
Luther's Antiquated Heresy Is Francis' New Teaching

“How does justification happen?”, Francis asked at his September 29 General Audience. He replied, “Answering this question is equivalent to discovering another novelty of St. Paul's teaching: that …More
“How does justification happen?”, Francis asked at his September 29 General Audience.
He replied, “Answering this question is equivalent to discovering another novelty of St. Paul's teaching: that justification occurs by grace. Only by grace: we have been justified by pure grace.”
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1993) “justification establishes cooperation between God's grace and man's freedom.”
True justification is made visible by good deeds. James 2,18 explains that even the demons believe that there is one God and concludes, “Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by my deeds.”
Jan Joseph
De Protestantse Rooms Katholieke kerk van na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie heeft een horizontaal Godsbeeld, God staat niet boven ons maar naast ons. In dit geloof is de mens belangrijker geworden dan God. Hierdoor is de zogenaamde maakbare samenleving ontstaan zonder Gods wetten met abortus en euthanasie.
Plainly heretical words. Luther hated the Epistle of St James calling it an Epistle of straw as it denied sola fide. Francis would deny his heresies if pressed. His spokesman always exploit the closeness if his words to deny heresy.
atreverse pensar
If Bergoglio is not heretic, then Luther neither.
Heresy doesn't work that way. Canon Law 751 states "Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt."
This distinction between an obstinate act (denial or doubt) and an act per se is important.
In this context, "obstinate" shows a deliberate course of action after correction by The Church., i.e. "stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion." …More
Heresy doesn't work that way. Canon Law 751 states "Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt."

This distinction between an obstinate act (denial or doubt) and an act per se is important.

In this context, "obstinate" shows a deliberate course of action after correction by The Church., i.e. "stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion."

Citation (Merriam-Webster dictionary entry: "Obstinate")

An obstinate denial or an obstinate doubt shows that:

a.) the accused heretic has expressed a view
b.) The Church has formally disgreed with the accused heretic's views as contrary to Her teachings.
c.) The Church has attempted to correct the accused heretic
d.) the accused heretic has opposed that correction by the Church.

Regarding Pope Francis,
a.) He has certainly expressed his views, many of them are almost certainly errors and contrary to the the teachings of The Church. But....
b.)-d.) have not happened yet.

Who has the temporal authority to represent the Church in correcting the supposed errors of the Church's highest temporal authority?
Pop Leo X condemned the heresies of Luther with Exurge Domine. We await the condemnation of Bergoglio.
atreverse pensar
I know few obstinate people as stubborn as the president of the Vatican state.
Schönheit des Katholizismus
Facts Not Lies
This guy changed directions with such rapidity and force one must wonder if there are some BLACK incentives in his MAIL.
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus wil dat de Rooms Katholieken eerst Protestant worden daarna worden de Rooms Katholieke gelovigen Moslim gemaakt. Ieder kind van zes jaar, die zijn eerste communie heeft gedaan, heeft meer kennis van het Rooms Katholieke geloof dan de wereldleider van de Rooms Katholieke kerk, paus Franciscus.
Pope + Heresy^2 = -Pope
John A Cassani
The irony here is that, historically, the Jesuits have downplayed the role that grace plays in justification, in a way that was questionable. They believed something to the effect that man reaches up towards God, and grace carries him the rest of the way. The traditional Dominican view is that justification is completely the result of both God’s grace, and the free cooperation of the individual …More
The irony here is that, historically, the Jesuits have downplayed the role that grace plays in justification, in a way that was questionable. They believed something to the effect that man reaches up towards God, and grace carries him the rest of the way. The traditional Dominican view is that justification is completely the result of both God’s grace, and the free cooperation of the individual man. The notion that salvation comes by grace alone is not heretical, in and of itself. Lutherans are heretical in the way they assert that grace comes from faith alone, without the necessity of conversion. The irony of the Lutheran position is that they actually turn faith into a work of man, as they do not hold that faith, hope, and charity are conferred through Baptism. They believe Baptism is symbolic of a person already having come to faith.
Malki Tzedek
So tragic that a mediocre, and, based upon the evidence, heretical, 'Jesuit' should cloud and undermine the work of so many more Jesuits who were/are worthy of the name and their calling. Pace souls such as Fr. James Schall. His only example to the faithful is as a reminder that we should constantly pray that we do not succumb to the temptation and confusions of the devil for which he is so prone …More
So tragic that a mediocre, and, based upon the evidence, heretical, 'Jesuit' should cloud and undermine the work of so many more Jesuits who were/are worthy of the name and their calling. Pace souls such as Fr. James Schall. His only example to the faithful is as a reminder that we should constantly pray that we do not succumb to the temptation and confusions of the devil for which he is so prone in castigating others. We must pray for him as well; he is delusional.
De Profundis
The irony of a Jesuit paving the way for El Diablo is mind blowing. There was a reason Jesuits were always denied the papacy
Schönheit des Katholizismus
Gregory the great on the just (and the condemned)