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Language Alert Monday, June 17 Hal Turner Radio Show - We Are OUT OF TIME - and likely to be Hit by Russia in a large military strike. PREPARE while you can
Maria delos Angeles
Fr Kramer
Pope Benedict's election as pope occurred in the 2005 papal conclave Pope Benedict XVI (Latin: Benedictus PP. XVI; Italian: Benedetto XVI; German: Benedikt XVI; born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; …More
Pope Benedict's election as pope occurred in the 2005 papal conclave
Pope Benedict XVI
(Latin: Benedictus PP. XVI; Italian: Benedetto XVI; German: Benedikt XVI; born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; 16 April 1927 – 31 December 2022) was the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 19 April 2005 until his resignation on 28 February 2013. Benedict's election as pope occurred in the 2005 papal conclave that followed the death of Pope John Paul II. Benedict chose to be known as "Pope emeritus" upon his resignation, and he retained this title until his death in 2022.
Pope Benedict XVI - Wikipedia
Every single night, Pope Francis says he calls to check in on the priest at the only Catholic Church in Gaza. "The other day they were happy because they managed to eat some meat. The rest of the time …More
Every single night, Pope Francis says he calls to check in on the priest at the only Catholic Church in Gaza. "The other day they were happy because they managed to eat some meat. The rest of the time they eat flour, things made of flour," says the pope.
While he lights up another menora . Coming from the dirty years of Argentina he knows a thing or two of playing the game.He and JP II seem to escape …More
While he lights up another menora . Coming from the dirty years of Argentina he knows a thing or two of playing the game.He and JP II seem to escape imprisonment in their countries darkest times. 🤫
Palestine has no army. Palestine has no air force. The Palestinians have no rights. They live walled off from the rest of Israel in an outdoor concentration …More
Palestine has no army. Palestine has no air force. The Palestinians have no rights. They live walled off from the rest of Israel in an outdoor concentration camp. They have lived this way for 75 years. How can you possibly say there is a war between unarmed prisoners and their keepers? This is purely a genocide while the whole world watches. The Pope knows the circumstances under which the Palestinians suffer, yet he does not have the the moral fortitude to advocate for them. He is an evil man.
I posted this in April. Since then the Israelis corralled 1.5 million Palestinians into the southern city of Rafah. The population before the "war" was 300,000. There is one toilet for every 400 people. On May 5, they blocked any passage into the city, and effectively removed all humanitarian aide including water, fuel and food, which was very inadequate to begin with. For 16 days they have cut off the supply of water in 100 degree heat.
There is no one left alive in Rafah. The Palestinians are …More
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Michael Matt video: The famous historian of Chartres, Malcolm Miller, explains the massive Catholic ‘catechism’ that is Notre Dame de Chartres to the Remnant pilgrims.
Dr Bobus
In large churches like Chartres there are many chapels, one of which has the Sacrament reserved (on the left side at Chartres, where I once served mass …More
In large churches like Chartres there are many chapels, one of which has the Sacrament reserved (on the left side at Chartres, where I once served mass). In such churches there is nothing wrong with respectful talking in the nave.
Used to be taught that there should be no gabbing in the presence of Our Lord in the sanctuary. Reserved for outside.
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Latest Tucker on X..... Erik Prince on the many failures of the U.S. military (May 21, 2024)More
Latest Tucker on X.....
Erik Prince on the many failures of the U.S. military (May 21, 2024)
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò What is a conservative ? You have heard it: “A conservative is someone who clings to something and does not want to see beyond it. It is a suicidal attitude… to lock …More
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò What is a conservative ?
You have heard it: “A conservative is someone who clings to something and does not want to see beyond it. It is a suicidal attitude… to lock oneself in a dogmatic box.”
For once, Bergoglio is absolutely right: conservatism wants to “preserve” the outward appearances of Tradition, without the doctrinal substance that makes it alive. Conservatism is the attitude of those who criticize the excesses of the synodical church but are careful not to question the causes, which are to be found in Vatican II.
