food –

Sprouts are one of the easiest foods to grow indoors, and unlike plants, they don't require a lot of space …
The Retreat from Truth

A collapsing culture

Increasingly, our sin-sick culture is banning sanity from the public square. A grade school child has been punished for wearing a shirt that says there are only two genders. See …

Papa Frociesco "Knows Many Good Holy Homosexual Seminarians and Priests”

Francis received homosexual activist James Martin, a fellow Jesuit, at Casa Santa Marta on 12 June for an hour-long meeting. Afterwards, the homosexual activist wrote on "With his permission …More
Francis received homosexual activist James Martin, a fellow Jesuit, at Casa Santa Marta on 12 June for an hour-long meeting.
Afterwards, the homosexual activist wrote on "With his permission to share this, the Holy Father said he has known many good, holy and celibate seminarians and priests with homosexual tendencies."
According to Martin, Francis also "confirmed" his homosexual activism and "showed his openness and love" for those who practice homosexual sin without repentance.
sp2 . .
The distorted and sinful mentality is this: Francis thinks it's ok to be a homosexual providing you do not have a promiscuous lifestyle. When he goes …More
The distorted and sinful mentality is this:
Francis thinks it's ok to be a homosexual providing you do not have a promiscuous lifestyle.
When he goes off about the Rump Rangers and spouts this or that, someone just reminded him of the Gay Orgies at the Vatican
I respond to this like someone who knows their Father is on the way with a bull whip. No despair here!
Another important history lesson from Bill Maher. Once again, he’s spot on.
chris griffin
Raises the possibility of nuclear war in the middle east.
Uni Versum
The real science behind corona virus (starting in 1965)
Craig schubert
The filthy pigs who run many boards of education in America belong in jail for destroying the lives and futures of children
Way overdue 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Pierre Henri
Kat A @SaiKate108 Historically Avian flu is not easily transmitted between humans and Dr Kelly Victory is certain the only way that changes is if it has been manipulated in a lab. She is appalled by …More
Kat A
Historically Avian flu is not easily transmitted between humans and Dr Kelly Victory is certain the only way that changes is if it has been manipulated in a lab. She is appalled by the unnecessary culling of millions of birds/cattle for a problem that can be solved by allowing for the natural process of herd immunity. Not to mention a dire warning against the dangers of mass vaccination which will only drive mutation, increase the resistance of the virus and cause more carnage. Have we learnt nothing
Mark Houck is suing the Biden DOJ for ‘malicious’ and ‘retaliatory’ prosecution, as well as for ‘abuse of process, false arrest, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress,’ after the …More
Mark Houck is suing the Biden DOJ for ‘malicious’ and ‘retaliatory’ prosecution, as well as for ‘abuse of process, false arrest, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress,’ after the FBI traumatized the pro-lifer’s family with an armed raid in 2022.

Pro-life father Mark Houck files $4.3 million lawsuit against Biden DOJ after FBI raid - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Pro-life advocate and Catholic father of seven Mark Houck filed a lawsuit against the …
Father Karl A Claver
I pray he wins. If God is for us, who can be against us?
Oremus pro
Russia and Belarus begin second stage of tactical nuclear weapons drills Moscow says the exercises are a response to ‘daily provocations’ from the United States and its European allies.More
Russia and Belarus begin second stage of tactical nuclear weapons drills
Moscow says the exercises are a response to ‘daily provocations’ from the United States and its European allies.
Russian military ships arrive in Cuba ahead of military exercises The Russian flotilla's presence in Cuban waters is being viewed as a show of force amid growing Western support for Ukraine. » Subscribe …More
Russian military ships arrive in Cuba ahead of military exercises
The Russian flotilla's presence in Cuban waters is being viewed as a show of force amid growing Western support for Ukraine.
» Subscribe to NBC News
chris griffin
Cuba has the highest abortion rate in the world. 75% of teen pregnancies are aborted. JP2, B16 and PF have visited Cuba and none of them said a word …More
Cuba has the highest abortion rate in the world. 75% of teen pregnancies are aborted. JP2, B16 and PF have visited Cuba and none of them said a word about abortion.

GERMANY: Balding Trans-Identified Male Now Demanding €2,500 from Women’s Gym After Being Denied Access …

A trans-identified male who was denied membership and access to the women’s showers at a female-only …
Father Karl A Claver
This is insane.
Bergoglio Out Of Control, Censorship Is Activated

Bergoglio Out Of Control, Censorship Is Activated

Communication incidents are many. Words misunderstood and misinterpreted, others uttered without imagining the consequences (often diplomatic), or speeches …
Ivan Tomas
Why on earth you should censorship someone who is called a man in white?! Oh, wait! Maybe because he is an imposter, a Deepfake pope!More
Why on earth you should censorship someone who is called a man in white?!
Oh, wait! Maybe because he is an imposter, a Deepfake pope!
Tom Morelli
Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' PlanMore
Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' Plan

Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' Plan

A favorite parlor game among American political junkies in 2024 is guessing just how and when the Democrats will …
The film "Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist," produced by Eduardo Verástegui and Wahl St. Productions, explores this mystery through a global and historical lens, featuring commentary from …More
The film "Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist," produced by Eduardo Verástegui and Wahl St. Productions, explores this mystery through a global and historical lens, featuring commentary from notable Catholic figures.
The film delves into biblical accounts and Eucharistic miracles, emphasizing Jesus' teachings in John 6 about the necessity of consuming His flesh and blood for eternal life. Despite the difficulty of this teaching, which led many to abandon Jesus, the Apostles, led by St. Peter, remained steadfast in their belief.

