
Mass Ban in St Peter's: Francis Cardinal Attempts to Justify the Measure

Cardinal Gambetti, the Archpriest of Saint Peter's Basilica, justified Francis' Mass ban in Saint Peter's saying on VaticanNews.va (June 22) that priests should co-preside between 7 and 9 a.m. at scheduled Eucharists - a call they have so far ignored.

Gambetti says correctly that liturgical services are no private functions but concludes from this wrongly that it is “more than appropriate for priests to concelebrate.” The opposite is the case as co-presiding turns priests into passive and superfluous supernumeraries.

The Cardinal confesses that he prefers the "community celebration characterised by the presence and active participation of the faithful" — which, in the New Rite, is measured according to exterior and distracting activism.

Individual Eucharists for groups of pilgrims who don't speak Italian or for celebrations of the Old Roman Rite can be admitted as “exceptions,” a legalistic Gambetti concedes.

Requests for individual celebrations may only be considered on a case-by-case basis. Gambetti's claim that for the celebration of the Roman Rite "everything possible must be done to fulfil the desire of the faithful and priests as provided by Summorum Pontificum” sounds hypocritical as Francis is about to dump the Motu Proprio.

Picture: Mauro Gambetti, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsSrvhwxguzm

Hugh N. Cry
Vatican II baby
Ah, Tesa :) Unlike you, the Vatican is trying to find a problem for their solution.
John A Cassani
It is beyond laughable to hear anyone try to promote the desirability of concelebration, aside from certain special occasions. When a priest is a concelebrant, it is as though he is not celebrating Mass at all. I have witnessed large daily concelebrated Masses where priests showed up after the Gospel to concelebrate! Concelebration promotes laziness among priests. Every priest should invoke their …More
It is beyond laughable to hear anyone try to promote the desirability of concelebration, aside from certain special occasions. When a priest is a concelebrant, it is as though he is not celebrating Mass at all. I have witnessed large daily concelebrated Masses where priests showed up after the Gospel to concelebrate! Concelebration promotes laziness among priests. Every priest should invoke their right to celebrate their own daily Mass.
Hound of Heaven
Some cardinals have become 'unhinged'.
@Tesa -and as @philosopher astutely noted Canon Law 902 states priests are "completely free to celebrate the Eucharist individually". It would be a simple matter to schedule all priests withing to celebrate individual Masses for the same times and those wishing to concelebrate for other times.
The reason given by the Cardinal for the restriction of priests wanting to celebrate the TLM in St Peter's is concelebration. The same reason was given by Dijon Archbishop Minnerath for kicking out the FSSP.