
Cardinal Cupich Is Visitator Of Dicastery For Human Development

Francis appointed Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich, USA, to conduct an Apostolic Visitation of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, the director of the Vatican Press Office, Matteo Bruni confirmed (June 24).

The Dicastery is led by Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson, 72

Bruni called the visitation a “normal review” of the work of the dicasteries. Cupich will begin in the next few days.

Pro-choice/gay Cupich is among the worst cardinals in the already awful College of Cardinals.

Francis reportedly wants Apostolic Visitations in Vatican Dicasteries as a regular practice. Until 2021, visitations were means to correct problems in a Catholic institution, now they seem to be used as red herrings.

Picture: Blase Cupich © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsVrgbhwtqkh

Trad Truly
Cupich aka "Sissyboy" is as close to a "Natural Combustible" as one can get without an involuntary ignition. He is perfectly awful. A true apostle of Church denigration. God help him.
Hugh N. Cry
Cupich was one of those “couple- type” seminarians. 😉
Cupich is not Catholic,please pray for him and his fellow apostates. The rosary is the best!
@123jussi To be an apostate, one must renounce the Catholic faith. Cardinal Cupich has not done so. Therefore he is not an apostate, regardless of his other, many, errors.
Not an apostate, yet, but definitely a heretic.
There is more than one way of renouncing your faith,and words don't mean as much as your actions,he is an apostate !
Guess who is this