
Friend of Francis Says Tucho Is a Homosexual

The Argentine-born Dominican Sister Lucía Caram, a friend of Francis and enemy of the Church according to which Our Lady was "not a virgin", told Jorge Javier Vázquez ("Francis is an excellent pope")…More
The Argentine-born Dominican Sister Lucía Caram, a friend of Francis and enemy of the Church according to which Our Lady was "not a virgin", told Jorge Javier Vázquez ("Francis is an excellent pope"), a homosexual and host of the embarrassing chat show Cuentos chinos on TeleCinco.es, on September 18 that homosexual acts are "not sinful" as long as they are done "with love."
Accordingly, Caram is in favour of homosex pseudo-marriages in the Church because "[her] god always blesses [sin]".
She insisted that Francis is a friend of active homosexuals and transvestites, and revealed that he recently has "appointed a homosexual as prefect of a very important Vatican dicastery".
The most recent prefects appointed by Francis are Fernández (CDF) on 1 July 2023, Gugerotti (Eastern Churches) in November 2022, and Provost (Bishops) in January 2023.
Eastern Churches is not a "very important" dicastery, Provost is not a man about whom Caram knows private details. So, Caram's obvious homosexual candidate …More
Angie W.
Poor Bergoglio, the more accomplices he has, the worse his punishment will be.
José Luis Sanz Atau
Bergoglio ya está demas 🤪
Fr Dan
Lord have mercy
Sadly, Father, I fear it may be much too late for that. The sure, fierce judgement of the Lord is fallen upon us.
DefendTruth shares this
We have a homosexual as Prefect of the CDF....
Why do all these leftists lack the integrity to say they no longer believe in Catholicism? Their beliefs would find agreement in many Protestant churches, which is where they belong.
@JANET ZIMMER because they are malicious! There is no "agree to disagree" with these Marxists. They want the opposition to be destroyed utterly! Just look at U.S. politics. Why does the Democrat party want Republicans DEAD??? No dialoging with the modernists, their inclusion is a tactic for control.
Imagine my surprise!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Pope Francis has named Cardinal Fernandez on October 4 as a new member of the Vatican's Dicastery for Education -- the same office that under Benedict XVI held up Fernandez's appointment as rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I'm surprised a heretic like her wears the habit. She should be thrown out of the Order she is in, and the Church. Maybe the next Pope will.
I always knew Tucho was a queer. And so probably is Francis as well.
Simon North
Looks like Tucho in drag.
Ursula Sankt
“He so hated and despised sin that he avenged it on his own body with great pain, derision, torture, and reproach, his passion and death…He gives us back the light of grace and relieves us of the darkness that had entered our soul because of sin.” -St. Catherine of Siena
…and water is wet.
Novena - Oremus
Who would have guessed....