Have You Ever Read Windswept House by Malachi Martin?

It's a thrilling read, and there's more to it than just the Luciferian Enthronement. I've put together a deep dive into the book's most important themes, including papal resignation and complicit clergy …More
It's a thrilling read, and there's more to it than just the Luciferian Enthronement. I've put together a deep dive into the book's most important themes, including papal resignation and complicit clergy. Enjoy.
Live Mike
I am certain that good men like Mr. Sean Johnson have never uttered words in their entire life that were said rashly or for effect and could not withstand the critique of pious Catholics.
Sean Johnson
The blasphemous claim mentioned below is unknown to the gospel accounts, or any of the writings, teachings, or commentaries of the Fathers, saints, popes, Doctors, or theologians, and unknown even to any private revelations. Neither is it alleged by any contemporary writer (Jewish, pagan, or Christian) or historian.
Moreover, such practice, contrary to what is asserted, was rare.
Consequently, the …More
The blasphemous claim mentioned below is unknown to the gospel accounts, or any of the writings, teachings, or commentaries of the Fathers, saints, popes, Doctors, or theologians, and unknown even to any private revelations. Neither is it alleged by any contemporary writer (Jewish, pagan, or Christian) or historian.

Moreover, such practice, contrary to what is asserted, was rare.

Consequently, the blasphemous allegation that such a thing happened implies secret knowledge of alleged “secret sufferings” of Our Lord, which is Gnosticism.

Consequently, any such claim is not merely gratuitous and blasphemous, but heretical.

Was Jesus Really Sexually Abused? No.
Sean Johnson
Moreover, the filthy blasphemy is incongruous with the Incarnation:
The same God whose divine maternity required the purity of the womb of the undefiled virgin would nevertheless permit Himself to be defiled?More
Moreover, the filthy blasphemy is incongruous with the Incarnation:

The same God whose divine maternity required the purity of the womb of the undefiled virgin would nevertheless permit Himself to be defiled?
Patricia McKeever
@Sean Johnson Spot on. I am always amazed to hear a priest preach homilies at Christmas in which they ignorantly claim that Our Lady was an unmarried mother, as if God would require sin to achieve His plan of salvation and ditto when I read that Christ was "murdered" again, as if God would require sin to achieve His plan of salvation, instead of the State-permitted use of capital punishment. There …More
@Sean Johnson Spot on. I am always amazed to hear a priest preach homilies at Christmas in which they ignorantly claim that Our Lady was an unmarried mother, as if God would require sin to achieve His plan of salvation and ditto when I read that Christ was "murdered" again, as if God would require sin to achieve His plan of salvation, instead of the State-permitted use of capital punishment. There seems to be no sound theology taught in seminaries and professional priestly gatherings at all, these days.
Father Karl A Claver
I visited Father Martin often. He was brilliant, very profound yet easy to comprehend. And he was a holy priest.
Sean Johnson
Hello Father-
Do you have any insight on why he shares a grave with a woman (his longtime cohabitant)?
Live Mike
Hello Sean-
Robert A. Marro, author & long time friend of Fr. Malachi Martin, has answered that defamatory / slanderous question many times.
Carol H
This so called "holy" priest was defrocked for having an affair with a journalist's wife, lied about being an exorcist, made a packet as a spy for his Jewish publishers during Vatican II, and claimed in an interview - long after he had written his best-sellers - that Our Blessed and most pure Savior was sodomized. I have a copy of this audio-tape. Mr. Martin did not change interiorly - he changed …More
This so called "holy" priest was defrocked for having an affair with a journalist's wife, lied about being an exorcist, made a packet as a spy for his Jewish publishers during Vatican II, and claimed in an interview - long after he had written his best-sellers - that Our Blessed and most pure Savior was sodomized. I have a copy of this audio-tape. Mr. Martin did not change interiorly - he changed tact; fled to New York to re-invent himself.
Did he mention anything how he worked together with A. Bea and Jewish organisations to destroy Catholicism during Vatican II? In his supposed "holiness" did he tell at least truth about himself?
English Catholic
@Carol H Spot on. Thank you for your braveness. You will definitely meet resistance and ridicule, but then whoever tells the truth normally does. Is there anyway you can get Martin's talk on this sick horrible blasphemy about Our Lord, uploaded to GTV? When they hear it, that might change a few minds and hearts about this man. I've got a file about half an inch thick on him here. Even some exemplary …More
@Carol H Spot on. Thank you for your braveness. You will definitely meet resistance and ridicule, but then whoever tells the truth normally does. Is there anyway you can get Martin's talk on this sick horrible blasphemy about Our Lord, uploaded to GTV? When they hear it, that might change a few minds and hearts about this man. I've got a file about half an inch thick on him here. Even some exemplary Catholics I know have fallen for his blather.
