
FSSP Priest: "Don't Obey Your Bishop, Do Not Wear A Mask At Mass"

The Denver Archdiocese and the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) are "reviewing" the situation of Father Daniel Nolan FSSP who told his audience on September 1 to disobey mask orders of the …More
The Denver Archdiocese and the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) are "reviewing" the situation of Father Daniel Nolan FSSP who told his audience on September 1 to disobey mask orders of the ecclesiastical and civil establishment, reports CatholicNewsAgency.com (CNA).
At the end of a YouTube.com catechetical session, Nolan said in Littleton, Colorado, “Do not obey the bishop, do not obey the governor. They cannot tell you to wear a mask. This is a lie. They are lying to all of us.”
And, “If your bishop tells you, don’t do it. I encourage everybody not to wear a mask. I am telling you: disobey your bishop, disobey your governor. That’s what I’m telling you.”
Nolan added that they have „zero authority“, „are cooperating in evil“, are „suppressing the American people, their rights, liberties and common sense,“
„The emperor has no clothes. If you are healthy you have a 0.006% chance of dying from Covid-19. The flu has a greater chance of killing you, if you’re healthy.“ Nolan referred …More
Thank you, Father Nolan. For those who believe it’s just a stupid mask and we should just go along with it, watch this:
pt.news and 2 more users link to this post
Nolan is my captain, in this war no more weakness, to be or not to be.
es.news and 5 more users link to this post
Father Nolan is correct. Aquila eagerly capitulated to moral reprobates Michael Hancock and Jared Schutz(Polis) and willingly denied the Sacraments to the faithful. As a Marine Father Nolan knew he was under no obligation to follow an unlawful order. As a Priest he understands he is under no obligation to follow an apostate Bishop whose loyalty belongs to the state not to Almighty God and His bride.
John Robert DiCino
I couldn't agree more. Sad to see Americans voluntarily giving up freedom and dignity.
comfort ye
Wow, Fr. Dan, guess Headquarters will be after you. Not thinking of the Pius X's are you? You are in my prayers
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Thumbing one's nose at the bishop is always a bad idea, especially on video. Priests are (or should be) THE top opinion shapers in a parish. Fr. Nolan could have just as easily "forgotten" to wear his mask. After a few lapses, the parishioners will get his "message" very clearly without a word of defiance being so much as uttered once.
John Robert DiCino
He did not thumb the Archbishop. His lesson to me, do not wear the mask at all costs. This is not a killer disease of healthy and government has no authority because it is not a real pandemic.
"Thumbing one's nose at the bishop is always a bad idea, especially on video."
I don't know what "bad" and "good" mean in your post-modern language. Therefore, I shall remind "The Song of Right and Wrong" by ol' good GKC:
"Feast on wine or fast on water
And your honour shall stand sure,
God Almighty’s son and daughter
He the valiant, she the pure;
If an angel out of heaven
Brings you other …
"Thumbing one's nose at the bishop is always a bad idea, especially on video."

I don't know what "bad" and "good" mean in your post-modern language. Therefore, I shall remind "The Song of Right and Wrong" by ol' good GKC:
"Feast on wine or fast on water
And your honour shall stand sure,
God Almighty’s son and daughter
He the valiant, she the pure;
If an angel out of heaven
Brings you other things to drink,
Thank him for his kind attentions,
Go and pour them down the sink

Yes, he is referring to the famous Galatians 1:8 by St. Paul. So if a bishop out of earth brings you and your brethren a poison, saying it loud is a very good idea (because then the poison is poured down the sink). Not saying anything is a very bad idea - i.e. a sin. Moreover, neither it is a question of the sb's nose, nor of the sb's chained mouth but the question of the honour of God and freedom of the Catholic worship is at stake.
@John Robert DiCino "He did not thumb the Archbishop."
Okay, serious question. Imagine you're a manager at a large corporation. Now imagine one of your employees under your authority goes on YouTube and says, "Do not obey Mr. DiCino. do not obey the corporate affiliates.. They cannot tell you to use ball point pens. This is a lie. They have zero authority."
Would you say that employee ISN'T thumbing …More
@John Robert DiCino "He did not thumb the Archbishop."

Okay, serious question. Imagine you're a manager at a large corporation. Now imagine one of your employees under your authority goes on YouTube and says, "Do not obey Mr. DiCino. do not obey the corporate affiliates.. They cannot tell you to use ball point pens. This is a lie. They have zero authority."

Would you say that employee ISN'T thumbing his nose at you? If he isn't then may I ask what he IS doing? Remember, in this scenario, you're the manager.

@V.R.S. "I don't know what "bad" and "good" mean in your post-modern language"

I am writing in English. The words "bad" and "good" have explicit and well-defined meanings. There is nothing "post-modern" about my usage of the word "bad". In this context I am using the term according to definition 5a in Merriam Webster's Dictionary. "injurous, harmful".

As in, it in a priest openly defying his bishop is injurous and harmful to his long-term career as a priest. Even Fr. Nolan acknowleges this by predicting a transfer.

So skip the philosophical sophistry. You're not clever enough to make it work. least of all in English. This "language based" crticism seems to be a consistent theme with you and it's a foolish one to take since English isn't your primary language. That's a technical way of staying you're being stupid and you should stop being stupid.
"As in, it in a priest openly defying his bishop is injurous and harmful to his long-term career as a priest"
- --
Post-modern relativism at its worst. I knew that you had no idea about the Catholic meaning of words. What about "injurous and harmful" to his / his faithful souls / salvation or "injurous" to the Holy Church?
Your writings stay at the usual level of a quasi-literate moron.
That isn't "post modernism", you stupid blithering fool. I'm discussing the direct political fall-out of defying one's superior. Try that some time when you finally get a paying job. Defy your boss, encourage others to do so and see how long you remain employed.
Not a problem for you French, I know. You have an excellent welfare system that insulates idiots like you from the direct effects of your …More
That isn't "post modernism", you stupid blithering fool. I'm discussing the direct political fall-out of defying one's superior. Try that some time when you finally get a paying job. Defy your boss, encourage others to do so and see how long you remain employed.

