Open letter from Mons. Viganò to the Vatican on vaccines.

Open letter of Bishop Viganò to the Holy See on the Note concerning the morality of covid vaccines.
To His Most Reverend Eminence

Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, sj

Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

And, by competence:

1. His Most Reverend Eminence

Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Secretary of State of His Holiness

2. His Most Reverend Eminence

Cardinal Peter Turkson

Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of the Sciences

and the Pontifical Academy of the Social Sciences

3. His Most Reverend Excellency

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia,

President of the Pontifical Academy for Life

18 October 2022

Your Eminence,

Last year, on October 23, 2021, I wrote a letter to the President of the United States Bishops’ Conference (Abp. Viganò Letter – October 23, 2021), which was also sent to you, in which I expressed – as I have already done publicly – my very strong reservations on various extremely controversial aspects regarding the moral legitimacy of the use of experimental gene serums produced using mRNA technology. In that letter, which was written with the help of eminent scientists and virologists, I highlighted the need to update the Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines (Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines (21 December 2020)) due to the scientific evidence that had emerged even then and moreover had been declared by the pharmaceutical manufacturers themselves.

Permit me, Your Eminence, to renew my appeal in the light of recent declarations made by Pfizer to the European Parliament and the publication of official data by the world health agencies.

First of all, I remind you that the document from the Dicastery over which you preside was promulgated on December 21, 2020, in the absence of complete data about the nature of the gene serum and its components, and also without any results from the efficacy and safety trials. The subject of the Note was limited to the “moral aspects of the use of the vaccines against Covid-19 that have been developed from cell lines derived from tissues obtained from two fetuses that were not spontaneously aborted.” The Congregation further reiterated: “We do not intend to judge the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, although ethically relevant and necessary, as this evaluation is the responsibility of biomedical researchers and drug agencies.” Safety and efficacy were thus not the subject of the Note, which in expressing an opinion about the “moral aspects of the use” did not deem it appropriate to comment on the “morality of the production” of these drugs.

The safety and efficacy of the individual vaccines should have been established after a period of experimentation, which normally takes several years. But in this case the health authorities have decided to carry out the experimentation on the entire population, departing from the normal practice of the scientific community, international regulations, and the laws of individual nations. The results that are now emerging from the official data published in all the countries that adopted the mass vaccine campaign are incontestably disastrous: it is emerging that people who have been subjected to inoculation with the experimental serum not only have never been protected from contagion by the virus, nor from grave forms of illness, but they have actually been made more vulnerable to Covid-19 and its variants due to the irreversible compromising of their immune systems caused by mRNA technology. The data also highlights serious short- and long-term effects, such as sterility, the inducement of miscarriages in pregnant women, the transmission of the virus to children through breastfeeding, the development of serious heart conditions including myocarditis and pericarditis, the return of cancerous tumors that had previously been cured, and a whole series of other debilitating diseases. The many cases of sudden deaths – which until recently were stubbornly considered as having no relation to inoculation with the serum – are revealing the consequence of repeated doses, even in people who are young, healthy, and physically fit. Members of the military, who are rigorously controlled by health personnel for safety reasons, are showing the same incidence of adverse effects after receiving the serum. Countless studies are now confirming that the serum may cause forms of acquired immunodeficiency in those who receive it. Worldwide, the number of deaths and grave pathologies following vaccination is increasing exponentially. These vaccines have caused more deaths than all other vaccines combined in the last thirty years. And not only this: in many nations the number of those who have died after vaccination is significantly higher than the number of those who died from Covid.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, although not expressing an opinion on the efficacy and safety of the serums, nevertheless defined them as “vaccines,” taking for granted that they would give immunity and protect people against active and passive contagion. But this element has now been disavowed by the declarations that are coming from all of the world health authorities and the WHO, who now say that those who are vaccinated may become infected themselves and infect other people more seriously than people who are not vaccinated, and also that their immune systems have been drastically reduced if not actually cancelled. The drugs that have been called “vaccines” thus do not correspond to the official definition of a vaccine, to which the Note presumably refers. A vaccine is defined as a preparation which induces the production of protective antibodies by an organism, conferring a specific resistance against a determined infective illness (either viral, bacterial, or protozoal). This definition has now been modified by the WHO, because otherwise it would not have been able to include anti-covid drugs within the definition of a vaccine, since these drugs do not induce the production of protective antibodies and do not confer a specific resistance against the infectious disease caused by SarsCoV-2.

It should be pointed out that the presence of graphene oxide both in the batches of the “vaccine” as well as in the blood of those who have been inoculated has now been proven beyond any reasonable doubt, despite the fact that there is no scientific justification for its presence nor for its pharmaceutical use on human beings due to its toxicity. The devastating effects of graphene oxide on the organs of people who have been subjected to inoculation are now evident, and it is likely that pharmaceutical companies will soon be held accountable. Your Eminence surely already knows that the use of these technologies with self-assembling graphene oxide nanostructures has also been patented in order to allow for the tracking and remote control of subjects, in particular in order to monitor the vital parameters of each patient in a way that is connected to the cloud via the Bluetooth signal emitted by these nanostructures. As proof that this information is not the result of the ruminations of some conspiracy theorists, Your Eminence perhaps knows that the European Union has chosen as winners of a competition two projects dedicated to technological innovation: The Human Brain and Graphene. These two projects will each receive one billion euros in funding over the next ten years.

