
Mental Health? Francis' Next Ship of Fools Is Ready to Sail

The Vatican’s alleged May Health Conference will gather 114 representatives of Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Money, New Age, and show business. Not surprisingly, Catholics are not invited. On the first …More
The Vatican’s alleged May Health Conference will gather 114 representatives of Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Money, New Age, and show business.
Not surprisingly, Catholics are not invited. On the first morning, India born Deepak Chopra, 74, a leading New Age figure, will talk about "anthropology." Chopra has proclaimed in the past that one may attain "perfect health" that is a condition which is "free from disease," "never feels pain," and "cannot age or die." Chopra's net worth: $150 million.
Two "inter-religious talks" with a Jew, a Muslim, and a Mormon - no "Catholic" scheduled - will deal with “Religious dietary practices,” and with the question whether "love is finite or unlimited.”
On the third day, Jane Goodall, 87, the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees (sic!), will tell the audience what it means "to be human." In September 2010, Goodall replied to the question whether she believed in God, "I don't have any idea of who or what God is." Net worth: $12 million; twice married. …More
George Obregon
I won't be on that cruise ship, Vaccine Passport of The Seas...
/geo ex machina
are they they apostles of pope Francis ?
P. O'B
Follow the ideas, the ventures, the beliefs of Francis, and go to Hell.
Fortunately, there's nothing in Canon Law requiring the laity to do so.
It’s obvious that the target audience for this conference are American Catholics. The reason? The only moderators are American high profile media personalities like Katie Couric, Robin Robinson, Meredith Veira, Amy Robach, and Sanjay Gupta.
De Profundis
Has any member of Church leadership publicly spoken out against the Vatican's upcoming "health" conference that features an array of globalists, leftists and pro-abortion advocates? Just wondering.
What planet does the Vatican live on..there is nothing Catholic about this. Perhaps has the date grows closer Cardinal Burke etc will hopefully speak up. What is needed is a missive petition protesting this event