Tom Morelli
What a Priest Is and Is Not

What a Priest Is and Is Not

— St. Alphonsus Liguori It is indeed a profound grace to embrace the invitation to become a Catholic priest, requiring immense courage and strength for a man to persist …

Dublin Church Cancels Homosex Concert

A propaganda performance entitled "Pride in the Name of Love" ["love" meaning sin] by the 'Dublin Gay Men's Chorus' was due to take place at St Andrew's Church in Dublin on 23 June. The church cancelled …More
A propaganda performance entitled "Pride in the Name of Love" ["love" meaning sin] by the 'Dublin Gay Men's Chorus' was due to take place at St Andrew's Church in Dublin on 23 June.
The church cancelled the event and issued the following statement:
"St Andrew's Parish is happy to welcome groups from all backgrounds to perform in the church. However, the congregation is disappointed that the nature of this event was not made clear at the time of booking. We have learned that it will be presented in form and content not as a simple choral recital, but as a Pride Festival event in a context that is not compatible with our mission as a Roman Catholic parish church. In these circumstances, the parish is unable to facilitate the performance on 23 June".
The homosexual activists are now whining.
However, other homosexual activists calling themselves "Glória LGBT+ CHOIR" have already performed twice at St Andrew's. Thankfully, they will no longer abuse this church 'in solidarity' with the 'Gay …More


ABSTRACT OF THE CATECHISM OF PERSEVERANCE OR Historical, dogmatic, moral and liturgical presentation of religion, from the origin of the world to the present day by Mgr Jean-Joseph Gaume (1842) More
Historical, dogmatic, moral and liturgical presentation of religion, from the origin of the world to the present day
Mgr Jean-Joseph Gaume (1842)
PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE 1- If someone came to tell you: Between your parents and you there is no link, no relationship; the authors of your days owe you neither care, nor help, nor advice, nor means of existence; and you owe them neither love, nor recognition, nor respect, nor submission, this incredible language would scandalize you, and you would reject it with horror. You would be right, because the man who dared to do so would be a madman or a villain. Between a father and his son, between a mother and her daughter, there are relationships and bonds that are as sweet as they are sacred. These relationships are natural and immutable, that is to say, they are not of human invention, and they cannot cease any more than your parents can cease to be your parents, and you their children. . Tell me …More
National Eucharistic Pilgrimage - National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion | Highlights SWNews A glimpse into the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage Holy Mass held at the National Shrine of Our Lady of …More
National Eucharistic Pilgrimage - National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion | Highlights SWNews
A glimpse into the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage Holy Mass held at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion with Bishop David L. Ricken. To watch the Holy Mass, followed by the Eucharistic procession, visit: Holy MassThe National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion | National Eucharistic Pilgrimage Live
Wilma Lopez shares from Lisi Sterndorfer
The FSSP has ordained 7 new priests who will say the Traditional Latin Mass.
FSSP: Am Samstag, 15. Juni, wurden in Lindenberg bei Wigratzbad sieben neue Priester durch den emeritierten Erzbischof Wolfgang Haas von Vaduz geweiht. Es handelt sich um eine recht internationale …More
FSSP: Am Samstag, 15. Juni, wurden in Lindenberg bei Wigratzbad sieben neue Priester durch den emeritierten Erzbischof Wolfgang Haas von Vaduz geweiht. Es handelt sich um eine recht internationale Promotion: drei Deutsche, ein Franzose, ein Ungar, ein Portugiese und ein Tscheche.
Is Anyone Surprised? U.S. Bishops Vote To Continue Scandal-Plagued, Soros Founded CCHD

Is Anyone Surprised? U.S. Bishops Vote To Continue Scandal-Plagued, Soros Founded CCHD

The bishops have spoken: The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is not going away. As my colleague Brian Fraga …
Billy F
No more money to Bishops!!!
@John A Cassani . Probably too late for the bishops to change course, therefore, GOD WILL DO IT. Recall what Saint Athanasius and others reminded them. …More
@John A Cassani . Probably too late for the bishops to change course, therefore, GOD WILL DO IT.
Recall what Saint Athanasius and others reminded them. Is the Road to Hell Paved with the Skulls of Priests?
God help the rest of us whom they are also leading on the road to perdition.
The answer: repent of ones sins and lead good lives. Not a good idea to take chances.
One more comment
Live Mike
"Russia will march on all the nations of Europe, particularly on Italy, and will raise its flag on the dome of Saint Peter! Rome will be punished according to justice for its many and serious sins,…More
"Russia will march on all the nations of Europe, particularly on Italy, and will raise its flag on the dome of Saint Peter! Rome will be punished according to justice for its many and serious sins, because the scandal has reached its peak. Russia with her secret weapons will fight America will overwhelm Europe and you will see especially the Rhine river of Germany full of corpses and blood, Italy will be troubled by a great revolution and the Pope will have to suffer a lot." - Blessed Elena Aiello

Meloni leads Europe against Russia as Italian PM sends ultimatum to Putin

Giorgia Meloni's leadership in the EU, the G7 summit, and now at the Ukraine peace summit has cemented her role as a leading …
English Catholic