The “vaccines” against Covid-19 have been presented as the only possible alternative to a deadly disease. This was false from the very beginning, and with the perspective of two years it has also been confirmed as false: there were and are alternative treatments, but they have been methodically boycotted by the pharmaceutical companies – because they are inexpensive and not profitable for them – and discredited by scientific publications financed by BigPharma with articles that were later withdrawn because they were clearly based on falsified data. Furthermore, Covid-19 has been revealed to be – as was known and as was scientifically evident – to be a seasonal form of the coronavirus that is treatable and not deadly, a form of flu that causes only a minimal number of deaths among people who already have some other underlying condition. The multi-year monitoring of the coronavirus leaves no doubt in this regard and also eliminates the element of a “health emergency” that was used as a pretext to impose the vaccines.

The international norms specify that an experimental drug cannot be authorized for distribution except in the absence of another effective alternative treatment. This is why drug agencies around the world have prevented the use of ivermectin, hyperimmune plasma, and other treatments whose effectiveness has been demonstrated. There is no need to remind Your Eminence that all of these agencies, along with the WHO, are almost entirely financed by pharmaceutical companies and foundations linked to them and that there is a grave conflict of interest at the highest levels. In the past few days the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, had to answer to the Parliament about the PNRR funding that was obtained for the laboratories in Italy and Greece where her husband works, without forgetting that the same President refused to provide the European Court of Auditors with the text messages she exchanged with the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, about supply contracts, messages which still have not been revealed.

The imposition of the experimental serum took place through a coordinated employment of methods that was unprecedented in recent history, using mass manipulation techniques that are well known to psychology experts. In this operation of media terrorism and the violation of the natural rights of individuals, accompanied by intolerable blackmail and discrimination, the Catholic Hierarchy chose to take sides with the system, making itself the promoter of “vaccines,” even reaching the point of recommending them as a “moral duty.” The media skillfully used the spiritual authority of the Roman Pontiff and his media influence to confirm the mainstream narrative, and this was an essential element in the success of the entire vaccination campaign, convincing many of the faithful to undergo inoculation because of the trust they have placed in the Pope and his global role. The vaccination obligations imposed on employees of the Holy See, following the lines of protocols imposed in other nations, have confirmed the Vatican’s absolute alignment with extremely careless and reckless positions that are completely void of any scientific validity. This has exposed the Vatican City State to possible liability on the part of its officials, with a further burden on its treasury; and the possibility should not be excluded that the faithful may bring collective lawsuits against their own Pastors, who have been converted into salesmen of dangerous medicines.

After more than two years, the Church has not considered it necessary to make any statement to correct the Note, which in the light of new scientific evidence is now outdated and substantially contradicted by the harsh reality of the facts. Limiting itself strictly to an evaluation of the morality of the use of the vaccines, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has not taken account of the proportionality between the benefits of the gene serum – which have been completely absent – and the short- and long-term adverse side-effects which are now before everyone’s eyes. Since it is now evident that the drugs sold as vaccines do not give any significant benefit and on the contrary may cause a very high percentage of death or serious diseases even in people for whom Covid is not a serious threat, it is no longer possible to consider valid any attempt to demonstrate a proportionality between risks and benefits, thus eliminating one of the assumptions on which the Note was based: “The morality of vaccination depends not only on the duty to protect one’s own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good. In the absence of other means to stop or even prevent the epidemic, the common good may recommend vaccination, especially to protect the weakest and most exposed” (n. 5). We know well that there is no “absence of other means,” and that the serum neither stops nor prevents the epidemic: this makes the mRNA “vaccine” produced with aborted cell lines not only morally inacceptable but also absolutely dangerous for one’s health, and in the case of pregnant women also for the health of their children.

The Church, in expressing a moral evaluation of the vaccines, cannot fail to take into consideration the many elements that contribute to formulating an overall judgment. The Congregation cannot limit itself to the general theory of the moral lawfulness of the drug in itself – a lawfulness that is completely questionable given its ineffectiveness, the absence of tests of its genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, and the evidence of side-effects. Instead, the Congregation must speak out about this fact as soon as possible: Now that the complete uselessness of the serums “to stop or even prevent the epidemic” has been demonstrated, it can no longer be administered, and indeed there is a moral obligation for health authorities and drug companies to recall it as something dangerous and harmful, and for the individual faithful to refuse inoculation.

I further believe, Most Reverend Eminence, that the time has come for the Holy See to definitively distance itself from those private entities and multinational corporations that have believed that they can use the authority of the Catholic Church to endorse the neo-malthusian project of the United Nations’ Agenda2030 and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. It not tolerable that the voice of the Church of Christ continues to be complicit in a plan to reduce the global population based on the chronic pathologization of humanity and the induction of sterility; and this is even more necessary in the face of the scandalous conflict of interests to which the Holy See is exposed by accepting sponsorship and funding from the architects of these criminal plans.

