Norfolk, Virginia's FSSP North American Province: Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter at St. Benedict's Parish for a Traditional Latin Mass Wedding
Carol H
If they want to get married under a canopy, who cares; it's not gainst faith or moras or the liturgy. The FSSP was, for many of us, our doorway into traditional. Leave them be and thank God they exist.
Yes, people have been coming up with bizarre locations and affectations when it comes to designing their nuptials forever. The problem here is that this picture implies, based on the fact that they are claiming it is marriage conducted by a Traditionalist Catholic Order, that canopies are somehow part of the Traditional Catholic wedding ceremony. They are not. Canopies are most definitely NOT CATHOLIC …More
Yes, people have been coming up with bizarre locations and affectations when it comes to designing their nuptials forever. The problem here is that this picture implies, based on the fact that they are claiming it is marriage conducted by a Traditionalist Catholic Order, that canopies are somehow part of the Traditional Catholic wedding ceremony. They are not. Canopies are most definitely NOT CATHOLIC. Now if anyone likes and cares to use a canopy, I could not care less, personally. But I do object to using pictures that create a false impression about Catholic Traditions, and whose purpose is to encourage more creative abuses, especially along Jewish lines, as we have experienced in the Novus Ordo.
Carol H
Ok. Fair point.
Just read that it's a fad now for couples of any religion or no religion to get married under a canopy for whatever reason they can come up with. This is a propaganda picture.
I've been to dozens of Catholic weddings and seen pictures of more. Dating from the 1940s on. I have never seen any sort of canopy over the heads of the bride and groom as in this picture. Trust me, this is not a Traditional Catholic practice. Although Jews do say their vows under a canopy.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Defeat Modernism -A little charity would be nice. The FSSP is a wonderful Order of traditionalist priests. They are growing greatly. Perhps they do accept the filth of Vatican II, and acknodledge fully a heretic Pope that we have now. Maybe their ordinations are conducted by Modernist and maybe homo Pope Francis bishops. But isn't it better to have the FSSP who offer the true Catholci Mass, the …More
@Defeat Modernism -A little charity would be nice. The FSSP is a wonderful Order of traditionalist priests. They are growing greatly. Perhps they do accept the filth of Vatican II, and acknodledge fully a heretic Pope that we have now. Maybe their ordinations are conducted by Modernist and maybe homo Pope Francis bishops. But isn't it better to have the FSSP who offer the true Catholci Mass, the Roman Rite, than to have none at all?
I acknowledge as totally valid all the sedevacantist tradtional priests, bishops, and of course the SSPX, ICRSP etc. I also reject Bergoglio.
But isn't it better to have traditional priests and the traditional Mass where available despite modernist bishops, than to have none at all?
Defeat Modernism
Why go to a Mass that is doubtful, which is being offered by men who are most likely not even priests? How is that pleasing to God? Catholics are forbidden to attend the rites of doubtful priests and especially heretics. Modernist are heretics regardless of what they are wearing. Pope St. Pius x condemned all of those priests in his day and all they were offering was the Latin Mass. The Latin Mass …More
Why go to a Mass that is doubtful, which is being offered by men who are most likely not even priests? How is that pleasing to God? Catholics are forbidden to attend the rites of doubtful priests and especially heretics. Modernist are heretics regardless of what they are wearing. Pope St. Pius x condemned all of those priests in his day and all they were offering was the Latin Mass. The Latin Mass is no guarantee of validity. One cannot attend the rites of the Greek Orthodox even though they have valid orders because they are heretics and schismatics.
Carol H
FSSP are neither heretics or schismatics. And if we go down the road of questioning who is validly ordained, we could end up with no priests at all. His Grace, Archbishop Lefebrve, was ordained by Bishop Achille Lienart, "an active participant of the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965)...a leading liberal voice at the council and sat on its Board of Presidency" (Wiki~). Ok, the Rite hadn't been …More
FSSP are neither heretics or schismatics. And if we go down the road of questioning who is validly ordained, we could end up with no priests at all. His Grace, Archbishop Lefebrve, was ordained by Bishop Achille Lienart, "an active participant of the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965)...a leading liberal voice at the council and sat on its Board of Presidency" (Wiki~). Ok, the Rite hadn't been changed back then, however Bishop Lienart was definitly a high grade modernist and there is no guarantee he conducted the ordination rite correctly. And that seems to be the crux of your argument. Afterall, why warn against the SSPX and yet embrace ex-SSPX priests? It is obviously not the ordinations you are highlighting there but the politics. Ironically though - a large number of those resistant priest are as modernist as they come. I was glad to see them go given the battles over their humanistic viewpoint.
@Defeat Modernism Why are their ordinations invalid?
Defeat Modernism
@frawley Because they are ordained by Modernist Bishops whose 'consecrations' are invalid. The matter, form and intention have all been changed when Paul VI changed the rites into new ones which was dogmatically condemned by the Council of Trent in Session 7 Canon 13.
@Defeat Modernism So are any priests or bishops validly ordained? It seems that in the line of ordinations almost all bishops and priests had someone who embraced at least some belief that could be called modernism
Defeat Modernism
@frawley In the Novus Ordo 'church' I would say only the bishops and priests who were ordained and/or consecrated in the traditional rite. The priests ordained and bishops consecrated in the line of Archbishop Lefebvre or Bishop Mendez are valid. You can find them in the Society of St. Pius V, the Society of St. Pius X Marian Corp (SSPX-MC) and the SSPX. I would avoid the SSPX though because they …More
@frawley In the Novus Ordo 'church' I would say only the bishops and priests who were ordained and/or consecrated in the traditional rite. The priests ordained and bishops consecrated in the line of Archbishop Lefebvre or Bishop Mendez are valid. You can find them in the Society of St. Pius V, the Society of St. Pius X Marian Corp (SSPX-MC) and the SSPX. I would avoid the SSPX though because they have compromised with modernist Rome and do not conditionally re-ordain novus ordo 'priests' who come to Tradition through their group.
@Defeat Modernism so in the whole world, only a handful of priests ordained by those two bishops are valid? God has abandoned the faithful and their access to the sacraments in all the countries that those two societies do not have a presence?
Defeat Modernism
Modernists in Traditional Clothing unfortunately. Avoid the FSSP, they accept all of the modernist apostasy and are a deception. Their 'priests' are ordained by modernist 'bishops' who are invalid making their orders invalid.
Dr Bobus
Don't be a moron.
Carol H
Many of the FSSP priests were ordained by Archbishop Lefebrve.
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