
Cupich: “It could be consensual gay sex”

Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich “strongly urged” the US bishops, gathered in Baltimore, to separate homosexual fornication with minors [which is a mortal sin] from homosexual fornication between adults …More
Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich “strongly urged” the US bishops, gathered in Baltimore, to separate homosexual fornication with minors [which is a mortal sin] from homosexual fornication between adults [which is also a mortal sin]. But for Cupich they are a "different discipline”.
He added the truism that sometimes homosexual fornication of clerics with adults could be "consensual sex, unanimous” as there allegedly is "a whole different set of circumstances.”
Cupich was a long-time ally a Cardinal McCarrick. For a long time he has been acting as a mouthpiece of homosexual propaganda in the Church.
Picture: Blase Cupich, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk CC BY-NC-SA, #newsHqyvsbnzks
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
😡 😡 😡 Estos masones burlándose de Dios mientras viven como reyes de nuestro dinero
en.news and one more user link to this post
......Well, if he doesn't feel any concern that the Devil laughs as these "consensual" pretence Celibate Priests have the gates of Heaven slammed shut to their filthy wretched souls as they partake in this "consensual" activity then he's more than a fool - he's a procuror of souls for Hell. Evil, wretched, Satanically inspired, spiritually dead, rotten , demonic serving, nonsensical, half-wit. Your …More
......Well, if he doesn't feel any concern that the Devil laughs as these "consensual" pretence Celibate Priests have the gates of Heaven slammed shut to their filthy wretched souls as they partake in this "consensual" activity then he's more than a fool - he's a procuror of souls for Hell. Evil, wretched, Satanically inspired, spiritually dead, rotten , demonic serving, nonsensical, half-wit. Your trials in Hell will be your penance. Arrogant, procurors of innocent souls for Satan. You all swore fidelity to Christ. You all took oaths of Chastity! You clearly falsify your religion, since Scripture is TRUE and Christ tells you that that which you swear by, you will be held accountable for? God takes oaths of any nature - EXTREMELY harshly. If you fail to keep them - He hands you over to the one who inspired you to break them.

Read Judges 11: 20-30

[30] (Jepthe)......made a vow to the Lord, saying: If thou wilt deliver the children of Ammon into my hands, [31] Whosoever shall first come forth out of the doors of my house, and shall meet me when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, the same will I offer a holocaust to the Lord. [32] And Jephte passed over to the children of Ammon, to fight against them: and the Lord delivered them into his hands..... And when Jephte returned into Maspha to his house, his only daughter met him with timbrels and with dances: for he had no other children. [35] And when he saw her, he rent his garments, and said: Alas! my daughter, thou hast deceived me, and thou thyself art deceived: for I have opened my mouth to the Lord, and I can do no other thing..... [40] from year to year the daughters of Israel assemble together, and lament the daughter of Jephte the Galaadite for four days."


Now who dares disagree that it is not advisable to swear "Oaths" to Jesus Christ and then break them? You all lose your right to Salvation by trivialising your own Laws? Claiming you were "wise" you became FOOLS" (Romans 1:27) by altering Christ into the Devil so that he could become your god. But we all know who created Heaven and Earth. We all realise that those whom show Him contempt will fall, like Lucifer and Satan and all the other apostates into the abyss of Hell. Take Our Lady of Fatima seriously.

"Hell is real."
These men thoroughly believe what they do is perfectly ok, because the church, which is Christ's church, cheerleader Martin might as well say, Jesus is "learning"
Cupich knows about homosexual clergy and consent with adults?
These men have come through the seminaries being encouraged to pursue (in whatever form they choose) their homosexuality from their superiors, who will ultimately have to answer …More
These men thoroughly believe what they do is perfectly ok, because the church, which is Christ's church, cheerleader Martin might as well say, Jesus is "learning"
Cupich knows about homosexual clergy and consent with adults?
These men have come through the seminaries being encouraged to pursue (in whatever form they choose) their homosexuality from their superiors, who will ultimately have to answer to leading them to sin as well. And obviously not been taught what the bible actually says about homosexuality (but then that's the bible "learning" too). They are Not Catholic and have no morality (they are following the secular world and all that it believes - they are going to "teach" the church, teach Jesus how it is here on earth). Unbelievable!!
Of course this unholy pope encourages the whole thing as well. Big surprise they said these stupid things. Who knew? Just the secretive sneaky conniving bishops who did know. I'm disgusted! I almost cannot believe what I am seeing, hearing, etc. Just incredible
alex j
Is this man completely devoid of Catholic morality??? Has he no concept of the harm to Christ's Church??? or for that matter, his own soul, or indeed the harm to the faithful?? How on earth and, or heaven. did this man become a priest, a bishop, archbishop and then a cardinal???? By what criteria did he advance up the ecclesiastical ladder?? if this is the best of priests the Church can call to …More
Is this man completely devoid of Catholic morality??? Has he no concept of the harm to Christ's Church??? or for that matter, his own soul, or indeed the harm to the faithful?? How on earth and, or heaven. did this man become a priest, a bishop, archbishop and then a cardinal???? By what criteria did he advance up the ecclesiastical ladder?? if this is the best of priests the Church can call to become the 'princes' of the church, then GOD help us all!
Another FrancisFag.
De Profundis
Is he gay?
Meditate for 3 hours on Jesus' Agony in the Garden...
You dirty little man.
De Profundis
He sounds as if he's in the know, is he?
Please Lord, Deliver clerics like this and convert them. If they choose not to cooperate with You then replace them quickly.
How did this man become a cardinal? Oh yes, McCarrick recommended him.
Hilaire Belloc: "The denial of a scheme wholesale is not heresy, and has not the creative power of a heresy. It is of the essence of heresy that it leave standing a great part of the structure it attacks."
De Profundis
Deeply worrying Claim.
It does matter which mortal sin you're committing, right? ☕ (...albeit sincerely confessing is the goal...)
Maybe I'm stupid, but I cannot believe he came right out with that. But this is, of course, what others have long-since reported about the 'drip, drip' tactic: say it, deny that's what you meant or remove it from a website after it has been seen, but the idea is then planted.