
Francis on US Catholics: "They Got Angry, But Let’s Move On"

Francis admitted on August 31 that his recent insults calling out the US Catholic Church as "reactionary" had ruffled feathers, “They got angry, but let's move on, move on”, an angry Francis told …More
Francis admitted on August 31 that his recent insults calling out the US Catholic Church as "reactionary" had ruffled feathers,
“They got angry, but let's move on, move on”, an angry Francis told Reuters.com on the plane to Mongolia.
Jorge is such a smarty pants, be assured though he won't be telling the just judge to move on.
Denis Efimov
Francis often talks about backwardness, looking back and moving backward. All this is of course a lie. The fact is, faithful Catholics never stopped moving forward. None of them is left behind, is not an indietrist, does not go back. It's just that these are different roads: faithful Catholics go forward along the firm path of faith, while the modernists ("progressives") at one well-known historical …More
Francis often talks about backwardness, looking back and moving backward. All this is of course a lie. The fact is, faithful Catholics never stopped moving forward. None of them is left behind, is not an indietrist, does not go back. It's just that these are different roads: faithful Catholics go forward along the firm path of faith, while the modernists ("progressives") at one well-known historical moment turned towards the swamp and go along it. Some managed to get out of this swamp and enter the only road along which faithful Catholics go. However, many others continue to move through the swamp, getting bogged down in it more and more. Moreover, they are so stubborn and unreasonable that they want everyone else to join them in this "walk through the swamp".
Hound of Heaven
I'm all for Francis 'moving on', or more accurately 'moving out' of his current role. God help us.
Americans are still the largest donors to Peter’s Pence. Maybe that should change.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I suggest all faithful CAtholics giving nothing.
Paul F
Well pope Francis, don't worry. We did move on! It's you and your heavily frustrated Woodstock-generation that got stuck in the sixties. We don't need another (ecclesiastical) NGO, we just want Jesus. Viva Cristo Rey!
Ivan Tomas
John A Cassani
Pretty sure it’s flipped over. But, Jesus isn’t on the other side either.
Ivan Tomas
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
All traditional/faithful Catholics shuold dump this guy and his associates and "move on", and keep re-establishing Catholic tradition and the TLM without approval from him. We owe him and his gay guys in the VAtican nothing!!
P. O'B
Oh, kick innocent people in the teeth and then just "move on."
As he did when he slapped the Chinese Catholic woman who attempted to kiss his hand. No more of that papal traditional stuff!
Move on to what? The church of Francis? No thanks. Let's go back to Jesus and Jesus' church.
Sandy Barrett
Francis be like, ‘yes, I don’t like you Americans, get over it’