E A O'Hora

Paula Harlow

Fred Alan Medforth

Pride Decried – An entire month?

As the Library of Congress notes, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is celebrated each year in the month of June. An entire month?! Our …

Anglice Rescriptum de Musica Sacra a Raphaele Cardinali Merry Del Val Secretarii Status SS. Pii X

Anglice Rescriptum de Musica Sacra a Raphaele Cardinali Merry Del Val Secretarii Status SS. Pii X zazzle.com/ProVaticanus #PiusX #Magisterium #MerryDalVal May Women Sing in Our Church Choirs? Since …More
Anglice Rescriptum de Musica Sacra a Raphaele Cardinali Merry Del Val Secretarii Status SS. Pii X
zazzle.com/ProVaticanus #PiusX #Magisterium #MerryDalVal May Women Sing in Our Church Choirs? Since the publication of Father Bonvin's article on the question whether women may sing in our church choirs (Caecilia, Oct. 1908, and CATHOLIC FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW, xv, 20 sq.), the following correspondence has been given out by the Bishop of Pittsburg: Bishop Canevin to Cardinal Merry del Val: It would please me very much if you would have the kindness to advise me if it is true that women may sing in the choirs or churches, not only when they sing together with the other male members of the congregation in the body of the church, but also when they are separated, and form, either alone, or with men and boys, a special choir on an elevated platform or choir loft in the rear of the churches, as is the custom in the United States. Because of the diversity of opinion, and the many newspaper reports, …More
So good to see a picture of two very holy prelates, one a canonized saint.
Jeffrey Ade
A wonderful link about St. Therese! A few minutes of your time for an eternity with St. Therese? Worth it!

Thérèse of Lisieux

Thérèse of Lisieux (fr. Thérèse de Lisieux) Born:January 2, 1873;Alençon, Orne, FranceDied:September 30, 1897(1897-09-30) (aged 24);Lisieux, Calvados, France Patronage: Missionaries …

Reuters: ‘Renewable energy’ sector laments conservative victories in France, worries about future …

By Olivia Murray In the wake of the sweeping conservative victories across Europe, Reuters published …

Bishop Vigano : "The betrayal starts from the top of the institution, and it did not begin with Bergoglio: this Study Document is nothing other than …

The Study Document of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity - “The Bishop of Rome. Primacy and Synodality in ecumenical dialogues and in the responses to the encyclical Ut Unum Sint” – is the …More
The Study Document of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity - “The Bishop of Rome. Primacy and Synodality in ecumenical dialogues and in the responses to the encyclical Ut Unum Sint” – is the coherent application of the subversive premises posed by Vatican II and the “conciliar popes.”
- The Mass has been adulterated along the lines of the Protestant Supper; - the priest has become the “president”of an assembly;
- the Bishops have had their authority taken away by the Episcopal Conferences and the Synod, who have appropriated it in the name of “Collegiality”;
- and now the Pope must become the “primus inter pares” of the Christian sects, he must betray the mandate entrusted by Christ to Peter and his successors and abdicate the role of Vicar of Christ.
The Bergoglian sect is preparing to join the other schismatic and heretical communities, after having embraced their errors. In short, the future head of the new Religion of Humanity desired by the Masonic elite of the New World …More
Father Karl A Claver
John XXIII opened the pandora's box, and most of the damage was done by Paul VI. Everything afterwards is just a progression of modernism.
Wilma Lopez
Echoing Catholic teaching, the Southern Baptist Convention has approved a resolution opposing the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Southern Baptist Convention approves resolution opposing IVF

CNA Staff, Jun 12, 2024 / 18:05 pm The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., on Wednesday voted to …
Record Share of U.S. Electorate Is Pro-Choice and Voting on It Democrats continue to rally around abortion rights since Dobbs verdict Specifically, nearly twice as many pro-choice voters (40%) as pro …More
Record Share of U.S. Electorate Is Pro-Choice and Voting on It
Democrats continue to rally around abortion rights since Dobbs verdict
Specifically, nearly twice as many pro-choice voters (40%) as pro-life voters (22%) say they will only vote for a candidate who agrees with them on abortion.

Record Share of U.S. Electorate Is Pro-Choice and Voting on It

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A record-high 32% of U.S. voters say they would only vote for a candidate for major office who shares their views on …
The public schools teach that an unborn child is not human. Many so called Catholic schools teach the same. We must not, however give up the fight for …More
The public schools teach that an unborn child is not human. Many so called Catholic schools teach the same. We must not, however give up the fight for life.
chris griffin
We are losing the abortion war. US electorate is majority pro-abortion and 56% of Catholics are pro-abortion. Everyone should be actively pro-life to …More
We are losing the abortion war. US electorate is majority pro-abortion and 56% of Catholics are pro-abortion. Everyone should be actively pro-life to the greatest extent possible. The Pope and almost all the Bishops are derelict in their duty to protect innocent life. Most ordinary Catholics are derelict also.