Conservatism is really “suicidal behaviour” because it creates an artificial “dogmatic box,” made of Novus Ordo ad orientem with Roman chasubles and Gregorian chants and also of Vetus Ordo; made of selected quotations of some conciliar documents, accidentally not contrasting with the Catholic Magisterium of all time; made of the apotheosis of John Paul II and the regret of Benedict XVI, whom we all loved.
But Tradition is not conservatism …More
religions shares this
True Mass
As Archbishop Vigano continues to move closer and closer to the Truth it is clear that his influence within "conservative and trad" media fades. Let us …More
As Archbishop Vigano continues to move closer and closer to the Truth it is clear that his influence within "conservative and trad" media fades. Let us not forget that He was the first to sound the warning. And he has never stopped never wavered. He is responsible for beginning my journey toward Truth.
God Bless you and protect you Archbishop Vigano.
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13. The Glories of Mary: The Meaning of Our Lady's Birth for Us Father Edward Looney discusses in detail the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He highlights the significance of Mary's birth as a prelude …More
13. The Glories of Mary: The Meaning of Our Lady's Birth for Us
Father Edward Looney discusses in detail the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He highlights the significance of Mary's birth as a prelude to her role in salvation history and emphasizes the unique graces bestowed upon her by God from the moment of her conception. Father Looney encourages reflection on how to honor Mary on her feast day, September 8th, and draws parallels between celebrating the births of Jesus, Mary, and John the Baptist and celebrating one's baptismal day. Explore the discourse on Mary's birth and deepen your understanding of her role as the Mother of God and Mediator of Grace. Episode 13 covers part two, discourse two. LEARN MORE - USE COUPON CODE COM25 FOR 25% OFF: • 10-Book Liguori Paperbound Set - • The Glories of Mary - • St. Alphonsus Liguori: Doctor of the Church - • The Road to Bethlehem - • The Road to …More
Pray for her conversion. She reminds me a bit of (a Muslim version) of my sister.
Maria delos Angeles
Thanks guys - for praying for this young lady, as I and my mum did last night..; she just released a video saying she is now an ex-Muslim. Thanks for …More
Thanks guys - for praying for this young lady, as I and my mum did last night..; she just released a video saying she is now an ex-Muslim.
Thanks for threatening me.. I'm now an ex-Muslim 👍
Its all due to your prayers!!!
Revolution that's coming will be like Rwanda slaughter on steroids when ever one goes broke 🥶
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Info Krieger Krieger
🚨🌎 Vogelgrippe-Pandemie "Der Staat Michigan hat gerade den Vogelgrippe-Notstand ausgerufen" "Sie machen jetzt PCR-Tests an Tieren, um eine künstliche …More
🚨🌎 Vogelgrippe-Pandemie
"Der Staat Michigan hat gerade den Vogelgrippe-Notstand ausgerufen"
"Sie machen jetzt PCR-Tests an Tieren, um eine künstliche Krise zu erzeugen"
"Wir haben glaubwürdige Beweise dafür, dass es sich um einen erneuten Funktionsgewinn der Forschung handelt"
Hört euch Dr. Peter McCulloughs Ausführungen über das letzte Übel an, das unsere Welt bedroht.
Mach dich bereit für Tiermassengräber, Nahrungsmittelknappheit und natürlich mehr Impfstoffe
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🔥 Antiilluminaten TV
National Eucharistic Procession in Brooklyn Will Stop at Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Cathedral The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage is now underway and expected to make its way to several churches in …More
National Eucharistic Procession in Brooklyn Will Stop at Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Cathedral
The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage is now underway and expected to make its way to several churches in Brooklyn. After a Pentecost vigil Mass at St. Mary Church in New Haven over the weekend, pilgrims on the Elizabeth Ann Seton route got on their way. Following the Blessed Sacrament through the city streets, they stopped at another church, then ended at the waterfront where they boarded a boat for the next leg of their journey. Archbishop Christopher Coyne of Hartford led the pilgrims out of St. Mary's and described to us the inspiring show of faith. The archbishop says despite the light rain, the pilgrims persevered. Those pilgrims are on their way to the Diocese of Brooklyn, making their way into the city on Memorial Day weekend. The easiest spot to meet up with the pilgrims will be in Manhattan at St. Patrick's Cathedral. They'll be at the landmarked cathedral at 10 AM on Sunday, May 26.…More
Mauricio 3691More
Mauricio 3691
Regina Magazine: "Attended the first Eucharistic Congress event tonight in Bemidji MN. Barron was the keynote speaker to a sparse audience. Organizers expected 4000 attendees and less than 2500 showed …More
Regina Magazine: "Attended the first Eucharistic Congress event tonight in Bemidji MN. Barron was the keynote speaker to a sparse audience. Organizers expected 4000 attendees and less than 2500 showed. Caterwauling guitars heard throughout. Rock concert style Tshirts for sale.