It will not escape Your Eminence that there are very serious implications for the Holy Church as a result of her reckless support for the psychopandemic narrative. Taking advantage of Francis’ words and addresses to lead the faithful to submit themselves to a serum that has not only proven to be useless but actually gravely harmful has seriously compromised the authority of the Vatican, prompting it to propagate a treatment based on data that has proven to be partial and counterfeited. This reckless and less-than-transparent behavior involved an interference by the supreme ecclesiastical Authority in a field of strictly scientific concern which is instead “the responsibility of biomedical researchers and drug agencies.” After this betrayal, how will faithful Catholics and those who look to the Church as a sure guide be able to consider the Church’s positions as reliable and credible with any amount of serenity or confidence? And how will it be possible to remedy the damage that has been caused to those who, having neither medical training or competence, have undergone a treatment that has actually compromised their health or led to premature death, for the sole reason that it was recommended to them by the Pope, or the Bishop, or their parish priest, who told them that unless they were vaccinated they could not come to church, serve Mass, or sing in the choir?

The Catholic Hierarchy has experienced a decline in recent years that is directly proportional to the support it has given to the globalist ideology: its commitment to support the vaccine campaign is not an isolated case, judging by the participation of the Holy See in climate initiatives – which are also based on false assumptions that have nothing scientific about them – and trans-humanistic endeavors. But this is not the purpose for which Our Lord placed the Church on earth: She must first and foremost proclaim the Truth, keeping herself far away from dangerous involvements with the powerful of the earth, and even more so with those among them who are notoriously hostile to the teaching of Christ and Catholic morality. If the Hierarchy does not shake itself away from this obsequious enslavement, if it does not rediscover the courage and dignity to stand up against the mentality of the world, it will be overhwhelmed and will fall victim to its own inability to be a stumbling block and a sign of contradiction.

I am certain, Your Eminence, that you will want to consider the particular gravity of these themes, as well as the urgency of an enlightened intervention that is faithful to the teaching of the Gospel and the salus animarum which is and remains the suprema lex of the Church.

In Christo Rege,

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

Source: Viganò. Open Letter to the Holy See.

About Mgr. Vigano: 1. Mons. Viganó sobre Francisco y la vacuna covid - 2. Mons. Viganò sobre la Quinta Conferencia Internacional del Vaticano - 3. Carta muy importante de Monseñor Vigano sobre el origen de la crisis eclesial - 4. Monseñor Viganò: "Esta falsa pandemia ha sido planificada desde hace años" - 5. Mons. Viganò: "Cómo la revolución del Vaticano II sirve al Nuevo Orden Mundial" - 6. Monseñor Viganò: Consideraciones sobre el Gran Reinicio - 7. "Viganò contra Big Pharma" - 8. Mons. Viganò: "Bergoglio y el Episcopado son cómplices de la psicopandemia" - 9. Monseñor Viganò denuncia el Gran Reinicio - 10. Monseñor Viganò: "El Gran Reinicio es expresión del mal" - 11. Monseñor Viganò responde a Sandro Magister sobre el Concilio Vaticano II - 12. Continúan los ataques de Roberto De Mattei contra Mons. Viganò - 13. "MONS. VIGANO ON THE PANDEMIC FRAUD" - 14. Mgr. Vigano: Cette crise plandémique est le prélude à la fin des temps - Pour plus d'information: … - 15. ABP. VIGANÒ: New missive to Australia - 16. "Declaración de Mons. Viganò sobre la tiranía sanitaria de la OMS" - 17. Archbishop Viganò: "Agenda 2030: The Gates of Hell" - Italian with English subtitles - Archbishop … -18. Monsignor Vigano: Considerazioni sul Great Reset - Il 18 Maggio, Monsignor Vigano’ ha tenuto un … - 19. ABP. VIGANÒ‘S RESPONSE TO THE OPEN LETTER OF SR. ANTONIETTA POTENTE - 20. Abp. Viganò: The Pandemic Sanhedrin is Spinning a Labyrinth of Covid Lies - 21. Abp. Viganò warns about the danger of covid vaccines - 22. Entretien de Mgr Viganò pour Radio Spada - 23. Catholic medic with conflicts of interest parrots Big Pharma script - 24. "MGR. VIGANO SUR LA PLANDÉMIE" - 25. Archbishop Viganò defends Cardinal Müller and his Great Reset critique - 26. SONS OF THE DEVIL: Viganò Exposes the Great Reset - 27. Abp. Viganò calls for Anti Globalist Alliance to stop global enslavement of humanity - For more … - 28. Appeal to reject abortion-tainted COVID vaccines and mandates - "MONS. VIGANO ON THE PANDEMIC FRAUD" - 29. "MGR. VIGANO SUR LA PLANDÉMIE" - 30. "VATICAN II ET LE NOUVEL ORDRE MONDIAL" - 31. "PLANDEMIA: ATENTADO GLOBAL CONTRA LA HUMANIDAD" - 31. "CRISIS DEL HOMBRE Y DECADENCIA DE OCCIDENTE" - 32. Mgr. Viganò : "Nous sommes au-delà d'un coup global contre l'humanité." - 33. "THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN THE DEEP STATE AND THE DEEP CHURCH" - 34. MGR. VIGANO SUR LA FARCE PSYCHO PLANDEMIQUE - 35. ENTREVISTA DE STEVE BANNON A MONS. VIGANÒ - 36. L’Église profonde et l’État profond sont unis par la haine contre le Christ - 37. Mgr. Vigano: Le Great Reset est une religion diabolique - Transcription de la conférence: UDT … - 38. Mons. Viganò: La visione “teologica” del Great Reset - 39. Bishop Viganò: The “theological” vision of the Great Reset - 40. EL GLOBALISMO ES SATÁNICO - 41. Mgr. Viganò: The Revolution of Vatican II serves the New World Order - 42. Open letter from Mons. Viganò to the Vatican on vaccines. - 43. "Déclaration de Mgr. Viganò sur la tyrannie de l'OMS" - 44. Archbishop Viganò responds to Sandro Magister