Live Mike
Yes, Fr. Malachi Martin was describing the terrible violence and brutality that was inflicted upon prisoners, even high-profile prisoners by the Romans. "In the ancient world, rape of prisoners of war was common. Roman military officers often used the young men of defeated peoples for homosexual intercourse. The Roman historian Tacitus noted this happening during the Revolt of the Batavi (in GermaniaMore
Yes, Fr. Malachi Martin was describing the terrible violence and brutality that was inflicted upon prisoners, even high-profile prisoners by the Romans. "In the ancient world, rape of prisoners of war was common. Roman military officers often used the young men of defeated peoples for homosexual intercourse. The Roman historian Tacitus noted this happening during the Revolt of the Batavi (in Germania and Historiae). The rape of slaves, male or female, was seen as acceptable." As disgusting and revolting it is to even consider happening to Our Divine Savior, was this impossible? There is much that was never recorded in the Holy Gospels and in Sacred Scripture. For instance, Roman prisoners were notoriously striped of all clothing before crucifixion in order to humiliate the victim. Which chapter and verse in Sacred Scripture mentions this fact of total nakedness explicitly (without a loin cloth) during Our Lord's Passion and Death? Why was Our Lord willing to make this sacrifice and suffer such an indignity?
English Catholic
Point taken @LiveMike, but @Carol H stated that Malachi Martin "claimed in an interview - long after he had written his best-sellers - that Our Blessed and most pure Savior was sodomized". I see where you're coming from, but was a specific claim made by Malachi Martin that this did actually happen to Our Lord, or was he generalising that it might have been a potential danger? Which are two …More
Point taken @LiveMike, but @Carol H stated that Malachi Martin "claimed in an interview - long after he had written his best-sellers - that Our Blessed and most pure Savior was sodomized". I see where you're coming from, but was a specific claim made by Malachi Martin that this did actually happen to Our Lord, or was he generalising that it might have been a potential danger? Which are two different things. I haven't heard the tape, so can't say. Have you got the tape?
Carol H
The interview is entitled "Crossing the Desert" and was conducted in 1996 between Malachi Martin and Bernard Janzen, a Canadian journalist and publisher. Malachi Martin says (and I quote): "...crucifixion is a terrible thing - to hang naked like that for six hours and die, spitting your guts out - that what - Jesus - having scourged him, spat at him and sodomized him and beaten him up in prison."…More
The interview is entitled "Crossing the Desert" and was conducted in 1996 between Malachi Martin and Bernard Janzen, a Canadian journalist and publisher. Malachi Martin says (and I quote): "...crucifixion is a terrible thing - to hang naked like that for six hours and die, spitting your guts out - that what - Jesus - having scourged him, spat at him and sodomized him and beaten him up in prison." Our Blessed Lord was born of a Virgin because He was PURITY itself. Thus to say such a vile and blasphemous thing is beyond sickening. And to suggest it could be true is just as equally horrific. Only someone who secretly hated Christ would utter such a made-up, fabricated profanity against God. In a later interview (1998) with Art Bell (Art Bell's Radio Show) Malachi Martin states: " (Jesus) was a big man, and he was crucified and bled like a pig...". Wake up! This is Talmudic language. It is the serpent tail of this dangerous "angel of light". Malachi's entire adult life was a lie. He worked as a double agent for his Jewish puppeteers and continued with his pathological lying to make a lot of money off confused Catholics and reinforce, as a secret agitator, their growing distrust of the Papacy. He was for separation of Church and State, and evolution. He stated that pagan shamens could perform real miracles, and he encouraged Catholics to listen to the protestant fundamentalist Hal Lindsay. ALL these statements were made publically after his so-called "conversion".
Carol H
Ps. English Catholic: Thank you kindly for your comments. I think, however, it would be counter-productive to post the interview; to have that evil made public once gain repulses me. I find it hard, given the topic, to even engage in this distasteful discussion and it is so disheartening to see Catholics defending such blasphemy. Strange times...
English Catholic
@Carol H I perfectly understand. Thank you.
