
Again: French Gothic Cathedral On Fire (Video)

A major fire broke out in the Gothic cathedral of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Nantes, France, on the morning of 18 July. Firefighters tried to save the 15th century building. The blaze comes just …More
A major fire broke out in the Gothic cathedral of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Nantes, France, on the morning of 18 July.
Firefighters tried to save the 15th century building. The blaze comes just one year after a major fire at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.
All historic cathedrals in France were taken away from the Church and "belong" now to the State.
The +400 year organ has reportedly been destroyed.
Just an accident! I'm sure
Roberto 55
and moslems or BLM or antifa are not involved for sure...