
WHO director Tedros: ‘It's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers' - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus …
Wilma Lopez
Cascioli: “After the remark on ‘faggotry’ in the priesthood, a sensational turn by Pope Francis: he encourages an aspiring gay seminarian not to give up. An inconceivable contradiction, which turns …More
Cascioli: “After the remark on ‘faggotry’ in the priesthood, a sensational turn by Pope Francis: he encourages an aspiring gay seminarian not to give up. An inconceivable contradiction, which turns into a victory for the LGBT lobby.”

Gays in the seminary, pope eats his words

Gays in the seminary, pope eats his words After the remark on ‘faggotry’ in the priesthood, a sensational turn by Pope Francis: he encourages an aspiring gay …
Boanerges Boanerges
Is anyone surprised here? My only surprise is that they still call him pope. That's so offensive to the papacy
Billy F
Forked tongue!!!
2 more comments
De Profundis
‘Pfizer pushed for mandates AFTER they knew the mRNA vaccine was causing serious harm. Everybody needs to understand that the people in control are psychopathic in nature when it comes to business …More
‘Pfizer pushed for mandates AFTER they knew the mRNA vaccine was causing serious harm. Everybody needs to understand that the people in control are psychopathic in nature when it comes to business interests’
Melissa Ohden shares how she survived an abortion at 31 weeks.
Bruceph Mildur
Chair Cassidy is so full of... he's so mistaken. It's not a difficult issue chairman. It's murder! Life's not easy. It's never been easy. It never will …More
Chair Cassidy is so full of... he's so mistaken. It's not a difficult issue chairman. It's murder! Life's not easy. It's never been easy. It never will be easy. This congeniality business has gone too far.
Thousands Bunch Up For Ireland’s First-Ever Gigantic Rosary Rally SWNews The whole of Ireland conglomerated like the beads of the Rosary on June 1 to honor Our Lady of Knock by participating in ‘All-…More
Thousands Bunch Up For Ireland’s First-Ever Gigantic Rosary Rally SWNews
The whole of Ireland conglomerated like the beads of the Rosary on June 1 to honor Our Lady of Knock by participating in ‘All-Ireland Rosary Rally 2024’, the first ever gigantic Rally in the history of Ireland. The Rally started at 11.45 am on Saturday from Knock Museum and concluded at 12.30 pm. The spiritual journey culminated at the Holy Eucharistic celebration at 3 pm, presided over by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan.

Manichaeism, Schism and Heresies; Continuation of Satan worship within Christianity

Excerpt from “Histoire Satan” by Father Lecanu: Organized in a secret society, like the Gnostics, the Manichaeans had a triple sign of recognition: speech, gesture and touch ( Signa oris, manuum et sinusMore
Excerpt from “Histoire Satan” by Father Lecanu:
Organized in a secret society, like the Gnostics, the Manichaeans had a triple sign of recognition: speech, gesture and touch ( Signa oris, manuum et sinus . (August.) — Manicheorum alter alteri obviam factus, dextras dant sibi ipsis signi causa (Epiphan.)). Covered under the outward appearance of Christianity, the vigilant eye of the pastors of the Church often had difficulty in discerning them, unless they betrayed themselves by the manifestation of one of the superstitions which were special to them, such as Sunday fasting in honor of the sun.
Their stubbornness in the practices of magic cannot be disputed, notwithstanding what Beausobre said about it in his History of Manichaea . Saint Augustine accuses them positively; Saint Leo says the same thing of the Priscillianites (Epist. 91 ad Turb. episc. Hisp), one of the principal sects of Manichaeism, in particular, and of all in general. The scholar Mosheim had no difficulty in …More
Fred Alan Medforth

Serbian Populists Win Belgrade Elections AGAIN, to the Despair of the MSM and Globalists

All over the world, any government or leader that does not share the same Globalist principles to the letter is …

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

Francis wrote a handwritten letter on 1 June to Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, 22, a history student from Florence who was expelled from the seminary of the diocese of La Spezia after revealing his …More
Francis wrote a handwritten letter on 1 June to Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, 22, a history student from Florence who was expelled from the seminary of the diocese of La Spezia after revealing his homosexual temptations with which he identifies.
After Francis reportedly complained on 20 May about too many homosexual clerics and the need to expel even half-homosexual, effeminate men from the seminary, Caruso told his story to IlMessaggero.it (29 May).
He also wrote a letter to Francis, who replied immediately. On Saturday, Francis wrote to Caruso:
"Do you know that clericalism is a plague? It is an ugly worldliness and, as a great theologian says, 'worldliness is the worst thing that can happen to the Church, even worse than the time of the concubine Popes'. Jesus calls everyone, everyone. Some people think that the Church is a customs office [where everybody is checked] and that is bad. The Church must be open to everyone. Brother, continue with your vocation".
Caruso called Francis' …More
Jorge is a nut job, period!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Pope “writes to gay man rejected by seminary” 🇻🇦
18 more comments
They still have a time for wife and husband stuff.
John A Cassani
Well, he’s going to have some time at home, because his bad knee has acted up, and he’s withdrawn from the tournament.
My thoughts exactly 😄😄😄
One more comment
Pierre Henri
10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victimsMore
10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victims