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La impostura de las vacunas anti Covid-19: una prueba irrefutable. - 124. Vacunas experimentales inseguras e ineficaces: el caso Pfizer. - 125. El engaño de las "vacunas" anti covid. - 126. NO ES UNA VACUNA - 127. Moderna preparaba su "vacuna" desde diciembre de 2019. - 128. Dra. Carrie Madej sobre transhumanismo y las "vacunas" covid. - 129. La diputada Luz Belinda Rodríguez habla sobre el veneno transgénico an… - 130. Sinaloa. Joven de Los Mochis muere horas después de vacunarse contra Covid-19 - 131. NOS ESTAN MATANDO XXXVI. - 132. Enfermera del Departamento de Salud de EE.UU. denuncia que se ocultan … - 133. VACCIN cES AND TRANSHUMANISM - With Spanish Subtitles - Never get vaccin… - 134. ENFERMERA CHILENA ADVIERTE CONTRA LA VACUNACION DE LOS CHICOS - Fuente… - 135. PROTEJAMOS A NUESTROS HIJOS - Fuente: -… - 136. NOS ESTAN MATANDO XXXVII: niño chileno en grave estado tras ser inocul… - 136. 860 estudios y/o reportes científicos sobre los peligros asociados a l… - 137. "THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT" - EVIDENCE OF MILLIONS OF DEATHS AND HUNDRE… - 138. "INFORME DE MUERTES POR VACUNAS" - 139. THIS CRIMINAL VACCINE IS KILLING US - ABOUT THE DANGER OF THE COVID "V… - 140. NOS ESTAN MATANDO XXXIX - LAS "VACUNAS" COVID NO SON SEGURAS NI EFICAC… - 141. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 40 - Otra vida arruinada por la maldita vacuna - LAS… - 142. Canadian nurse quits her job and reports crimes she assisted during th… - 143. "El grafenado cerebral es irreversible." - 144. Una médico estadounidense de la UCI envía dos cartas a la FDA y a los CDC: "Ya no puedo aguantar mantenerme en silencio ante el grave daño que provocan las inoculaciones" - El Diestro - 145. Documento oficial de 90 páginas detallando los efectos adversos de la … - 146. Hay que proteger a los niños contra las "vacunas" covid. - 147. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 41 - LAS "VACUNAS" COVID NO SON SEGURAS NI EFICACES:… - 148. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 42 - Todos estos tremendos casos de efectos secundar… - 149. Carta Abierta a la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría sobre la vacunación en los niños. - 150. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 43 - LAS "VACUNAS" COVID NO SON SEGURAS NI EFICACES:… - 151. Brandy Parker is a young mother who suffers severe lower limb paralysi… - 152. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 44 - Joven sana queda postrada y con un severo deter… - 153. Covid Vaccines are Crimes Agains Humanity - STOP THIS CRIMINALS VACCIN… - 154. COVID VACCINES INJURIES - STOP THIS CRIMINALS VACCINES ! - ABOUT THE D… - 155. Dr. Ryan Cole: "Es hora de detener esto, que no es ciencia, sino tiran… - 156. COVID VACCINES INJURIES - STOP THIS CRIMINALS VACCINES ! - ABOUT THE D… - 157. A healthy 41 year old man who leaves behind a wife and children, is va… - 158. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 45 - Joven médico de 30 años, sano y deportista, luc… - 159. Maddie de Garay, 13 years old, wanted to be a nurse and help people, s… - 160. Girl seriously affected after receiving the covid vaccine - STOP THIS … - 161. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 46 - Fallece padre de familia en México luego de rec… - 162. Best wishes from Astrazeneca - STOP THIS CRIMINALS VACCINES ! - ABOUT … - 163. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 47 - Mujer brasileña se vacuna y le tienen que amput… - 164. Girl was vaccinated and now has half of her face paralyzed - STOP THIS… - 165. Enfermera canadiense renuncia a su trabajo y denuncia los crímenes a l… - 166. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 48 - LAS "VACUNAS" COVID NO SON SEGURAS NI EFICACES:… - 167. La malicia de Big Pharma es infinita. - 168. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 49 - Niño muere tras recibir el veneno transgénico -… - 169. 19 years old girl dies five days after her covid vaccine shot - STOP T… - 170. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 50 - Abuela de 86 años, en perfecto estado de salud,… - 171. 32-Year-Old American Soldier Has Pfizer-Induced Testicular Cancer - ST… - 172. World Class Athletes Suffer Vaccine Injuries. - 173. Athletes die or suffer heart attacks after being vaccinated - STOP THI… - 174. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 51 - Muchacha holandesa convulsiona luego de recibir… - 175. Pregnant woman gets vaccinated and loses her baby a few days later - S… - 176. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 52 - Joven colombiano sufre graves secuelas neurolog… - 177. GENOCIDIO EN CURSO - En USA, en 1977, se suspendió la campaña de vacun… - 178. "The brain of a news presenter destroyed by the criminal covid vaccine… - 179. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 53. - 180. ¿ASI O MAS CLARO? - La vacuna mata, a ver si tomamos conciencia de que… - 181. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 54 - Una pobre mujer con todo el cuerpo inflamado tr… - 182. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 55 - Famosos afectados por el veneno transgénico - L… - 183. Las inyecciones covid causan graves problemas cardíacos. - NOS ESTAN MATANDO 56: Muere en plena Misa sacerdote mexicano recientem… - 184. Doctor suffers serious adverse effects from the vaccine but no one res… - 185. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 57: MUJER PADECE SEVEROS TRASTORNOS NEUROLOGICOS TRA… - 186. "BBC journalist Lisa Shaw died because of the covid vaccine" - ABOUT T… - 187. Australian tennis legend Pat Cash explains that the inoculation nearly… - 188. THEY ARE KILLING US: A young woman suffering non stop seizures after - 189. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 58 - LAS "VACUNAS" COVID NO SON SEGURAS NI EFICACES:… - 190. Another victim of the criminal covid vaccines - ABOUT THE DANGER OF TH… - 191. Impresionante testimonio del Dr. Leonardo González Bayona sobre la imp… - 192. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 60" - 192. LAS VACUNAS COVID SON UNA EMPRESA CRIMINAL. - 193. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v… - 194. "The vaccination imposture is absolute and undeniable: the case of Sco… - 196. "Le Dr. Andreas Noack, chimiste autrichien renommé, est mort quelques … - 197. Dr. Pablo Campra: INFORME TECNICO FINAL DE DETECCION DE GRAFENO EN VAC… - 198. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 59 - ¿Abrirá los ojos algún día la gente sobre el at… - 199. LAS VACUNAS COVID SON UNA EMPRESA CRIMINAL. - 200. Estudios sobre los efectos adversos de las vacunas covid. - 201. Viral Twitter post claims 13yo died of ‘cardiac event’ as doctors cons… - 202. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 61: Madre relata lo sucedido a su hija, fallecida lu… - 203. "Dr. Byram Bridle: Safety Study Failures for Mass Vaccination of Child… - 204. THEY ARE KILLING US - This young lady is Faith. She's 16 years old. Sh… - 205. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 62" - Stephanie Gard fue trasladada de urgencia al … - 206. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 63: Graves secuelas neurológicas en un muchacho inye… - 207. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 64: Recién vacunado colapsa" - LAS "VACUNAS COVID" … - 208. NOS ESTAN MATANDO 65: Jovencita queda con graves secuelas neurológicas… - 209. 45-year-old woman experiences convulsions, partial paralysis days after Pfizer shot. - 210. "La Dra. Acevedo explica la miocarditis resultante de las 'vacunas' co… - 211. "A recently vaccinated 5-year-old boy has a heart attack and facial pa… - 212. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 66: Fallece sacerdote argentino de trombosis pulmon… - 213. "NO HAY QUE TEMER LAS HAKUNAS" - LAS BAKUNAZ K0BIT NO SON SEGURAS NI E… - 214. "Efectos secundarios de las hakunas: testimonio de una enfermera españ… - 215. HAKUNAS KOBIT MATAN A NIÑOS. - 216. Doctora advierte del riesgo que representan las "hakunas kobit" - Rela… - 217. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 67" - 218. "THEY ARE KILLING US: Young girl with brain tumor after corona vaccina… - 219. Images of permanent sequelae produced by the transgenic poison. Human … - 220. "I ended up in the ER Wednesday night after taking the second injectio… - 221. Tiranía sanitaria en Argentina: el caso de la provincia de Tucumán - R… 222. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 68: Militar español fallece de una trombosis tras r… - 223. THE COVID VACCINE DESTROYED MY CAREER AS A PROFESSIONAL CYCLIST AND MY… - 224. The "pandemic" is not about any virus but only about totalitarian cont… - 225. La ANMAT autorizó que las vacunas de Pfizer puedan ser aplicadas hasta 90 días después de la fecha de vencimiento - 226. "COVID VACCINES: A PATH TO DESTRUCTION" - We are facing the greatest c… - 227. Médico explica la pericarditis y la miocarditis, dos de los tantos efe… - 228. "PACIENTES INCENDIADOS" - Sunami de cáncer relacionado con el veneno t… - 229. 53.000 muertos por el veneno transgénico en Europa y USA. - 230. THEY ARE KILLING US - Basketball player did not want to get vaccinated… - 231. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 70": HAKUNA KOB1T ARRUINA LA VIDA DE NIÑA CHILENA D… - 232. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 71" - Este tipo de información jamás es dada por la… - 233. "THEY ARE KILLING US": Vaccinated athletes around the world suddenly c… - 234. Otra persona a la "que le tocaba". A pesar de la censura, cada día se … - 235. Otro pobre ingenuo al que le vendieron el cuento y lo compró completo.… - 236. "Se filtra video de la OMS sobre la inseguridad de las vacunas" - 03/1… - 237. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 73: Jóvenes ciclistas con miocarditis tras la vacun… - 238. "El criminal gobierno argentino, vendido a los laboratorios, promueve … - 239. Tucker Carlson, de Fox News, habla sobre la locura que es vacunar a lo… - 240. "Miocarditis en niños vacunados: la miocarditis nunca es una afección … - 241. VAERS USA: Adverse Reactions up to 17 december 2021 - Voice of Dr. Pet… - 242. Tres millones de efectos adversos provocados por las vacunas covid al … - 243. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 72": Deportistas vacunados colapsan, deben interrum… - 244. "Vacunación infantil: denuncias penales contra el personal sanitario q… - 245. MÁS DENUNCIAS PENALES CONTRA SANITARIOS QUE INYECTAN LA VACUNA COVID D… - 246. "THEY ARE KILLING US" - Max Harrison, with pericarditis after second v… - 247. La realidad virtual es utilizada para engañar a los niños y poder inye… - 248. Piloto vacunado alerta sobre el riesgo de accidente aéreo - I. NO HAY … - 249. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 74: El presentador de televisión brasileño Rafael S… - 250. "NOS ESTÁN MATANDO: ¿Cuándo lo vamos a entender?" - Subtitulado en castellano. - WITH SPAN… - 251. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 75: La sangre de muchas personas vacunadas se espes… - 252. "Funeral director explains why there are so many hearts attacks" - WIT… - 253. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 76: Terribles efectos epidérmicos del pinchazo tran… - 254. "El Dr. Freddy Portillo, médico hondureño, advierte sobre el peligro q… - 255. A vaccinated nurse explains what happened to her when, complying with … - 255. "Athletes who died after inoculation" - More than 400 athletes, mostly… - 256. Es muy raro lo que está ocurriendo con los deportistas: ¿por qué será?… - 257. Le Dr. Perronne s'exprime au sujet de la plandémie au Parlement du Lux… - 258. "Active pilots who died in the USA - 2019: 1 - 2020: 6 - 2022 (January… - 259. GENOCIDIO PLANDEMICO - Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez - El protocolo que se… - 260. Dra. Viviana Lens, médica geriatra de Tierra del Fuego, denuncia los g… - 261. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 77: Hombre fallece en Italia en el centro de vacuna… - 262. "Efectos electromagnéticos en bakunaz kobit" - ESTO ES UN CRIMEN CONTR… - 263. GENOCIDIO PLANDEMICO. - 264. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 78: Enfermera vacunada padece convulsiones por siet… - 265. HAKUNAS KOBIT ASESINAS. - 266. KILLER VACCINES: 62,000 DEATHS AND 10 MILLION ADVERSE EFFECTS IN ONE Y… - 267. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 79: fallece niño en Brasil poco después de recibir … - 268. "THEY ARE KILLING US: Several blood clots after covid vaccination, tha - 269. "NOS ESTAN MATANDO 80" - Le amputan una pierna luego de ser inyectado con el veneno transgénico - … - 270. "SON CRIMINALES" - Niño argentino de 7 años doblemente vacunado está entre la vida y la muerte … - 271. 20 year old Claire Bridges is fully vaxxed. She was diagnosed with myocarditis and is losing her … - 272. "NOS ESTÁN MATANDO 81: niña brasileña fallece luego de recibir el veneno transgénico" - Relacionado… - 273. Funeral director says the deaths are the effects of the covid injections - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES -… - 274. ÓXIDO DE GRAFENO EN LAS VACUNAS - Ricardo Delgado - La Quinta Columna - Relacionado: 1. El Dr. … - 275. Flagrant collusion of the E. U. with Pfizer - 276. El Dr. Russell Blaylock habla sobre el incremento de niños con efectos adversos debido a las inyecc… - 277. A DESIGNED HUMAN TRAGEDY - With Spanish Subtitles - Dr. Russell Blaylock - The COVID-19 pandemic … - 278. PFIZER CRIMINAL - 279. PLANDEMIC MASS MURDER - "Funeral director John O’Looney witnessed mass murder by British governm… - 280. ASESINARON A LOS ANCIANOS PARA CREAR PÁNICO Y QUE LA GENTE CREYERA EN LA PANDEMIA Y EN … - 281. BLOOD CLOTS IN VACCINATED - With Spanish Subtitles - Related: 1. COVID-19 Vaccines: Scientific … - 282. VACUNACIÓN COVID PARA NIÑOS PROHIBIDA EN URUGUAY - 283. "NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST" - Well, I suppose that this is totally normal and that there is no confli… - 284. "VACUNA PFIZER Y DESPOBLACIÓN MUNDIAL" - 285. SOME ADVERSE EFFECTS OF THE COVID JAB - 286. PFIZER OCULTÓ EFECTOS ADVERSOS EN ARGENTINA - El Dr. Claudio Zin (Claudio Zin - Wikipedia, la … - 287. PLANDEMIC GENOCIDE - 288. "Global Covid Summit Physicians Declaration" - 289. CORONA FARCE CRIMINELLE (SUBTITULADO EN ESPAÑOL) - Il n'y a pas d'infection, mais de l'empoisonne… - 290. “The Covid Lies” - Dr. Mike Yeadon - April 10, 2022 - In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon … - 291. Documental EL PLAN: La OMS ha planeado 10 años de "pandemias" - Top experts are warning humanity … - 292. BAKUNA KOBIT ARRUINA LA VIDA DE UN MÉDICO - 293. "Graves irregularidades en los ensayos de Pfizer en Argentina" - 294. "PFIZER OCULTA EFECTOS ADVERSOS" - 295. AFECTADOS POR LAS VACUNAS COVID - Programa especial completo en 7NN - Aquí tenéis la retransmisió… - 296. "PANDEMIC: A MANUFACTURED CRISIS" - DR. ANDREW KAUFMAN - I have decided to publish this intervie… - 297. Young man died of joy and vaccines are of course not the cause - 298. Newborn Baby’s Arm AMPUTATED After Mom Took Covid “Vaccines” and Baby Suffered Blood Clots in the Womb - 299. 5-Year-Old Dies of Cardiac Arrest Caused by Myocarditis - 300. Video: Quinceañera muere en Coahuila al bailar vals con su papá - 301. #repentinitis - Twitter Search / Twitter - 302. Covid vax-related injuries happening among pilots - 303. THE HARM CAUSED BY FAKE COVID VACCINES - 304. POISONOUS COVID VACCINES CONTINUE THEIR DEVASTATING WORK - With Spanish Subtitles - For … - 305. CRIMINAL COVID VACCINES AND WORLD DEPOPULATION - With Spanish Subtitles - For more information… - 306. Covid vaccines are a bioterrorist attack and a crime against humanity - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - … - 307. No a la vacuna covid para niños a partir de seis meses - 308. "Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion" - 2022 - Oracle Films - Since A… - 309. Associated Press ‘fact-checkers’ admit Pfizer never provided evidence … - 310. In COVID hearing Pfizer director admits that the covid vaccine was nev…

