
Abortion Vaccines: Poor Vatican Flirts With the Rich

The Vatican announced that the Fifth International Health Conference, entitled “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul” will be held online on May 6-8. The conference is about enigmatic “new delivery systems …More
The Vatican announced that the Fifth International Health Conference, entitled “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul” will be held online on May 6-8.
The conference is about enigmatic “new delivery systems” to improve human health. The speakers include:
• Stéphane Bancel, Moderna CEO, billionaire
• Alberto Bourla, Pfizer CEO, millionaire
• Anthony Fauci, US coronavirus guru, 2019 salary: $417,608
• Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US President Clinton, abortion activist, net worth: $30 million
• David Feinberg, Head of Google Health, an oligarch company which spies on its users, censures content, serves the US regime, and engages in tax avoidance.
The Vatican calls the abortion-tainted vaccinations of Moderna and Pfizer "immoral," but this means nothing as the Vatican "allows" it anyway. The conference is promoted with a persiflage on Michelangelo's 1512 Creation of Adam which is on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. In 2018, the Vatican invited to the Fourth International Health Conference …More
Couldn’t the WHO or the UN do this? The Vatican should stick to Catholic religious stuff.
P. O'B
The Vatican loves the enemies of the Faith.
la verdad prevalece
LifeSiteNews: Already, faithful Catholics have taken to social media to express their consternation at the conference. Commenting on the manipulated image of the Creation of Adam, U.K. commentator Deacon Nick Donnelly, wrote: “The Vatican’s pastiche of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam exposes their promotion of ‘a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God’ (CCC 675).”
Hound of Heaven
Rendering a masterpiece banal - evil.
This conference will unite the Vatican with Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Money.
Absolutely cursed image
1.) That photo btw is bordering on blasphemy: it's a mocking of the famous art piece of God creating Adam.
2.) Why are the leaders of health care like Fauci, technology like Google, pharma and politics so interested in the Vatican?More
1.) That photo btw is bordering on blasphemy: it's a mocking of the famous art piece of God creating Adam.

2.) Why are the leaders of health care like Fauci, technology like Google, pharma and politics so interested in the Vatican?
ad 2) Because they are global and so is the Vatican.
this photo is not bordering on blasphemy. It is a blaspamy
G.K. Chesterton famously wrote: “We do not want a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world.”
Other speakers at health conference co-organised by the Vatican include new age guru Deepak Chopra, conservationist Dame Jane Goodall, Michael Bloomberg’s daughter Emma, supermodel Cindy Crawford, hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio, Kerry Kennedy, Google Health chief David Feinberg