Day 2 of the Eucharistic Convention - still waiting to hear the specific list of action items that will help restore belief in the Real Presence.
None presented.
They're spending $50 million for this?"
Islamic call to prayer inside British Parliament in London.
English Catholic
At the last mandatory census in 2021 by the Office of National Statistics, 6.5% (3.9 million) identified as muslim. As that figure inexorably grows, …More
At the last mandatory census in 2021 by the Office of National Statistics, 6.5% (3.9 million) identified as muslim. As that figure inexorably grows, imagine what the situation will be like in a decade.
Louis IX
I suppose sung (Catholic) Vespers are now in play?
Leader of the Charismatic ‘Renewal’ teaching people to ‘speak in tongues’ and telling them to practice in the shower.
English Catholic
@charisma Please read this:…2053/The-Penecostal-Movement-A-Threat-to-the-Faith 'Catholic' Charismatic Renewal is no more than the importation …More
@charisma Please read this:…2053/The-Penecostal-Movement-A-Threat-to-the-Faith 'Catholic' Charismatic Renewal is no more than the importation of protestant practices into the Church.
Pls do not mix Pentecostal and Catholic Charismatic Reneval. This phenomena is much more characteristic of the first one. The gift of tongues (glossolalia …More
Pls do not mix Pentecostal and Catholic Charismatic Reneval. This phenomena is much more characteristic of the first one.
The gift of tongues (glossolalia) is listed in the Bible (1 Paul 12) and there is no problem with it in general.
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When God has another planMore
When God has another plan
Novena - Oremus shares this
Aber Gott hatte andere Pläne
Liberal women spend $4,000 to bash sticks on the ground and scream at a ‘Rage Ritual Retreat.’ The bizarre wellness retreat is designed to help women deal with anger.
If a tree falls in the forest does it make any sound 🤪
Ann Smith
Give them a Xanax for now, then place a Bible in their hands.
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Monsignor Viganó speaking in Spanish tells EVERYTHING and makes an impressive summary. It links the "state religion", the globalists, agenda 2030, WEF, Social Engineering, Plandemia, everything. Nothing …More
Monsignor Viganó speaking in Spanish tells EVERYTHING and makes an impressive summary.
It links the "state religion", the globalists, agenda 2030, WEF, Social Engineering, Plandemia, everything. Nothing is left behind.
Reverse engineer cause of this crisis my opinion when man started believing apes not God as our creator. You follow modern day biblical genealogy. Cheata …More
Reverse engineer cause of this crisis my opinion when man started believing apes not God as our creator. You follow modern day biblical genealogy. Cheata, Tarzan, then Adam did theistic evolution start with Tarzan or Adam.
🤪 🤪
chris griffin
@rafaportal... you have not mentioned abortion because you do not care about 200,000 babies murdered every day worldwide.
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHURCH (THE FEAST OF PENTECOST) - Bishop Strickland Speaks Pentecost is recorded as part of the Acts of the Apostles in Sacred Scripture. It is known as the birth of the Church. Christ …More
Pentecost is recorded as part of the Acts of the Apostles in Sacred Scripture.
It is known as the birth of the Church.
Christ promises the Apostles that He would send a Helper, a Paraclete. This is a promise that is fulfilled at Pentecost.
We are experiencing a challenging moment in the Church today, but the successors of the Apostles are in the world today. And we have the strength of the Spirit of God in our lives.
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🙏 Morning Minute Retreat (May 21, 2024)More
🙏 Morning Minute Retreat (May 21, 2024)