
Viganò: Francis Tries to Provoke A Schism

By endorsing homosex unions, Francis wants “to provoke a schism” as he has already attempted to do with Amoris Laetitia, the death penalty, the Amazon Synod, Pachamama, and the Abu Dhabi Declaration …More
By endorsing homosex unions, Francis wants “to provoke a schism” as he has already attempted to do with Amoris Laetitia, the death penalty, the Amazon Synod, Pachamama, and the Abu Dhabi Declaration, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote in a October 21 statement.
According to Viganò, Bergoglio tries to push Catholic cardinals and bishops to sever communion with him resulting in the expulsion of Catholics "who want to remain faithful".
“This trap would have the purpose – in the presumed intentions of Bergoglio and his ‘magic circle’ – to consolidate his own power within a Church that would only nominally be ‘Catholic’ but in reality would be heretical and schismatic,” Viganò explains.
Picture: Carlo Maria Viganò, © RemnantNewspaper.com, #newsUrububohkm
Ipsa conteret
The Great Apostasy begins at the TOP! - Our Lady has been warning us of this in many apparitions for decades! We are undoubtedly living through the consequences of the failure to obey Our Lady's requests at Fatima -- including the fact that the full contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima were never revealed, as She requested. Pray your Rosary daily! The true Church is going underground - as has been …More
The Great Apostasy begins at the TOP! - Our Lady has been warning us of this in many apparitions for decades! We are undoubtedly living through the consequences of the failure to obey Our Lady's requests at Fatima -- including the fact that the full contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima were never revealed, as She requested. Pray your Rosary daily! The true Church is going underground - as has been prophesied!
F M Shyanguya
End of the Age, Apocalypse Time.
The 3rd Secret of Fatima:
April 1, 1944
Now I am going to reveal the third fragment of the secret: This part is the apostasy in the Church!
Our Lady showed us the individual who I describe as the 'holy Father' in front of a multitude that was cheering him.
But there was a difference from a true holy Father, his devilish gaze, this one had the gaze of evil.
Then, after some moments we saw the …More
The 3rd Secret of Fatima:
April 1, 1944


Now I am going to reveal the third fragment of the secret: This part is the apostasy in the Church!

Our Lady showed us the individual who I describe as the 'holy Father' in front of a multitude that was cheering him.

But there was a difference from a true holy Father, his devilish gaze, this one had the gaze of evil.

Then, after some moments we saw the same Pope entering a Church, but this Church was the Church of hell; there is no way to describe the ugliness of that place. It looked like a gray cement fortress with broken angles and windows similar to eyes; it had a beak in the roof of the building.

Next, we raised our eyes to Our Lady who said to us: You saw the apostasy in the Church; this letter can be opened by the holy Father, but it must be announced after Pius XII and before 1960.

In the kingdom of John Paul II the cornerstone of Peter's grave must be removed and transferred to Fatima.

Because the dogma of the faith is not conserved in Rome, its authority will be removed and delivered to Fatima.

The cathedral of Rome must be destroyed and a new one built in Fatima.

If 69 weeks after this order is announced, Rome continues its abomination, the city will be destroyed.

Our Lady told us that this is written,[in] Daniel 9:24-25 and Matthew 21:42-44

Source: traditioninaction.org/Questions/B352_Secret.html
@HerzMariae because the term does not apply according to Canon Law 751 Schism "is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff..." One may submit to the Supreme Pontiff, nowhere does Canon Law state one must agree with the Supreme Pontiff or follow the Supreme Pontiff when he errs, especially when his errors might well lead him to Hell. Likewise, Archbishop Vigano's accusation is equally …More
@HerzMariae because the term does not apply according to Canon Law 751 Schism "is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff..." One may submit to the Supreme Pontiff, nowhere does Canon Law state one must agree with the Supreme Pontiff or follow the Supreme Pontiff when he errs, especially when his errors might well lead him to Hell. Likewise, Archbishop Vigano's accusation is equally wrong. How can Pope Francis it the Supreme Pontiff. How can Pope Francis refuse to submit to the authority of Pope Francis? :P
Why is it so terrible that Francis calls faithful Catholics schismatics?
De Mattei said last year: Revolutions historically have long incubation periods and then explode. "It is possible that all will explode very, very rapidly.”