
German Synodal Way Doesn’t Know Whether Priesthood Is Still Needed

The plenary assembly of the German Synodal/Suicidal Way decided on 1 October by a majority of one vote (95 to 94) to "clarify" whether the Church “still needs a priesthood". Ludwig Ring-Eifel, editor-in-chief of the German Catholic agency KNA, reported this on Twitter.com.

Earlier, the synod voted 168 to 28 in favour of a text scraping sexual morality and replacing it with an immorality that turns disordered desires of individuals into law. The text accepts masturbation, condemns the successful therapies for homosexuals and calls for "blessing" for adulterers and homosexuals.

Mara Klein, a representative of the Cusanuswerk, demanded that the "sexuality of non-heterosexual couples" be fully "decriminalised" and "made a sacrament."

Picture: Pressefotos, Synodaler Weg/Maximilian von Lachner, #newsThczeqexzz

Jan Joseph
Het Rooms Katholieke geloof bestaat uit het Evangelie, de Tien Geboden en de Zeven Sacramenten, wie dat niet kan aanvaarden is niet Rooms Katholiek. Deze Synode is dus duidelijk niet Rooms Katholiek.
Servant Of Divine Mercy
They want to take out or change the True Sacraments especially the Eucharist so if you take out the priesthood you then take out the Truth of the Sacraments as only the Catholic ordained priesthood can celebrate the Sacraments. Satan is clever and a bit like how he has led many to fall to idol worship the Easter bunny and Santa claus as he knows that many wouldn't embrace him due to his ugly and …More
They want to take out or change the True Sacraments especially the Eucharist so if you take out the priesthood you then take out the Truth of the Sacraments as only the Catholic ordained priesthood can celebrate the Sacraments. Satan is clever and a bit like how he has led many to fall to idol worship the Easter bunny and Santa claus as he knows that many wouldn't embrace him due to his ugly and evil stench character so he finds a round about way and works his evil ways from there and will use his puppets when needed.
If there are no priests, there is not the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Jesus warned us that the Eucharist would change and when that happens He will no longer be present. There will come a time very soon when only a few priests will stay faithful and will have to “ go into the catacombs to celebrate the true mass.” We have been warned over and over and Jesus has been pleading to …More
If there are no priests, there is not the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Jesus warned us that the Eucharist would change and when that happens He will no longer be present. There will come a time very soon when only a few priests will stay faithful and will have to “ go into the catacombs to celebrate the true mass.” We have been warned over and over and Jesus has been pleading to us through His Mother Mary for centuries to repent and yet we have done nothing to counter it. Catholics have become so complacent and whimper with hurt egos if someone suggests we may have sinned and need to repent. “Well, repent because the time is near, no it is knocking at your doors. “.
Tony M
These heretics need to repent of their heresies and go to confession if they are to have any hope of being saved.
But.....who will hear their confession if their are no priests?????????????
Judging by the weight some of them seem to be carrying this could be very much an urgent matter!!!!
Technically error does not become heresy until The Church attempts to correct it, the accused refuses to accept correction and then The Church rules on the matter.
There is no longer anyone left in the Church that will speak out against the errors. The entire Church has fallen. The pope has killed the traditional mass and the history behind it. Not until the new has been destroyed and burnt to the ground can the old tradition and Magisterium of the true Church of Jesus return.
Live Mike
German Synodal Way Doesn’t Know What It Means To Be Catholic
No suprises this comes from the same country that produced the single most destructive heresy The Catholic Church has seen in its history
The Farce Coninues.. Masks must be worn, except for speakers, peformers, fat kneeling women, a guy in vestments who might be celebrating Mass -and what's with the bottled water fetish? 4-8 one liter bottles for each attendee?
Hydration is "cool" now! Just see all the millennials walking around with water bottles that look like something you'd take with you if you were hiking in the Gobi Desert.
Thanks for the info @Orthocat Interesting analogy. Perhaps they did put out enough water since that synod is a spiritual desert. ;-)
Last photo: genuflection or "taking a knee" - you decide? 🤔
They have rejected Christ so why not the priesthood?
“In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved…..” Third Secret of Fatima follows - Look and pray for Germany!!!
Excommunicated them selves!
Excommunicate them!
Werte shares this
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