Biden: "End of quote. Repeat the line. Women are not without electoral... or political power."
Biden ist inzwischen völlig dement und muss immer noch als Präsidenten-Marionette fungieren. Wie lange das wohl noch gut geht?! Oder trägt er inzwischen einen Chip und wird ferngesteuert?!!
Gast6 shares this
Joe Biden beendet einen Satz vom Teleprompter mit den Worten: "Zitatende. Wiederhole den Satz."
Biden ist nur mehr eine Sprechpuppe des Deepstate! Eines der Oberteufelchen steht links von Biden...
Sally Dorman shares this
If only we could hack the teleprompter
Jeffrey Ade
The thought boggles my mind, the possibilities!
Ave Crux
Does this prove we just have a "wind-up doll" for a President? 😂 Sure feels like no one knows what they're doing....
Jeffrey Ade
the circus is on
How can those 2 other goons not bust out laughing.
Agatha James
The HHS guy looks like he's barely containing it.
It must always be noted that the special modern mark is not being ruled by the rich, but by the very rich; and the very rich are very few.
Agatha James
And the mark of God's displeasure is allowing us to be ruled by an idiot.
Roberto 55
This Parrot, sorry POTUS is useful liar for pseudojews=khazarians=central bankers and other degenerates like them.
De Profundis shares this
Joe Biden accidentally reads the part on the teleprompter that says "repeat the line" when they wanted him to say the line again lmfao
De Profundis
White House Assistant Press Secretary says that Biden has said "let me repeat that line" and not "repeat the line". But it is not true. Listen again.
Wilma Lopez
Harris looks as robotic as Biden reading the words scrolling up the screen on the teleprompter. Good Lord, Joe…
Becerra won't be flashing that arrogant smirk during his particular judgment.