Looking for Resources

Something very odd has come to my attention. So I would like to pose to you dear readers this question. In all seriousness, if you know the answer or know someone who does, email …
Marek Wójcik shares from Marek Wójcik
🇬🇧 I voted for Austria to join the EU

694. I voted for Austria to join the EU - World Scam

Vienna 06/16/2024 June 12th marks the 30th anniversary of the referendum in Austria on joining the European Union. At that time it was still the …
Singing with baby Cecilia and little Benedict: "O caelestis norma vitae" Singing the antiphon "O caelestis norma vitae" from 2nd Vespers for the feast of St Benedict, July 11, with my newborn daughter …More
Singing with baby Cecilia and little Benedict: "O caelestis norma vitae"
Singing the antiphon "O caelestis norma vitae" from 2nd Vespers for the feast of St Benedict, July 11, with my newborn daughter Cecilia Rose, with an appearance by my son Benedict and one of my other daughters, Josephine.
Rough translation of the entire text of antiphon:
"O heavenly standard of life, teacher and leader Benedict, whose spirit rejoices with Christ in heavenly things. Shepherd the flock with alms, strengthen it with holy prayer, Make yourself a guide in the way to penetrate the clearing of the heavens."

France: Persecution of the Church Is Going Well

Three Catholic targets have been attacked in France in the past week alone, writes (15 June). The interior of the church of Notre-Dame-de-Délivrance in the centre of Quintin, France …More
Three Catholic targets have been attacked in France in the past week alone, writes (15 June).
The interior of the church of Notre-Dame-de-Délivrance in the centre of Quintin, France, was set on fire at 7.15pm last Thursday.
The fire was discovered by the person responsible for closing the doors of the basilica at 7.30pm. There was smoke everywhere and flames on the side. The fire brigade quickly arrived and was able to extinguish the fire.
In Lyon, a human rights organisation working for the family had its offices vandalised with graffiti containing insults, threats to kill human rights activists and the hope that 'Anti France' would win.
In Loyettes, a town near Lyon, a public cross was attacked and dragged away in a van.
There have been hundreds of attacks on Catholic churches in France in recent years, but the media activists of the oligarchs are not interested in this, on the contrary, they are among the leading instigators of hatred against the Church.
In 2019, …More
Billy F
They only have one wife in the Western countries officially, but in Sharia they have three other woman who they’re breeding with. All of them bleeding …More
They only have one wife in the Western countries officially, but in Sharia they have three other woman who they’re breeding with. All of them bleeding liberal welfare programs!!!
Billy F
21 more comments

Scientists Raise Alarm over Shocking 'Death Signal' Linked to Covid Shots - Slay News

A multi-center team of celebrated medical scientists has raised the alarm after discovering that Covid mRNA shots …

Spain: A Priest Refuses Communion to Homosexual Concubines

A priest in Dos Hermanas, Seville, Spain, has refused to give communion to two homosexual provocateurs who live as public concubines. The provocation happened at a Eucharist on 25 May, reports …More
A priest in Dos Hermanas, Seville, Spain, has refused to give communion to two homosexual provocateurs who live as public concubines.
The provocation happened at a Eucharist on 25 May, reports The militants cooperate with the homosexual propaganda group 'Andalucía Diversidad', which discriminated against the priest on social networks under the pretext of 'discrimination'.
The priest followed Canon Law §915: "Those who are excommunicated and [...] those who stubbornly persist in manifest grave sin should not be admitted to Holy Communion".
Wait for it, wait for it... and he will be penalized, transfered or suspended... perhaps, all of the above.
Naomi Arai
What makes a homosexual concubine different than any other openly homosexual person? Absolutely nothing. Good for the priest.
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Rejection of the Roman Rite is "Practical Atheism" - Cardinal Sarah

The rejection of God is gripping much of the West, especially Europe, Cardinal Sarah said in a lecture at the Catholic University of America (CUA) on 14 June. He called this "practical atheism", which …More
The rejection of God is gripping much of the West, especially Europe, Cardinal Sarah said in a lecture at the Catholic University of America (CUA) on 14 June.
He called this "practical atheism", which has also entered the Church, when Catholic morality, Catholic doctrine and Catholic liturgy are rejected.
The cardinal also sees practical atheism when "sociology" or "lived experience" becomes the principle for forming moral [and immoral] judgements. In this way, God is pushed aside. He criticises that we often hear from bishops and bishops' conferences "that we have to adapt our moral theology to purely human considerations".
Rejecting Catholic morality makes everything conditional and subjective, Sarah explains: "Welcoming everyone [except Catholics] means ignoring Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. "
Advocates of this ideology within the Church treat Revelation as "secondary". This shows how practical atheism works: "It does not deny God, but it operates as if God is not central." …More
Our dearly beloved Cardinal Sarah…on point as always! 😎😇
Maria delos Angeles
I hope he moves on or has moved on from the hermeneutic of continuity.
7 more comments
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
A Gallery Dedicated to Vaccination Victims Has Been Put Up in Vienna Where are the signs of outrage?More
A Gallery Dedicated to Vaccination Victims Has Been Put Up in Vienna
Where are the signs of outrage?
In Wien wurde eine Galerie für Impfopfer eingerichtet Wo sind die Zeichen der Empörung?More
In Wien wurde eine Galerie für Impfopfer eingerichtet
Wo sind die Zeichen der Empörung?