For more information: 1. Questioning the official account - 2. One year of Global Health Tyranny. - 3. Brutal Health Totalitarianism. - 4. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - 5. Pandemic and Simulation Games: Preparation for a New Era? - Paul Schreyer. - 6. The shocking truth about Covid19: Discover how superrich criminals hav… - 7. Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose. - 8. Gates health empire, Luciferase, and Patent WO-2020-060606 - 9. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 10. New Normal: Pandemic Police State. All of the politicians and medical … - 11. Freedom Alliance Ireland against Plandemic. Lockdowns Are Quietly Imp… - 12. COVIDLAND - EPISODE 1: THE LOCKDOWN - Covidland: The Lockdown is part … - 13. "MONOPOLY: WHO OWNS THE WORLD" - Stop World Control: stopworldcontrol.… - 14. "What they hide from us about covid vaccines" - Some say that if, afte… - 15. "THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT" - EVIDENCE OF MILLIONS OF DEATHS AND HUNDRE… - 16. CLAIRE EDWARDS: THE COVID-19 GENOCIDE OF 2020 (See below the full tran… - 17. PLANDEMIC 2 INDOCTORNATION - SPANISH SUBTITLES - 18. CONSTRUCTION OF PANIC for World Governance - 19. MONOPOLY: AN OVERVIEW OF THE GREAT RESET - This informative video give… - 20. "BIG PHARMA: Exposing the Criminal Pharmaceutical Industry" - English … - 21. Documentary: "The new normality" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES. - 22. "The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used" - With Spanish… - 23. The Price of Panic Breakout Session from Freedom Summit 2020 - Jay Ric… - 24. CORONA WORLD ORDER - What we are witnessing with this "global health c… - 25. Vernon Coleman, "The Old Man in the Chair": London Speech July 24, 202… - 26. UK Plandemic Brainwashing - Miles Christi - 03/25/2021 - 27. THE NEW NORMAL - A DOCUMENTARY BY HAPPEN.NETWORK - 28. "PLANET LOCKDOWN" - With Spanish Subtitles - Source: WATCH THE FILM – Planet Lockdown Documenta… - 29. "PSEUDOPANDEMIC: New Normal Technocracy" - By Iain Davis - 2021 - Sources: 1. "Pseudopandemic" - … - 30. THE PANDEMIC GREAT DECEIT: THE COVID VIRUS HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED - 31. Documental EL PLAN: La OMS ha planeado 10 años de "pandemias" - Top experts are warning humanity … - 32."PLANDEMIC: GRAND JURY EVIDENCE" - Lawyers and top experts reveal evidence for world dictatorship. … - 33. “The 2020-22 Worldwide Corona Crisis” - 34. "Miles - Christi - English 2021" - 35. 20 Years After 9/11 - 36. “The Covid Lies” - Dr. Mike Yeadon - April 10, 2022 - In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon … - 37. EL GRAN REINICIO (English with Spanish subtitles) - 38. Two Years of Global Health Tyranny"

