
In Spite of Ban: Pelosi Picks Up Novus Ordo Communion

The abortion activist Nancy Pelosi picked up Novus Ordo Communion at a May 22 Mass at the Jesuit Holy Trinity Parish, Georgetown, Washington Archdiocese.

Pelosi was banned on May 20 from receiving Communion in San Francisco, her home diocese, by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone. Washington Cardinal Gregory didn’t comment on the ban.

In her first reaction to the ban, Pelosi doubled down on abortion during the May 24 TV show Morning Joe, and attacked Cordileone because he is critcal of homosex propaganda.


Congratulations, Jose. This is the fifth time in a row you spammed the same irrelevant link. You're the other reason GTV needs mods.
Thanks for the red frownie @Sancte Teotónio. Trust one Latino to always cover for another, even when he's spamming.
Alle politici die abortus propaganderen moeten geëxcommuniceerd worden.
From 2020, but actual actually
Using a work-around in order to partake.
la verdad prevalece
Jesuit dissidents with the complicity of Bergoglio give sacrilegious communion to politicians who promote abortion and homosexuality.
The apostate Joe Biden Received Sacrilegious Communion at ultra-liberal Jesuit-run church Despite Celebrating Abortion Two Days Before
"Heart of a lion”- this is the literal translation of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone's last name
Unfortunately she is leading other people to sin aswell ,she is also in need of conversion
1 Corinthians 11:29 .... eating and drinking judgement upon herself.
Archbishop Joseph Naumann: I fully support the both pastoral and courageous actions that Archbishop Cordileone has now taken in an effort to awaken Speaker Pelosi’s conscience
Damian Thompson: "Cardinal Gregory is ignoring it with, I’m certain, the support of the Pope. The Bergoglian pontificate has torn up the rule book on this and many other crucial subjects. I increasingly think of canon law as legal fiction."
Fr Kevin Gillespie, SJ is the parish priest of Holy Trinity (Nancy Pelosi sacrilegiously received Holy Communion on Sunday at Holy Trinity, Georgetown.)
Sally Dorman
Nazis did not rise up from hell to impose their viciousness on Europe. They were formed by the schools that were controlled by the government, the cowardly withdrawal of many churches, and the misuse of language… - Dr. Jessica Hooten Wilson (The Scandal of Holiness)
Sancte Teotónio
It was not withdrawal as much that it was persecution and elimination of catholic schools by state and enforcing everyone to attend state controlled schooling.
Also dismantling of catholic youth groups and catholic publications to force everyone on the nazi youth.More
It was not withdrawal as much that it was persecution and elimination of catholic schools by state and enforcing everyone to attend state controlled schooling.

Also dismantling of catholic youth groups and catholic publications to force everyone on the nazi youth.
John A Cassani
@The New Knights Templar A few years ago, Phil Lawler commented on the coming crisis in Catholic education, made inevitable by the collapse in devoutness that’s taken place over the last several decades. It’s been bad for a long time. At the Boston area Catholic high school I attended in the ‘90s, there was not a single “theology” teacher who was orthodox. Liberation theology was treated as dogma …More
@The New Knights Templar A few years ago, Phil Lawler commented on the coming crisis in Catholic education, made inevitable by the collapse in devoutness that’s taken place over the last several decades. It’s been bad for a long time. At the Boston area Catholic high school I attended in the ‘90s, there was not a single “theology” teacher who was orthodox. Liberation theology was treated as dogma, and there was no formation in chastity, for a couple of examples. The thing was, nearly all of these teachers were going to Mass every Sunday. By now, pretty much all of the “theology” teachers have no Catholic upbringing, with all of their “knowledge” coming from masters programs at places like Boston College. Catholic education needs to just start over. There is almost nothing worth keeping of the current way of doing business.
Jeffrey Ade
Now their groomed at DAVOS.