A New German Bishop: Priests Are "Currently" Needed for Eucharists

Presiding at a Eucharist "currently" requires a priest, the new Bishop of Osnabrück, Monsignor Dominicus Meier OSB, appointed on 28 May, told (11 June). Meier added that other forms of …More
Presiding at a Eucharist "currently" requires a priest, the new Bishop of Osnabrück, Monsignor Dominicus Meier OSB, appointed on 28 May, told (11 June).
Meier added that other forms of proclaiming the Word of God could be led by committed people. He suggests "trying new things" [for the empty churches in Germany].
Commenting on the current situation between the Vatican and German dioceses, Monsignor Meier said that "we need to talk a lot more" to break down barriers.
"When you talk about content, you notice that things are moving a bit. For example, with the [pseudo] blessing of homosexuals".
Picture: Dominicus Meier, #newsKuijmcfaak
Another enemy of the Chruch but good friend of the world.
Dr Bobus
Will the last German bishop to leave turn out the lights and close the door?
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Billy F
Barbara Learner Spectre

Burke: There Is no Such Thing as 'Non-Liturgical Blessings'

Cardinal Raymond Burke has rejected the idea of so-called "non-liturgical" blessings as claimed in Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia supplicans'. Speaking to Father Ambrose Criste O.Praem. of St …More
Cardinal Raymond Burke has rejected the idea of so-called "non-liturgical" blessings as claimed in Francis' homosexual manifesto 'Fiducia supplicans'.
Speaking to Father Ambrose Criste O.Praem. of St Michael's Abbey in Orange County, California, on 13 June, the Cardinal explained that blessings are linked to the sacraments. When a priest gives a blessing, it is intimately connected to the sacred liturgy: "It certainly cannot be said to be non-liturgical."
Furthermore, when someone brings an object to be blessed, it must be fit to receive a blessing and cannot be something that is alien to life in Christ.
"Otherwise we offend the Lord. We show a profound lack of respect and love for our Lord if we try in any way to ask a blessing for something that is sinful".
His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke, is absolutely right: There is not, has never been, and can never be, a “non liturgical” blessing….and Kissy …More
His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke, is absolutely right: There is not, has never been, and can never be, a “non liturgical” blessing….and Kissy knows it.
P. O'B
Then what were those words which an older woman said over my seven-year-old grandson when he went up to Communion to receive a blessing this morning? …More
Then what were those words which an older woman said over my seven-year-old grandson when he went up to Communion to receive a blessing this morning? His old grandfather here had switched lines to receive from the priest, but nevertheless heard the nonsense. Oh, the nearby sede-vacantist church looks better every day.
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The Wandering Recluse
When you watch this, note the places where the video loses its sound. If I recall correctly when I first watched this, it was on YouTube before she was …More
When you watch this, note the places where the video loses its sound. If I recall correctly when I first watched this, it was on YouTube before she was kicked off. They censored her words, especially when it came to abortion.

Cardinal Koch Needs "Imagination" to Understand Francis

During a press conference on a recent Vatican paper proposing the abolition of the papal primacy, Cardinal Kurt Koch was asked why Francis had reinstated the title of "Patriarch of the West". A visibly …More
During a press conference on a recent Vatican paper proposing the abolition of the papal primacy, Cardinal Kurt Koch was asked why Francis had reinstated the title of "Patriarch of the West".
A visibly embarrassed Koch replied sarcastically: "We need some imagination to comment on that."
Regarding Francis' homosexual propaganda manifesto 'Fiducia supplicans', Cardinal Koch admitted that it had caused problems "not only in ecumenism, but also in the Catholic Church". He noted that "it is a big thing when a continent goes against a decision of the Holy Father".
At the same press conference, Cardinal Grech spoke openly of a "revision of the papacy" and said that his ex-synod was the most appropriate framework for this.
His point of reference was a quote from Francis in 2015 that presents an inadequate conception of the papacy.
Francis said at the time that a pope stands in the Church as "a baptised man among the baptised, and in the College of Bishops as a bishop among bishops, called at …More
True Catholics don't need imagination to understand Francis. They just know a wolf among the flock by instinct.
Denis Efimov
Francis did not restore the title of "Patriarch of the West." He simply added this title to the list of those titles which he had renounced, and which …More
Francis did not restore the title of "Patriarch of the West." He simply added this title to the list of those titles which he had renounced, and which are now listed in the papal yearbook only as "historical titles". Cardinal Cantalamessa confirmed and approved Francis's renunciation of all these titles, especially the title of "Vicar of Christ". Since this list consists of titles that are no longer relevant for Francis, he easily included the title “Patriarch of the West” in it.