Para más información: 1. "Dieciocho meses de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial" - Miles Christi - 15/09… - 2. La triple mentira plandémica. - 3. Boletín informativo VII. - 4. La verdad sobre la "pandemia". - 5. "Cronología Target Covid-19" - Realizado por: Junta Argentina de Revis… - 6. Miles Christi 2020-2021: Una selección temática. - 7. "Estudio de la pandemia: análisis científico independiente" - Sergio P… - 8. Vacuna Covid: Crimen Contra la Humanidad. - 9. Lo que nos ocultan sobre las "vacunas" covid. Algunos dicen que si, de… - 10. Boletín informativo VIII. - 11. "El relato pandémico" - Nicolás Ponsiglione - Este es un libro muy rec… - 12. "INFORME DE MUERTES POR VACUNAS" - 13. PLANDEMIC 2 INDOCTORNATION - SPANISH SUBTITLES - 14. NO a la vacunación obligatoria. - 15. PLANDEMIA: El objetivo que persigue la élite. - 16. LAS VACUNAS COVID SON UNA EMPRESA CRIMINAL. - 17. LA CONSTRUCCION DEL PANICO para la Gobernanza Mundial - 18. PLANDEMIA: CRONOLOGÍA DE UN GENOCIDIO PROGRAMADO - 19. "BIG PHARMA: Poniendo al descubierto la criminal industria farmacéutic… - 20. ASESINADOS: EL DOCUMENTAL. En este documental, brillantemente conducid… - 21. Documental: "La nueva normalidad". - 22. "Event 201" - Simulacro de pandemia de coronavirus organizado por la F… - 23. "Miles Christi 2021" - 24. "HISTORIA Y OBJETIVOS DE LA FALSA PANDEMIA" - El abogado Reiner Fuellmich entrevista a la investiga… - 25. El ABC de la plandemia - 26. "PLANETA CONFINADO" / "PLANET LOCKDOWN" - Valioso documental acerca del atentado terrorista … - 27. "Covid: el engaño más grande en la historia de la salud" - 28. Documental EL PLAN: La OMS ha planeado 10 años de "pandemias" - Top experts are warning humanity … - 29. "¡Despierta! Cómo las élites están controlando el mundo" - 30. EL GRAN REINICIO - 31. A 20 años del atentado terrorista del 11-S - 32. 2020-2022: Dos años de Miles Christi - 33. "Dos años de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial"

