
Last Humiliation: Requiem Without Roman Canon

The Vatican has published the brochure for Benedict XVI's funeral. Most strikingly, for the first time since at least the 6th century, the Roman Canon will NOT be used at a Requiem for a Pope. Also, …More
The Vatican has published the brochure for Benedict XVI's funeral.
Most strikingly, for the first time since at least the 6th century, the Roman Canon will NOT be used at a Requiem for a Pope.
Also, the Gospel will not be solemnly sung in Latin - which has always been the case at such a liturgy.
Francis, 86, will not celebrate but be present in a cope. Nevertheless, he is referred to as the "presider". His parts are labelled "The Holy Father", but at the Eucharistic Prayer the booklet simply refers to "the celebrant" that is Cardinal Re, 88, the Dean of the College of Cardinals.
Picture: © Vatican Media, #newsEagyfhnswb
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Except for Heretic Francis wheeled out in his chair and his trashy homily, the Mass was not that bad. All in Latin. Beautiful music. And I liked seeing th 6 seminarians coming out at the Consecration kneeling with tall lanterns. Had not seen that in awhile. The only person being heaped with condemnation for his part is Francis. Justly so.
"[One] can find in the reformed Roman Missal according to Vatican Council II all the elements of the Roman Rite, in particular the Roman Canon which constitutes one of its more distinctive elements." (Francis, Letter accompanying «Trad. cust.»)
Oh, yes I know. Another version of this lie is - there are two forms of the same Roman rite : the ancient one and the one that was supposed to kill the first.
"Most strikingly, for the first time since at least the 6th century, the Roman Canon will NOT be used at a Requiem for a Pope."
Not true. There is no "Roman Canon" in Novus Ordo land. So-called First Eucharistic Prayer is a modified text - with alterations in Consecration formulas which Bugnini called with great audacity in his first Institutio Generalis: "Institution Narrative"
Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
Francis to "preside" - yet not "celebrate" - Requiem for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Der Hofrat
es gibt keine Vorschrift die das erste Hochgebet vorschreibt
Bonnie Louise
Many priests around the world should say a full Latin Requiem for the Pope on the same day at the same time, and for 30 days thereafter.
It is a revenge for not giving up his munus
Nothing is sacred for this regime. (Hyperbole ofc but it makes a point)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Has anyone ever heard of Marie-Julie Jahenny, a French mystic and stigmatist (1850-1941). Below is a quote from one of her predictions I've been reading, and I think it applies to our late, great Pope Benedict XVI-
"Scandals from the clergy will pass before our eyes - PRAY TO THE DIVINE MERCY! We must expect to see it all - crime is carried to the altar, the Church will fail in its mission and not …More
Has anyone ever heard of Marie-Julie Jahenny, a French mystic and stigmatist (1850-1941). Below is a quote from one of her predictions I've been reading, and I think it applies to our late, great Pope Benedict XVI-
"Scandals from the clergy will pass before our eyes - PRAY TO THE DIVINE MERCY! We must expect to see it all - crime is carried to the altar, the Church will fail in its mission and not try to convert sinners, the Lord is offended by those who should serve Him - (Sept. 29 1879)

(*) A pope will suffer torments beyond his powers, he will be discarded and cast aside - (March 19, 1878)

(*) Marie-Julie Jahenny also foretells an exiled pope who will suffer a long and painful martyrdom (due to this exile) - this could be a prophecy of the same pope 'cast aside'. He will 'not have a voice' like past popes, (an indication his voice will be silenced). But, he will still provide for his children and the infallible church. (i.e he still has authority - the Church will still be infallible.)"
Tony M
You betcha I have heard of Marie-Julie Jahenny. It is time for us all to start listening to what God has been telling us about where we are headed through His prophets in the Bible & through His prophets throughout 2000 years of Catholic Church history...... right up until today.....instead of trying to work it out ourselves based on purely human reasoning......let's listen to God!!!!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Tony M -Thank you! When I read the paragraph I posted, I couldn't believe it, it sounded just like what Pope Benedict XVI was subjected to. God bless her for this wisdom. And of course, God Bless our great Pontiff, Benedict XVI. May the Lord recieve his great Vicar into the joy of Heaven.
@Tony M I agree with you. Man is too prideful to follow the solution. Did we obey Our Lady’s requests at Fatima? How many people that you know of observe First Saturday’s like she asked us to with praying the rosary, going to confession and receiving holy communion, and spending 15 minutes with her? With the current events we can see it unveiling right before our eyes.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Perhaps there will be enough outrage to force a change. There should be. Even though Benedict XVI said he wanted his funeral as "simple" as possible, maybe this is their idea of "simple". Still, it is an insult to his good memory.
Francis hasn't celebrated a Mass in over a year, he just sits like a lump of flesh in his chair with a miserable look on his evil face.
But Benedict XVI shold be given …More
Perhaps there will be enough outrage to force a change. There should be. Even though Benedict XVI said he wanted his funeral as "simple" as possible, maybe this is their idea of "simple". Still, it is an insult to his good memory.
Francis hasn't celebrated a Mass in over a year, he just sits like a lump of flesh in his chair with a miserable look on his evil face.
But Benedict XVI shold be given all the rites and priveledges owed to a Pope, especially one as good as he was.
One good thing, which probably has the liberals and fellow heretics of Francis throwing temper tantrums in the Vatican, is that close to 200,000 have come out to file past Benedict XVI in St. Peter's so far...and there's still one more day viewing.
The Vatican expected no more that 30,000 yesterday....there were over 65,000. Today at lunchtime, there were already 70,000.
Do everyone a favor, Francis. After good Benedict XVI is buried (and he's getting a tomb along with all the other Popes, which Francis' people are probably angry at too), do everyone in the Church a favor Francis.....RESIGN and disappear.
Tony M
Bergoglio will not be resigning. This is the point in time he has been waiting for. He is now unencumbered by the restraining effect of Pope Benedict XVI's presence. He knows (or believes) that none in the hierarchy are not going to stop him.
Now it will be full steam ahead with Jorge's Church destroying agenda!!!
To think he will now retire is pure wishful thinking.....no evidence of that.
Casimer Joseph Bogdanski
Francis didn’t respect BXVI in at least two situations while he was living:
1) Summorum Pontificum.
2) Rehabilitating Sr. Gramick.
Did you expect better treatment when BXVI DIED?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sister Gramick, HAHAHAHAHA. The was thrown out of one radical liberal Order, which at least disiplined her for her pro-homo views and dismissed her. Then, keeping to her love of gays opinion, she joined the even more radical "Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross", an Order which before Vatican II had well over 1,200 sisters and was a solid and well respected teaching Order. Like most others …More
Sister Gramick, HAHAHAHAHA. The was thrown out of one radical liberal Order, which at least disiplined her for her pro-homo views and dismissed her. Then, keeping to her love of gays opinion, she joined the even more radical "Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross", an Order which before Vatican II had well over 1,200 sisters and was a solid and well respected teaching Order. Like most others, it became dissident.femminist, and heretical after Vatican II, and gladly welcomed Grammick.
Today, they have less than 100 members, and can for all intents and purposes be called a non-viable, nearly extinct community.