10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victims

10,000 human remains found on serial killer’s farm — and authorities are still identifying victims 0 …
John A Cassani
It is 10,000 pieces of human remains. He is believed to have had at least 25 victims. Thank goodness he didn’t kill 10,000 people. Only abortionists …More
It is 10,000 pieces of human remains. He is believed to have had at least 25 victims. Thank goodness he didn’t kill 10,000 people. Only abortionists are on that level, I suppose.
A DC judge just sentenced 75-year-old Paulette Harlow, who is in poor health, to 2 years in prison for praying outside an abortion clinic. Her husband fears she might die there.
Sean Johnson
The judge should be horse-whipped.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
This is the nation that states on its coin, "In God we trust." It appears their trust is entirely in the perverts who have taken over the country.
2 more comments

Corpus Christi: When the Train Stopped for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament - A Sermon by Fr. Richard …

by Fr. Richard Cipolla What flashed through my mind was when many years ago now the procession in …
Father Karl A Claver
Sometimes animals (recall St. Anthony) and people not directly involved in something spiritual show more reverence towards the Blessed Sacrament than …More
Sometimes animals (recall St. Anthony) and people not directly involved in something spiritual show more reverence towards the Blessed Sacrament than clerics.
Maybe there is?
English Catholic
Cardinal Marx: Faggots don't like obese and elderly men. You need to be aware of that. This article might help you: (the author is a Catholic, but the …More
Cardinal Marx: Faggots don't like obese and elderly men. You need to be aware of that. This article might help you: (the author is a Catholic, but the website is Anglican): The Truth About the Homosexual Rights Movement - by Ronald G. Lee | VirtueOnline – The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism Two relevant quotes:
"But one very seldom reads about people like my friend Harry. Harry (not his real name) was a balding, middle-aged man with a potbelly. He was married, and had a couple of grown daughters. And he was unhappy. Harry persuaded himself that he was unhappy because he was gay. He divorced his wife, who is now married to someone else, his daughters are not speaking to him, and he is discovering that pudgy, bald, middle-aged men are not all that popular in gay bars. Somehow, Oprah forgot to mention that. Now Harry is taking anti-depressants in order to keep from killing himself."
"Gay culture is a paradox. Most homosexuals tend to be liberal Democrats, or in the U.K., supporters …More
Michi Gini

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán slams George Soros, ‘war speculators’ in powerful pro-family, pro-peace speech …

(LifeSiteNews) — With one week to go before the European Parliament holds its elections, Hungary’s …
Bruceph Mildur
Don't worry Viktor. There's no need for Hungary to volunteer. The war will come to you. And when it does, may you and Hungary serve up a genrous portion …More
Don't worry Viktor. There's no need for Hungary to volunteer. The war will come to you. And when it does, may you and Hungary serve up a genrous portion of what they came for!

Nolte: Disney+ Queering 4-Year-Olds During Pride Month

The Disney Grooming Syndicate is not playing around when it comes to sexualizing and queering children, including small children. When our editor …
Father Karl A Claver
Who scandalizes the little ones will be greatly punished by God.
PORQUE DEUS PERMITE O MAL? + Pax! Welcome my friends to Karmel: The Secret Garden of the Virgin Mary, protected by the high white mountains, from the great Prophet Elijah. May everything be for the …More
+ Pax! Welcome my friends to Karmel:
The Secret Garden of the Virgin Mary, protected by the high white mountains, from the great Prophet Elijah.
May everything be for the greater glory of the Good God and the salvation of souls! Heaven is our Homeland! Let’s not lose the way. We’ll protect each other. We’ll fight for each other. For the glory of the Good God and the Salvation of souls!
Performed by the Carmelite Hermit Nuns of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel
Foederis Arka Kloster (Monastery)
info@karmelmonastery.org karmelmonastery.org INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: Karmel in the North And TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook for FRANCE Abbaye Marie-Reine Donation: Donate to Maria Inês dos Santos Becker ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
sp2 . .

Mama Mary

Look Closely The Hearts of Mama Mary and Christ on the Cross are most connected. Everything Christ feels so does she. Even to the crown of thorns she also wears. Listen to her.More
Look Closely
The Hearts of Mama Mary and Christ on the Cross are most connected. Everything Christ feels so does she. Even to the crown of thorns she also wears. Listen to her.


While back, around the beginning of this disastrous pontificate, the resistance to the false prophet Bergoglio were just a few people, this circle of friends denounced the lies presented as truth, I …More
While back, around the beginning of this disastrous pontificate, the resistance to the false prophet Bergoglio were just a few people, this circle of friends denounced the lies presented as truth, I remember a woman who was struggling with that, I mean, she saw the lies alright but had a hard time calling Bergoglio what he demonstrated with his fruits: a false prophet.
This Hispanic woman (I can’t remember her name), went to Church and prayed and prayed, she kept on asking about Bergoglio, what to do about him? Then, an invisible someone told her one word: “fidelity”. From that moment on she spread that all through the internet and Bergoglians took the message as obedience to false prophet Bergoglio.
My comrade in arms back then, switched from denouncing the lies, to try to squash the resistance by the misunderstanding that fidelity was obedience.
Obedience is not fidelity, you could resist and be remain faithful at the same time, she misunderstood what fidelity is, to remain faithful …More
DefendTruth shares from martin fischer
South Korea suspended a buffer-creating military agreement with North Korea dating back to 2018 on Tuesday, a hawkish move that some observers say will only further inflame military tensions in response …More
South Korea suspended a buffer-creating military agreement with North Korea dating back to 2018 on Tuesday, a hawkish move that some observers say will only further inflame military tensions in response to North Korea’s launches of waste-filled balloons across the border

Seoul totally suspends buffer-creating military pact with Pyongyang, sending tensions into overdrive

The flags of North and South Korea fly along the respective sides of the border on June 2, 2024. (Kim …