Not a problem for you French, I know. You have an excellent welfare system that insulates idiots like you from the direct effects of your own stupidity.

"I knew that you had no idea about the Catholic meaning of words."

You aren't citing any such "Catholic" definition, you idiot. What you're doing isn't even post-modernism it's flat-out autism. You're ascribing a religious connotation where none exists.

"What about "injurous and harmful" to his / his faithful souls / salvation or "injurous" to the Holy Church?"

To answer your question, there is nothing "injurous and harmful to his/ his faithful('s) (sic) souls/ salvation" in wearing a stupid mask. Least of all in a purely secular context such as disobeying the governor.

It's an inconvenience, possibly physically harmful, but the act of wearing a face covering does not damage a Catholic's salvation or the Church's relationship with God.

Try learning some basic theology before embarrass yourself further, numbskull.
John Robert DiCino
When does any Religious or Government have the authority to make orders contrary to reason? Never and @Ultraviolet , I was an officer for more than 25 years, clearly you do not know the meaning of a) valid orders and b) English comprehension . You seem to be drunk on the cool aid of modern socialism, and I hope we never meet face to face. It is a horrible thing to see a man cry like a baby when …More
When does any Religious or Government have the authority to make orders contrary to reason? Never and @Ultraviolet , I was an officer for more than 25 years, clearly you do not know the meaning of a) valid orders and b) English comprehension . You seem to be drunk on the cool aid of modern socialism, and I hope we never meet face to face. It is a horrible thing to see a man cry like a baby when confronted with true heroic men like Fr Nolan. His superior backs his stance 100% and a Patriot does too. I will pray for you and your conversion
"When does any Religious or Government have the authority to make orders contrary to reason?" @John Robert DiCino
You assume your interpretaton of "reason" (i.e. what is reasonable) is a universal constant. It isn't. ;-)
"I was an officer for more than 25 years, clearly you do not know the meaning of a) valid orders and b) English comprehension."
My comprehension of English is sufficient to …More
"When does any Religious or Government have the authority to make orders contrary to reason?" @John Robert DiCino

You assume your interpretaton of "reason" (i.e. what is reasonable) is a universal constant. It isn't. ;-)

"I was an officer for more than 25 years, clearly you do not know the meaning of a) valid orders and b) English comprehension."

My comprehension of English is sufficient to recognize when a blowhard fails at clarifying what sort of "officer" he even was. A police officer? A military officer? An officer of a court? An officer of a club?

"Officer" means nothing without context... officer. :P

Waving your credentials like that doesn't speak very well of your appreciation of "reason" either.

What you've done is display a number of charming errors in reasoning. First, the fallacious appeal to authority. Just because you claim to be an "officer" doesn't mean you're automatically correct on all subjects relating to the orders "officers" give. Officers make mistakes.

Second... there's no proof you're an "officer" at all. Beyond you claiming to be one. That's another fallacy known as anecdotal evidence. Just because you say something doesn't make it true -particularly since you haven't supplied ANY proof.

...and in fact, your claim to such expertise is directly contradicted by the way you confuse a "valid" order with a "lawful" order.

All of which shows that your grasp of "reason" is a very weak one, at best.

"You seem to be drunk on the cool aid of modern socialism,"

This might come as a nasty shock, but everyone you disagree with isn't a socialist. V.R.S. made the same mistake accusing me of postmodernism.

Socialism has nothing to do with this discussion any more than, say, fascism does. Totalitarianism may be relevant but that could apply equally to either a socialist or fascist system.

Ultimately, Fr. Nolan's situation comes down to nothing fancier than everyday office politics. Publicly contradicting your boss is a bad career move, regardless of one's vocation (pun intended). ;-) As I already pointed out, Fr. Nolan could easily subvert a bad policy without making enemies in the chain of command.

An "officer" (a real one) would call that "leading by example".

"I hope we never meet face to face. It is a horrible thing to see a man cry like a baby when confronted with true heroic men..."

True heroic men are modest. You are not. True heroic don't pat themselves on the back. You do. True heroic men don't get to be heroes making the stupid mistakes you display.

No, you're not a true heroic man at all. Instead, you're another loud-mouth trading on the exploits of real heroes whose boots you aren't fit to lick, much less shine.

"I hope we never meet face to face".

Indeed. Your attitude sounds like it would prove shockingly expensive. Oh, not for you... that's for certain. Stupid people always end up costing the rest of us a huge pile of cash.

American law doesn't recognize the concept of the "Darwin Award". Instead, it's built on the notion all people have equal worth..

You aren't worth the legal bills (much less the lengthy trial) necessary to convince the court otherwise. ;-)
Our Lady of Sorrows
A true Holy Priest
"Hence the State has no claim to dictate to Christians what they are to believe and reject, nor to instruct priests what they are to preach, nor how and when they are to give the sacraments, say Mass"

very good article
This is a brave and holy priest who tells us that be total trust and not afraid when are in God's house.
Live before Covid-19
Let's do it again. There is no real health risk !
Remember that Covid is an abbreviation saying: Certificate of vaccination identification Document
John Robert DiCino
Our freedom and human dignity have been illegally taken from us by globalists and we must fight back now. Do not wear the mask, do not stay at home, mingle with family and friends. The Governors orders are not to be taken as this authority is not from God.
Dr Bobus
Was this in a homily? If so, why?