Pour plus d'information: 1. Un an de Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale. - 2. Totalitarisme Sanitaire Brutal. - 3. Tyrannie Sanitaire Mondiale - 4. Radio-Québec - Nuremberg 2.0, les procès COVID commencent. - 5. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos - 6. Le Docteur Louis Fouché explique pourquoi il ne se fera pas vacciner -… - 7. La fraude du test PCR et de la "pandémie" de covid - Dossier préparé par Germán Sarlangue. - 8. VACCINATION COVID-19, LE CRIME PARFAIT - 9. HOLD-UP - Retour sur un chaos - 2è version. - 10. MANIGANCE-19: La vidéo qui dénonce la grande manipulation COVID-19 - 11. Le "vaccin" covid, est-il sûr? Rien n'est moins sûr... - Voir aussi: 1… - 12. "PRIMUM NON NOCERE" - Suite du documentaire "HOLD UP" (1. HOLD-UP - Re… - 13. "30 faits que vous devez savoir : Une fiche d’information sur le COVID." - 14. Comité d'investigation de Reiner Fuellmich - 15. LA CONSTRUCTION DE LA PANIQUE pour la Gouvernance Mondiale - 16. Des signaux de fréquences Bluetooth ou analogue chez les personnes aya… - 17. SPORTIFS PROFESSIONNELS ET OLYMPIQUES DÉCÉDÉS OU GRAVEMENT BLESSÉS AU … - 18. "VACCINS: UN PLAN MONDIAL" - Transcription audio de l’article du magaz… - 19. Scandale chez Merck: une ancienne cadre, Brandy Vaughan, avoue tout - … - 21. Documentaire "Planet Lockdown" - Version doublée en français - Partie 1/4 - Source, avec les trois … - 22. Vaccins et virus – Nouveau Monde - 23. Une épidémie de mensonges - 24. "2013-2022: Neuf ans avec François" - 25. La laïcité contre Dieu, l'Église et la France - 26. La doctrine de l’âme chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin - Miles Christi.
Miles - Christi and 2 more users link to this post
Mark Megahan
I am an independent conservative journalist who has been following and covering Mons. Vigano for some time. If this publication has a way to contact him, I would love for someone on his staff to contact me at my account email. Particularly to discuss Grey Wolf Walk For Freedom Across America. It is a peaceful and simple effort to raise awareness for the need to end the vaccine mandate. A word of …More
I am an independent conservative journalist who has been following and covering Mons. Vigano for some time. If this publication has a way to contact him, I would love for someone on his staff to contact me at my account email. Particularly to discuss Grey Wolf Walk For Freedom Across America. It is a peaceful and simple effort to raise awareness for the need to end the vaccine mandate. A word of encouragement from Msr. V. would go far to help our efforts. I'm a sponsor and blogger for them. Thank you!
Miles - Christi - English
Hello. I suggest you contact Michael Matt at The Remnant, he may be able to help you. Best regards.
Mark Megahan
Thank you! I will.
Miles - Christi
I don't know why, but I also have a hunch that the "most reverend eminences" will not take the claim very seriously... 😂
i dont think they will listen to you