Patricia McKeever
@Carol H Thank you for that information because I have had serious doubts about Malachi Martin for many years now, having listened to many of his taped interviews. There is much to cause scandal, not least the fact that he is buried with a woman, not a relative, a woman named Kakia Livanos, who is invariably described as his ‘companion’, sometimes ‘housekeeper’. As a friend writes: "Just very …More
@Carol H Thank you for that information because I have had serious doubts about Malachi Martin for many years now, having listened to many of his taped interviews. There is much to cause scandal, not least the fact that he is buried with a woman, not a relative, a woman named Kakia Livanos, who is invariably described as his ‘companion’, sometimes ‘housekeeper’. As a friend writes: "Just very weird a priest being buried with a woman who wasn’t a relative. I note they shared the same birthday, she was two years older than him."
Said friend included a picture of their tombstone - see below. I'm utterly scandalised. And this priest is held up as a hero of the post-Vatican II era/turmoil. You couldn't make it up. Truly.
Patricia McKeever
@Carol H Further to my previous comment, I've since discovered that it was not Malachi Martin who arranged to be buried with Livanos - she arranged for him to be buried in her family plot. I want to apologise, therefore, for any scandal I may have caused about this. My latest New Year's resolution (May, 2024!) is never to repeat anything for which I don't have absolutely indisputable evidence. To …More
@Carol H Further to my previous comment, I've since discovered that it was not Malachi Martin who arranged to be buried with Livanos - she arranged for him to be buried in her family plot. I want to apologise, therefore, for any scandal I may have caused about this. My latest New Year's resolution (May, 2024!) is never to repeat anything for which I don't have absolutely indisputable evidence. To be fair to my friend whom I quote above, he did not know that I would come onto this blog to quote his words and post the photo. As they say these days, it's all on me 😎
Carol H
Malachi Martin (a well groomed 43 year old) was formally liaised in 1964 for seducing a journalist's young wife. He arrived in New York - as a layman in layman's clothing - in 1965 and shortly after moved in with the extremely wealthy widow Kakia Livanos (46 years old) who had been divorced from her extremely wealthy husband George M. Livanos, founder of the G.M Livanos shipping Corporation. Malachi …More
Malachi Martin (a well groomed 43 year old) was formally liaised in 1964 for seducing a journalist's young wife. He arrived in New York - as a layman in layman's clothing - in 1965 and shortly after moved in with the extremely wealthy widow Kakia Livanos (46 years old) who had been divorced from her extremely wealthy husband George M. Livanos, founder of the G.M Livanos shipping Corporation. Malachi lived with this woman until he died. This, in itself, is highly questionable and says mountains about why Kakia Livanos arranged for herself to be buried by his side. Especially as Malachi Martin was buried in the Gate of Heaven cemetery in New York which is a Catholic cemetery. Now Kakia Livanos was Greek Orthodox as was her entire family. I doubt very much then that this was a "family plot". Patricia McKeever, you have nothing to beat yourself over. The whole thing is weird full-stop regardless of bitty details. If there is any scandal caused, it is caused by Malachi himself.
Sean Johnson
He was obviously buried next to her with his prior consent. It’s not likely his burial wishes were never discussed, or that this woman would have done something he was opposed to.
Carol H
Good point. The fact that she was Greek Orthodox with a family plot elsewhere, and yet still arranged to be buried with Malachi Martin in a Catholic cemetery, tells us that there must have been a prior agreement beforehand on Malachi's part. At the very least it shows an inordinate attachment.
English Catholic
Whatever's what - even being a Greek Orthodox, after having lived with Malachi Martin for most of her life, Kakia Livanos should have known that priests especially - must not just avoid scandal, but even the appearance of it. She must have known that the double burial would give the appearance of scandal (even if they weren't 'involved') and yet apparently put her own desires above that. I have …More
Whatever's what - even being a Greek Orthodox, after having lived with Malachi Martin for most of her life, Kakia Livanos should have known that priests especially - must not just avoid scandal, but even the appearance of it. She must have known that the double burial would give the appearance of scandal (even if they weren't 'involved') and yet apparently put her own desires above that. I have read that she was a 'forceful' woman, so this may explain it. Also, I haven't read it yet, and I'm not sure if I want to, because Robert Blair Kaiser was a liberal, opposed to the Church's moral teachings, but he wrote a book alleging that Martin seduced his wife and then Martin had friends persuade him to go to a sanatorium (I believe it's called 'gaslighting' these days) which largely discredited his account of the situation. Readers can make their own minds up. Amazon.com The second hand paperbacks are cheaper in the USA and the UK.