Influencer-led Spanish party secures three Euro MPs

New party SALF, which translates as “The party is over”, was founded by social media personality Luis Pérez Fernández in early 2024 and now already …
Mary 17

Earliest manuscript of Gospel about Jesus’s childhood discovered

Earliest manuscript of Gospel about Jesus’s childhood discovered Papyrologists decipher manuscript fragment and date it to the 4th to …
Edie Loughmiller
This makes me think of a little song, well loved by generations of Catholic children. . . . When Jesus Christ was four years old, The angels brought …More
This makes me think of a little song, well loved by generations of Catholic children. . . .
When Jesus Christ was four years old,
The angels brought Him toys of gold,
Which no man ever had bought or sold.
And yet with these He would not play.
He made Him small fowl out of clay,
And blessed them till they flew away.
Tu creasti, Domine. Jesus Christ, Thou child so wise, Bless mine hands and fill mine eyes, And bring my soul to Paradise.
There's nothing odd, strange, or unusual about the Infancy Gospel of Jesus, also commonly known as the Gospel of Thomas. I have both modern and antique …More
There's nothing odd, strange, or unusual about the Infancy Gospel of Jesus, also commonly known as the Gospel of Thomas. I have both modern and antique reprints of it.
It, along with many other works, was read and circulated within the early Church. But it was not canonized.
Similar to the Shepherd of Hermes and the Didache, just because it was not canonized does not mean it is of no value.
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Toronto's St. Anne's Anglican Church destroyed by fire: a spiritual symbol of loss in our secular times

Jun Toronto's St. Anne's Anglican Church destroyed by fire: a spiritual symbol of loss in our secular …
Anglican Church burning is not a spiritual loss...
Father Karl A Claver
If I were to place a bet, I would say Moslems are behind this. but so far, there is no solid proof

Germany Rocked by Spate of Brutal Stabbings

Photo: © Simon Mannweiler / Wikimedia Commons Three acts of seemingly random—and certainly horrific—violence on Monday, June 10th, collectively raise the …

Carlo Acutis and the Dangers of Saint-Propaganda

Essays and commentary from Dr. Kwasniewski on rite and reason, cultus and culture—eschewing political and ecclesiastical "correctness" in favor of the …
Juan Perez
pope Paul 6 was canonized => I'm having a hard time believing any modern canonization process.
Dr Bobus
The liturgy is the primary way by which the Church communicates with her people. The theme of those who want to destroy the universality (Catholicity)…More
The liturgy is the primary way by which the Church communicates with her people. The theme of those who want to destroy the universality (Catholicity) of the Church is Enculturation. This theme is communicated to the people by the enculturated (i.e. secularized) liturgy.
Nb: What is first in the order of Intention is last in the order of execution.
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Is the Sacrament of Holy Orders valid when conferred on a deacon or priest by a bishop involved at any time in homosexual acts with the candidate for ordination?

A new—and potentially explosive—dubium

A new—and potentially explosive— And similarly: Is the Episcopal Consecration valid in a case where any one of the three bishops taking part in the consecration …
John A Cassani
Lawler is correct in saying that such ordinations would almost certainly be considered valid, but that it is a very important question to ask.


JEWISH FABLES & THE NEW AGE Their have been quite a few “ism’s” at work in an effort to bring about the New Age under the Jewish antichrist and the new humanity. A humanity which no longer largely …More
Their have been quite a few “ism’s” at work in an effort to bring about the New Age under the Jewish antichrist and the new humanity. A humanity which no longer largely wants the truth but rather have “itchy ears” for the latest novelty. This precisely summarizes the Modernist evolutionists.

Francis Wants an Ecumenical Recognition of a "Papacy Without Content"

The two Cardinals Koch and Grech presented on June 13 a 150-page paper on how to "reshape" the papacy. It is called "The Bishop of Rome" and was signed by Francis. The text gives a historical and …More
The two Cardinals Koch and Grech presented on June 13 a 150-page paper on how to "reshape" the papacy.
It is called "The Bishop of Rome" and was signed by Francis. The text gives a historical and descriptive synthesis of developments and opinions on the papacy.
Koch hopes for a "new understanding" of the papacy that could be "recognised by all concerned" which includes countless schismatic and heretical groups.
The Pope should only be accepted by the many Christian sects as an "honorary head", including some kind of "primacy of proclamation and witness".
Under the subtitle "Principles for the exercise of primacy in the 21st century" the text suggests a change in the understanding of the papacy that would be at the service of "ecumenism" and "synodality". "Synodality" is another term for Conciliarism, the belief that councils hold greater authority than the Pope, which was condemned by the council of Basel-Ferrara-Florenz in the 15th century.
The document presents "the mutual interdependency …More
Tony M
He is practicing what he preaches.....he is making a mess....and boy what a mess it is!!!!More
He is practicing what he preaches.....he is making a mess....and boy what a mess it is!!!!
The more I learn about the Vatican, the more I believe that there is most likely a false "church" occupying Rome.
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“Allah Akbar”: In Marseille, France, an armed man on the rampage was shot dead by the French special …

On Thursday morning, a man on the rampage was shot dead by police officers from the RAID branch in …

Supreme Court Could Rescue Hunter Biden, Reverse Conviction - Slay News

“Convicted felon” Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict for illegal gun possession could be reversed if the Supreme Court comes to his …
Dr. Janet Smith: Addressing Homosexuality in Uganda, Part III

Dr. Janet Smith: Addressing Homosexuality in Uganda, Part III

As I stated in previous columns, Ugandans don’t have much experience of homosexuality. What there is of it in their culture is largely …

“This is My Destiny” - Fantastic Sermon delivered during the Chartres Pilgrimage

(Sermon for Pentecost Sunday given by Fr Augustin-Marie Aubry, Prior of the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer, to the …