'Jesus Thirsts' movie showcases the miracle of Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In adoration, Jesus rests in the monstrance. Quietly. Unobtrusively. Lovingly. He is …

From the doctrine of Jesus Christ, by the R.-P. Jean-Joseph Surin

Extract from the SPIRITUAL CATECHISM OF CHRISTIAN PERFECTION, VOLUME I, Composed by RPJJ SURIN, of the Society of Jesus: On the doctrine of Jesus Christ What does the doctrine of Jesus Christ consist of?More
Extract from the SPIRITUAL CATECHISM OF CHRISTIAN PERFECTION, VOLUME I, Composed by RPJJ SURIN, of the Society of Jesus:
On the doctrine of Jesus Christ
What does the doctrine of Jesus Christ consist of?
In eight main articles, which this divine Savior proposed to the world in his first Sermon. They are commonly called the eight Beatitudes; and these are poverty of spirit, tears and sorrow, meekness, purity of heart, hunger and thirst for righteousness, mercy, a peaceable spirit and the love of persecutions.
What is poverty of spirit?
In three things. 1. To the general abandonment of all temporal goods. 2. To use earthly things in moderation. 3. In a deprivation of spirit, which goes so far as to possess nothing with attachment, not even its knowledge, its enlightenment and its spiritual tastes; in order to be free, free from everything, following these words of Our Lord: Whoever of you does not renounce everything he possesses cannot be my disciple .
What are the tears and sadness of …More
The Life of Saint Anthony in the Paintings of Tiberio Licini breski1More
The Life of Saint Anthony in the Paintings of Tiberio Licini
God's Mercy and Divine Justice - SSPX Sermons After Pentecost, the Church focuses on directing us to grow in holiness and our love for God. Because of our weakness, we need constant reminding not only …More
God's Mercy and Divine Justice - SSPX Sermons
After Pentecost, the Church focuses on directing us to grow in holiness and our love for God. Because of our weakness, we need constant reminding not only of God's justice, but His infinite mercy, even in the face of suffering.
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US Bishops: Francis Is Authoritarian, Ruthless Divider

Francis Maier, a longtime aide to Monsignor Charles Chaput, the former Archbishop of Philadelphia, has published the book "True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church." It contains …More
Francis Maier, a longtime aide to Monsignor Charles Chaput, the former Archbishop of Philadelphia, has published the book "True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church."
It contains interviews with US bishops, who must of course remain anonymous.
One bishop tells Maier that "a pope should be the principle of unity in the Church; instead Francis is promoting ambiguity that feeds division" (, 10 June).
Another bishop said of Francis: "His distaste for the United States and its bishops is obvious and unwarranted. His manner is authoritarian. And it's revealing that not a single seminarian inspired by Francis has come to this diocese during his tenure. A Church under pressure needs better than this."
A third bishop gives Francis credit for supposedly "reforming" the Vatican's finances: "I think his manner of governance is actually quite ruthless. It weakens the authority of the papal office."
"Francis seems to have a coterie around him with an unhelpful ideology …More
Father Karl A Claver
The fruits are disease and bug invested poisonous fruits.
Everyday for Life Canada
You can judge a pontificate by its fruits. The current one has produced fruits of confusion, division and mistrust.
2 more comments
Live Mike
"Machinery has been set in motion that simply can't be stopped." SourceMore
"Machinery has been set in motion that simply can't be stopped."
So sad to think that we are heading for all out war and that many leaders actually want it.
The Wandering Recluse
No one likes saying this, but considering how the world's debauchery has done nothing but increase, I think the bus went over the cliff several years …More
No one likes saying this, but considering how the world's debauchery has done nothing but increase, I think the bus went over the cliff several years ago and the bottom is close enough to see the jagged rocks. 🙏
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Francis Reduces Relations with the Free Press

The Vatican has decided to further tighten the screws on journalists accredited to the Vatican, reports (9 June). The aim is to ensure "a certain vigilance" against Francis' embarrassing …More
The Vatican has decided to further tighten the screws on journalists accredited to the Vatican, reports (9 June).
The aim is to ensure "a certain vigilance" against Francis' embarrassing remarks, even though the oligarchs' media activists do everything they can to protect Francis from criticism.
From now on, audio recordings of audiences with groups in the Apostolic Palace, previously broadcast live in the press room, will no longer be available. Prepared speeches will also no longer be available in advance.
Only the boring catechesis for Wednesday audiences and the Angelus prayer will remain accessible as before.
There are already a number of restrictions that would have been unthinkable under John Paul II and Benedict XVI, such as a ban on international press pools during visits by heads of state.
There is also a sharp control of the court journalists during Francis's plane interviews to avoid real questions.
Critical journalists are kept at a distance and interviews …More
Maria delos Angeles
"slack jawed imbecile" is as I recall one Miss said.. So it happens in the secular world with the Biden