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic You make a very important, indeed central point, when you argue that priests must avoid giving even the appearance of scandal. Very few of them realise that these days.
Patricia McKeever
@Carol H
You are very kind to attempt to ease my conscience - I take all the points you make on board. Thank you.
Live Mike
Obstinate critics of Fr. Malachi Martin refuse to acknowledge the fact that people change as a response to grace. After much study on the life of Martin, I have concluded that he was probably one of the "bad guys" at Vatican II working for & with Cardinal Bea but this was short lived as he left the Jesuits before the Council had ended. It is my opinion that after Martin realized what was happening …More
Obstinate critics of Fr. Malachi Martin refuse to acknowledge the fact that people change as a response to grace. After much study on the life of Martin, I have concluded that he was probably one of the "bad guys" at Vatican II working for & with Cardinal Bea but this was short lived as he left the Jesuits before the Council had ended. It is my opinion that after Martin realized what was happening behind the scenes he could not continue. He would later work for Traditional Catholicism in reparation & penance for earlier mistakes. Obstinate critics reject all the good that he did in his later life because of those earlier mistakes. Let us all give praise and thanks to Almighty God that those critics will not be the One seated in judgement on the last day.
Maria delos Angeles
Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future. To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.. Perhaps those critics you refer to are not changing as often as they might in order to perceive it being possible in others; so projecting their own sense of rigidity onto others? If you pray the rosary and the divinum officium in the old rite and the TLM every day , believe me, you will …More
Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future. To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.. Perhaps those critics you refer to are not changing as often as they might in order to perceive it being possible in others; so projecting their own sense of rigidity onto others? If you pray the rosary and the divinum officium in the old rite and the TLM every day , believe me, you will change quite often..
Chris Muniee
Ah, I can even take it a step further and recommend listening to old Malachi Martin interviews (like this one from the 1970s), and contrast it with the older Martin of the 1990s (when he wrote Windswept House). You should notice a distinct difference in tone, less sarcasm, and I would say further emphasis on Catholic tradition. He was a solid priest back in the day, but I contend got much better …More
Ah, I can even take it a step further and recommend listening to old Malachi Martin interviews (like this one from the 1970s), and contrast it with the older Martin of the 1990s (when he wrote Windswept House). You should notice a distinct difference in tone, less sarcasm, and I would say further emphasis on Catholic tradition. He was a solid priest back in the day, but I contend got much better with age. I imagine by the 1990s (when he did the Art Bell interviews) he had stared into the abyss sufficiently to atone for past errors, and had collected an even stronger justification for the traditional religion.
Maria delos Angeles
That is diligent of you @Chris Muniee , I will definitely check out..; yeah I have seen that before.. Fr M has been daily or near daily reading for me for quite some time now, from Keys of This Blood I think on..; and I definitely agree with the general drift of your thinking on this.
Of course. But the visible sign of such a change is contrition and reparation of previous injuries. Fr. Martin did nothing to explain his prominent role during the 1960's. He wrote fable books instead.
Maria delos Angeles
Faction, I think the term is. I do not know about contrition in his private interior life, perhaps between him and God. If he did public acts that caused a stumbling block or scandal to others, he should publicly acknowledge and repent and do penance.
Maria delos Angeles
That said, he had to write that way I suppose if he named names he would have got in trouble with the mafia.
@Maria delos Angeles
He did not have to name names. The names were and are known. It would have sufficed if, for example, writing his books e.g. The Jesuits he would have written not about Fr. Arrupe whom he did not know personally (as he left Jesuits before Arrupe became the general) but about himself and Fr. Bea as the main driving force behind the scenes of Vatican II and scandalous lobbying …More
@Maria delos Angeles
He did not have to name names. The names were and are known. It would have sufficed if, for example, writing his books e.g. The Jesuits he would have written not about Fr. Arrupe whom he did not know personally (as he left Jesuits before Arrupe became the general) but about himself and Fr. Bea as the main driving force behind the scenes of Vatican II and scandalous lobbying related to religious liberty and non-Christian religions (Jews primarily).
Maria delos Angeles
I cant speak as to what he did earlier on in life - nor as to the manner of death, whether there was aught suspicious, but what he does towards the end is what counts most. My own view is he has done a lot of good, and finished in God's good grace. He has that look of gravity in the eyes that shows he understands the seriousness of sin.
@Maria delos Angeles
In fact he did nothing - he had precious knowledge as an insider how the real satanic coup d'etat around Vatican II looked like but disclosed nothing - preferring to write his "factions" about alleged satanic ceremonies.
