"Another Cookie": Priest Stops Violent Lesbian from Stealing Holy Communion

Rev. Fidel Rodriguez, 66, was attacked twice during Eucharists last Sunday by a woman who later claimed she was a "lesbian". The incident took place at St Thomas Aquinas Church in St Cloud, Florida, …More
Rev. Fidel Rodriguez, 66, was attacked twice during Eucharists last Sunday by a woman who later claimed she was a "lesbian".
The incident took place at St Thomas Aquinas Church in St Cloud, Florida, Diocese of Orlando. The woman first attended the 10am Eucharist, the First Communion of her niece. She stood in line for Communion, went up to the priest but didn't know what to do.
The priest, realising that she had no knowledge of the sacrament, politely asked her when she had last received Communion. She replied that it had been many years. He asked her if she had gone to confession, to which she rudely replied, "I don't need to explain that to you".
An hour later, at noon, the woman reappeared in the church for another Eucharist, also celebrated by Rev. Rodriguez. The woman was accompanied by her female concubine, whom the priest did not know.
The same situation repeated itself. The fury presented herself again to Rev. Rodriguez and asked to be given Communion. He asked her if she had …More
Sally Dorman
a) The Church needs to restore the altar rail and return to the practice of the faithful receiving Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling. b) The Sacrament of Penance with priest and penitent separated by a partition/screen should be the norm.
Naomi Arai
This is Novus Ordo. It's not going to happen.
Good for him, we need to fight these demons off.
And the Diocese supported him? If true, that's encouraging.
It is not bread. It is not "considered" the Body of Christ, as the journalist said. It IS the Body of Christ. This is why the priest defended Him (and the unknowing woman, to protect her soul from receiving unworthily). Hopefully the Holy Spirit will use this event to call her to come to Him with her whole heart one day soon.
Excellent!!! A bold, fearless, zealous WARRIOR for the Faith….. a modern Phinehas! We need more like him. What glorious advances Holy Mother Church could make if her Bishops and Cardinals would display just a fraction of this kind of zeal and devotion in defense of the Faith.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Do we now need security guards at the doors of the Catholic Churches to sort the faithful from the weirdos who have no qualms with disrupting the liturgy or abusing the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Consecrated Host(s) because this mystery is meaningless to them?
Father Karl A Claver
Communion in the CLAW leads to this abuse.
Thank you, Fr. Rodriguez, for loving Our Lord so much that you defended His Presence with us in the Most Blessed Sacrament! A joy to see a true shepherd of the Good Shepherd~. We need more priests like you today!