
German Priest Marries His Pastoral Assistant, She Keeps Her Job

Father Ulrich Witte of St. Johannes parish in Kirchhellen, Münster Diocese, Germany, announced last weekend during a Novus Ordo eucharist that he is leaving the priesthood to get married.

Witte served in the parish only for four months. During this time he got to know and love his pastoral assistant, Caroline Johnen.

After the unexpected announcement, the congregation initially remained silent, then "applauded warmly," media report.

Witte already left his position. His future wife will continue to be employed by Münster Diocese as pastoral assistant.

He does not need to leave the ministry since from now on the Antichrist approves of married priests: so let him return quickly!
Thors Catholic Hammer
All he possesses is cunning and aggression dosed with stupidity.
The actual antichrist possesses both cunning and genuine but limited intelligence.More
All he possesses is cunning and aggression dosed with stupidity.

The actual antichrist possesses both cunning and genuine but limited intelligence.
For once you're half-right. "Bergoglio" isn't the Antichrist. But he isn't "Bergoglio" anymore, either. He's Pope Francis, regrettably.
Un prêtre allemand épouse son assistante pastorale : elle garde son emploi
Le père Ulrich Witte de la paroisse St. Johannes de Kirchhellen, dans le diocèse de Münster, en Allemagne, a annoncé le week-end dernier, lors d'une eucharistie du Novus Ordo, qu'il quittait la prêtrise pour se marier.
Witte n'a servi dans la paroisse que pendant …More
Un prêtre allemand épouse son assistante pastorale : elle garde son emploi
Le père Ulrich Witte de la paroisse St. Johannes de Kirchhellen, dans le diocèse de Münster, en Allemagne, a annoncé le week-end dernier, lors d'une eucharistie du Novus Ordo, qu'il quittait la prêtrise pour se marier.

Witte n'a servi dans la paroisse que pendant quatre mois. Pendant cette période, il a appris à connaître et à aimer son assistante pastorale, Caroline Johnen.

Après l'annonce inattendue, la congrégation a d'abord gardé le silence, puis a « applaudi chaleureusement », selon les médias.

Witte a déjà quitté son poste. Sa future épouse continuera à être employée par le diocèse de Münster en tant qu'assistante pastorale.

[Il n'a pas besoin de quitter le ministère puisque désormais l'Antéchrist approuve les prêtres mariés (catholique.forumactif.com/t683-news-au-14-fevrier-2020) : qu'il revienne donc rapidement !]
J G Tasan
At last, lust truly prevails, huh?!
😀 😁More
At last, lust truly prevails, huh?!

😀 😁
comfort ye
Fry in Hell - Uh, I mean, I'll pray for their conversion, but couldn't someone tell them they shouldn't do this and she should go away and he should do penance?
Hugh N. Cry
Surprised the German “Church” didn’t ask him to stay. Isn’t this what they have been pushing for?
"Pastoral Assistant"... Who am I to judge?
Shhh... @Jungerheld. Let's not think about all the younger male "secretaries" priests have retained over the years. o.O
"His future wife will continue to be employed by Münster Diocese as pastoral assistant." How nice...The parishioners continue paying a salary to the woman who destroyed a priest's vocation. Yes, Germany is on a fine heading these days.
Wichita Knight
God brings people together in the strangest ways. Best wishes for the new bride and groom, may their marriage be as happy as mine.
Alex A
You jest of course!!!
@Wichita Knight Do you truly view it that way - or is it a joke? Aren't you aware that an unfulfilled vow once made to God places us under Divine Judgement as soon as we break the promise?
The importance of submitting ourselves for better or for verse, to a vow you have made to God is the basis of the previous commitment within the Church to say "No" to divorce.
Other incidents where Scripture …More
@Wichita Knight Do you truly view it that way - or is it a joke? Aren't you aware that an unfulfilled vow once made to God places us under Divine Judgement as soon as we break the promise?

The importance of submitting ourselves for better or for verse, to a vow you have made to God is the basis of the previous commitment within the Church to say "No" to divorce.

Other incidents where Scripture teaches us not to make an oath lightly...
See Judges 11.

" biblehub.com/judges/11-30.htmAnd Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: “If you give the Ammonites into my hands, biblehub.com/judges/11-31.htm whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.”"

After winning the battle, Jephthah is startled to see that his daughter is the first person he sees upon returning home.

Also, an oath made by Samson to be a Nazarite, would have consisted of making an oath to God that he would never cut his hair...

Judges 13
[3] And an angel of the Lord appeared to her, (Samson's Mother Saraa) and said: Thou art barren and without children: but thou shalt conceive and bear a son. [4] Now therefore beware and drink no wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing. [5] Because thou shalt conceive and bear a son, and no razor shall touch his head: for he shall be a Nazarite of God, from his infancy, and from his mother's womb, and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines.

That is the TRUE reason why God cursed him and took away his strength, He deserted him since he allowed his mistress to shave his head..... he condemned himself by breaking his Consecrated Oath. As soon as his hair grew long again, Our Lord gave him his strength back , and he was able to move the pillars and destroy the Temple of the Philistines.

Vows are perpetual oaths to God.... they are to be held sacrosanct. That is why Our Lord recommends that we do not make them unless 100% sure we mean to uphold them and never break them.

James 5:12
But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by Heaven or by Rarth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

If God abandoned Samson for allowing his hair to be cut - what will be the extent of His punishment against the Church that forsakes Her Sacred Traditions, and the Novus Ordo Priests who commit Sacrilege and break their vows of Chastity?

God help them all!
O Maoleoin
The Novus Ordo is not Catholic.It is a new protestant sect founded by Pope Paul VI in 1969.They are no different than the Lutheren Church in Germany.
Wichita Knight
If Ulrich Witte no longer feels the call to the vocation it is best that he leave. To do otherwise is a disservice to all in need of a priest who is fully committed to their calling.