Maria delos Angeles
Well if you have done wrong in the past (Lord knows I have had one), part of the punishment for that wrong might seem to be that you encounter real redemptive obstacles in doing the good you would have done, and to correct the disorder caused by those wrong. So who knows how that works in the divine economy of things, we will only truly know on the other side. The most important thing I would say …More
Well if you have done wrong in the past (Lord knows I have had one), part of the punishment for that wrong might seem to be that you encounter real redemptive obstacles in doing the good you would have done, and to correct the disorder caused by those wrong. So who knows how that works in the divine economy of things, we will only truly know on the other side. The most important thing I would say though is finally making it past the post. God can turn all evil to good. Have you really read etc his latter works etc yourself? Or are you reading what others have said/written about him? If not, I would urge you to take a look, I for one feel compelled to continue reading. If the work was of limited value, I would cast aside before much.
Maria delos Angeles
I do not know what to say to you, I hope you will both be open to seeing a different side of this rather than affixating on this past historic, this is not concordant with the MM I have come to see and know. I doubt if he did harm to the Church in past it was not out of deliberate malice, rather than misguidedness, but people can change and not to labour the point as I said before, its where you …More
I do not know what to say to you, I hope you will both be open to seeing a different side of this rather than affixating on this past historic, this is not concordant with the MM I have come to see and know. I doubt if he did harm to the Church in past it was not out of deliberate malice, rather than misguidedness, but people can change and not to labour the point as I said before, its where you ultimately end up that matters. If you were hard hearted and pertinacious , I doubt God would effect a true genuine conversion except by maybe someone's very persistent prayer on their behalf
@Maria delos Angeles
"Have you really read etc his latter works etc yourself"
Yes, of course. IMHO there is one worth reading that keeps closely to the facts i.e. the Final Conclave.
The main problem with them is that he presented himself as an insider for related events which he was not and said not a word about events that happened when he was really a Vatican insider (i.e. Vaticanum II up to …More
@Maria delos Angeles
"Have you really read etc his latter works etc yourself"
Yes, of course. IMHO there is one worth reading that keeps closely to the facts i.e. the Final Conclave.
The main problem with them is that he presented himself as an insider for related events which he was not and said not a word about events that happened when he was really a Vatican insider (i.e. Vaticanum II up to January 1965 - it it worth to notice that he declared his will to be secularized in February 1965 i.e. next month after his article under the nickname Cartus appeared in AJC magazine Commentary so there is probability he was worried he would be denounced as the Jewish mole in Vatican).

I call it dishonesty and no sign of repentance of his former errors.
Maria delos Angeles
@V.R.S. But why?? Why get so close to the truth, the ineffable facts of the Faith in a way and with an eloquence and erudition I have not seen anywhere else for this time and place, and deliberately choose to work for the other side? Conversion is by degrees. It may he may have had some final purification to undergo to your satisfaction, but God alone knows the final account of his soul. Also, he …More
@V.R.S. But why?? Why get so close to the truth, the ineffable facts of the Faith in a way and with an eloquence and erudition I have not seen anywhere else for this time and place, and deliberately choose to work for the other side? Conversion is by degrees. It may he may have had some final purification to undergo to your satisfaction, but God alone knows the final account of his soul. Also, he worked as an exorcist, and this kind needs to be cut from a certain cloth. No messing around with that, you can be in real danger if you are not serious.
Maria delos Angeles
What it says about JPII agrees with the revelations to Dom Stefano Gobbi, about him undergoing a martyrdom of sorts, pressure to resign
Maria delos Angeles
So far, I have read about a quarter. This looks to be tremendously helpful. Did you notice where you said the satanic Bishop transferred to Richmond, VA (?); that where the diabolically-inspired attack against the TLMers was focused.. the infamous memo. Also I am thinking of that folk song by Oliver Anthony.. coincidence? Maybe not.
Chris Muniee
Yes, and in the novel, there's a very fascinating way Fr. Gladstone (the fictional protagonist) discovers Bishop Russel in Richmond (who dies before he can interrogate him). Hint: a possessed person tells his friend to check the Virgin Byways to find the satanic mother chapel.
I wouldn't be surprised that the entire American southeast (South Carolina, Virginia, etc.) suffers some various serious …More
Yes, and in the novel, there's a very fascinating way Fr. Gladstone (the fictional protagonist) discovers Bishop Russel in Richmond (who dies before he can interrogate him). Hint: a possessed person tells his friend to check the Virgin Byways to find the satanic mother chapel.

