
Kazakhstan Declaration Changed After the Event (Video)

The heretical Number 10 of the Kazakhstan Declaration which was signed by Francis was secretly changed only hours after its proclamation. The original version was read during the live-streamed event …More
The heretical Number 10 of the Kazakhstan Declaration which was signed by Francis was secretly changed only hours after its proclamation.
The original version was read during the live-streamed event by the Anglican lay-bishopess Jo Bailey Wells (sequence below) and published on Religions-Congress.org. The original version was:
“We note that pluralism and differences in religion, skin color, gender, race, and language are expressions of the wisdom of God’s will in creation.”
The revised version avoids “God’s will” and speaks only of "permission":
“We note that pluralism in terms of differences in skin color, gender, race, language and culture are expressions of the wisdom of God in creation. Religious diversity is permitted by God and, therefore, any coercion to a particular religion and religious doctrine is unacceptable.”
Jeffrey Ade
@Ursula Sankt "Irreligious conference!"
Sally Dorman shares this
Significant changes were made to the interreligious Nur-Sultan Declaration AFTER it was passed by the delegates of the conference.
Hound of Heaven
Only an idiot would honor, and not retract, one's signature on a document which has been changed after it was already signed with a different text. Otherwise, the signature means nothing in the first place, and the door is left open for further amendments after the fact.
Ursula Sankt
Now the "official" copy of the joint statement differs from what was read at the congress.
Jeffrey Ade
Sounds like congress!
Ursula Sankt
Francis at interreligious conference: "Pope John Paul II ...stated that 'for the Church all ways lead to man' and that man is 'the way for the Church'" (RH, 14). I would like to say that today man is also the way for all the religions"
DefendTruth shares this
The revised version avoids “God’s will” and speaks only of "permission"
John A Cassani
I’d be interested to hear exactly how this change came about. The new text of this article is not controversial at all, considering the circumstances. Obviously it would be better if it didn’t happen at all, but the change could indicate that someone in Rome actually has a “red line” that they will not permit to be crossed.
The "change" is meaningless in context - it still forbids proselytism due to God (sic) "permitting" a variety of religions.
Pagan smudging ceremonies are ok but Latin Mass is a no go.
Agatha James
That guy looks as much a native American as my German grandpa does.
Jeffrey Ade
@Agatha James I think he's Argentinian.
Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass WB Schneider den Heiligen Vater auf die Problematik eines häretischen Verständnisses hingewiesen hat und insofern eine nachträgliche Änderung vorgenommen wurde!
Pfr. Name Name
Abu Dhabi wurde nie korrigiert.
Agatha James
So the Bishop of Rome signed the original. So he committed to the original or is the replacement what is binding. Either way the average man in the pew will be like they're all good.
Miles - Christi
He commited to the original, take a look here: The Vatican promotes apostasy and a global religion
Jesus Christ is the true real star of the world - Fr Philip Mulryne, Former Manchester United player