I wouldn't be surprised that the entire American southeast (South Carolina, Virginia, etc.) suffers some various serious side effects from that wicked Entrhonement. These things DEFINITELY have consequences, often long term.
Maria delos Angeles
Well , we have Steve Cunningham, the godfather of Catholic YT down there , holding the fort in SC. In the meantime, you have little me down near the belly of the beast down that there London.. breathing out the NW-ordered fumes of City of London, Westminster, and spiring in the Holy Trinity with each breath. Something to thrive on potentially, depending which way you look at it.. :)
Yes, but propaganda works of Fr. Martin as one of champions of the 1960's Vatican II revolution are more interesting that his later fiction books.
Live Mike shares this
Maria delos Angeles
Yes, and reading, and various of his other books/interviews
Maria delos Angeles
Definitely get the sense he is alive and well in the world beyond.
One more comment from Maria delos Angeles
Maria delos Angeles
I might go so far as to say he was guiding me actually, from heaven, as if to alight on when I was going in the right direction, sort of thing, with its attendant quickening effect, though there will be some on here who will accuse me Joan of Arc style for hearing 'voices', but I pay no heed. You know sth by its fruits at the end of the day..
Ann Smith
Read it. Not surprising of what we have witnessed today, and I'm sure it's alot worse.
Sean Johnson
Windswept House Character Identities Key:
Who's Who? A Key to Malachi Martin's Windswept HouseMore
Windswept House Character Identities Key:

Who's Who? A Key to Malachi Martin's Windswept House
Sean Johnson
Marra Magdalena Garbarino
I love Malachi Martin’s books. Most of what’s in them is actually true, just some name changes
Jeffrey Ade
Looks a lot like the World Trade Center behind him! But I wouldn't waste any more time on Malachi Martin, he is a disinformation agent.
Jeffrey Ade
@Liam Ronan Good point! I meant Malachi.
Jeffrey Ade
@Liam Ronan "Examining the career of Rev. Fr. Martin, who scaled the heights of the Vatican hierarchy, is a case study in spycraft, stagecraft, and impersonation, by a double mind of such power and charisma that millions were seduced by his charade for decades, and many remain entranced to this day. As a profile in treachery, it should prove worthy of the attention of any student of espionage, …More
@Liam Ronan "Examining the career of Rev. Fr. Martin, who scaled the heights of the Vatican hierarchy, is a case study in spycraft, stagecraft, and impersonation, by a double mind of such power and charisma that millions were seduced by his charade for decades, and many remain entranced to this day. As a profile in treachery, it should prove worthy of the attention of any student of espionage, infiltration, and counterintelligence." Michael Hoffman
Maria delos Angeles
@Jeffrey Ade I think it highly improbable for someone with his level of knowledge and depth of perception about the faith to be some sort of a poseur. To what end? Surely you would be convinced Catholicism is true at that level?! Not like Bergoglio, who is an imbecile.
Jeffrey Ade
@Maria delos Angeles To what end would Malachi Martin be a deceiver? To cooperate with the forces of evil to destroy the Catholic Church, which he did. Did he repent? I hope so. But even the Devil is convinced Catholicism is true, so his minions still work to destroy it anyway, and Malachi was a devil's minion at some point in the least.
"On whose behalf would Malachi Martin be working as a 'dis-information agent'?"
Perfidious Jews of course. Cf. his book The Pilgrim ( The pilgrim : Serafian, Michael, pseud : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ), his false "Johannine prayer" for the Jews, his consultations with the "Apostle of the goyim" i.e., A. J. Heschel and his articles in American Jewish Committee …More
"On whose behalf would Malachi Martin be working as a 'dis-information agent'?"
Perfidious Jews of course. Cf. his book The Pilgrim ( The pilgrim : Serafian, Michael, pseud : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ), his false "Johannine prayer" for the Jews, his consultations with the "Apostle of the goyim" i.e., A. J. Heschel and his articles in American Jewish Committee magazine (cf. e.g. Vatican II & the Jews)
Ann Smith
I Read it. Worth the read
Sean Johnson
Most of the book’s characters are/were based upon real life people. Once upon a time, there was a key circulating on the internet, explaining who the book characters were in real life. Haven’t seen it in a while though.
Patricia McKeever
I dismissed Malachi Martin when I discovered that he claimed to have read the Third Secret. Yeah right, was my instinctive response.